TSK - JOB 11


1 Zophar reproves Job for justifying himself. 5 God's wisdom is unsearchable. 13 The assured blessing of repentance. VERSE 1 - Zophar. See on ch. * Job 2:11; 20:1 VERSE 2 - the multitude. * Job 16:3; 18:2 Ps 140:11 Pr 10:19 Ac 17:18 Jas 1:19 - full of talk. Heb. of lips. VERSE 3 - thy lies. or, thy devices. * Job 13:4; 15:2,3; 24:25 - mockest. * Job 12:4; 13:9; 17:2; 34:7 Ps 35:16 Jer 15:17 Jude 1:18 - make thee. * Ps 83:16 2Th 3:14 Tit 2:8 VERSE 4 - For thou. * Job 6:10; 10:7 1Pe 3:15 - I am clean. * Job 6:29,30; 7:20; 9:2,3; 14:4; 34:5,6; 35:2 VERSE 5 * Job 23:3-7; 31:35; 33:6-18; 38:1,2; 40:1-5,8; 42:7 VERSE 6 - shew thee. * Job 15:8,11; 28:28 De 29:29 Ps 25:14 Da 2:28,47 Mt 13:35 * Ro 16:25,26 1Co 2:9-11 Eph 3:5 - God exacteth. * Ezr 9:13 Ps 103:10; 106:43-46 La 3:22 VERSE 7 - Canst. * Job 5:9; 26:14; 37:23 Ps 77:19; 145:3 Ec 3:11 Isa 40:28 Mt 11:27 * Ro 11:33 1Co 2:10,16 Eph 3:8 VERSE 8 - It is as high as heaven. Heb. the heights of heaven. * Job 22:12; 35:5 2Ch 6:18 Ps 103:11; 148:13 Pr 25:2,3 Isa 55:9 - deeper. * Job 26:6 Ps 139:6-8 Am 9:2 Eph 3:18,19 VERSE 9 - longer. * Job 28:24,25 Ps 65:5-8; 139:9,10 VERSE 10 - If he cut off. or, If he make a change. * Job 5:18; 9:4,12,13; 12:14; 34:29 Isa 41:27 Da 4:35 - shut up. * Job 38:8 De 32:30 Ps 31:8 Re 3:7 - hinder him. Heb. turn him away. VERSE 11 - he knoweth. * Ps 94:11 Jer 17:9,10 Joh 2:24,25 Heb 4:13 Re 2:23 - he seeth. * Job 22:13,14 Ps 10:11,14; 35:22 Ec 5:8 Ho 7:2 Hab 1:13 Heb 4:13 VERSE 12 - For vain. Heb. For empty. * Ps 62:9,10; 73:22; 92:6 Ec 3:18 Ro 1:22 Jas 2:20 - would. * Job 5:13; 12:2,3; 28:28 Pr 30:2-4 Ro 12:16 1Co 3:18-20 Jas 3:13-17 - man be. * Job 15:14 Ps 51:5 Eph 2:3 - a wild. * Job 6:5; 39:5-8 Jer 2:24 VERSE 13 - prepare. * Job 5:8; 8:5,6; 22:21,22 1Sa 7:3 2Ch 12:14; 19:3 Ps 78:8 Lu 12:47 - stretch. * Ps 68:31; 88:9; 143:6 VERSE 14 - iniquity. * Job 4:7; 22:5 Isa 1:15 - put it far. * Job 22:23; 34:32 Eze 18:30,31 Jas 4:8 - let not. * Ps 101:2 Zec 5:3,4 VERSE 15 - lift up. * Job 10:15; 22:26 Ge 4:5,6 Ps 119:6,7 2Co 1:12 1Ti 2:8 1Jo 2:28 * 1Jo 3:19-22 - thou shalt be. * Ps 27:1; 46:1; 112:6-8 Pr 14:26; 28:1 VERSE 16 - Because. * Ge 41:51 Pr 31:7 Ec 5:20 Isa 54:4; 65:16 Joh 16:21 Re 7:14-17 - as waters. * Job 6:15 Ge 9:11 Isa 12:1,2; 54:9 VERSE 17 - age. * Job 42:11-17 Ps 37:6; 92:14; 112:4 Pr 4:18 Isa 58:8-10 Mic 7:8,9 * Zec 14:6,7 Mal 4:2 Lu 2:26-32 - be clearer than. Heb. arise above, etc. thou shalt. * 1Ch 29:10 Ho 6:3 VERSE 18 - because. * Job 6:11; 7:6; 22:27-29 Ps 43:5 Pr 14:32 Ro 5:3-5 Col 1:27 - thou shalt take. * Le 26:5,6 Ps 3:5; 4:8 Pr 3:24-26 VERSE 19 - many. * Job 42:8,9 Ge 26:26-31 Ps 45:12 Pr 19:6 Isa 60:14 Re 3:9 - make suit unto thee. Heb. intreat thy face. VERSE 20 - the eyes. * Job 31:16 Le 26:16 De 28:65 Ps 69:3 La 4:17 - they shall not escape. Heb. flight shall perish from them. * Am 2:14; 5:19,20; 9:1-3 Heb 2:3 - their hope. * Job 8:13,14; 18:14; 27:8 Pr 10:24; 20:20 Lu 16:23-26 - the giving up of the ghost. or, a puff of breath. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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