1 The holiness, riches, and religious care of Job for his children. 6 Satan, appearing before God, by calumniation obtains leave to afflict Job. 13 Understanding of the loss of his children and goods, in his mourning he blesses God. VERSE 1 - Uz. * Ge 10:23; 22:20,21 - Huz. * Ge 36:28 1Ch 1:17,42 Jer 25:20 La 4:21 - Job. * Eze 14:14,20 Jas 5:11 - perfect. * :8; 2:3; 23:11,12; 31:1-40 Ge 6:9; 17:1 2Ki 20:3 2Ch 31:20,21 * Lu 1:6 - one. * Ge 22:12 Pr 8:13; 16:6 1Pe 3:11 VERSE 2 - seven sons. * Job 13:13 Es 5:11 Ps 107:38; 127:3-5; 128:3 VERSE 3 - substance. or, cattle. * Ge 12:5; 13:6; 34:23 2Ch 32:29 - seven. * Job 42:12 Ge 12:16 Nu 31:32-34 Jud 6:5 1Sa 25:2 2Ki 3:4 Pr 10:22 - household. or, husbandry. * 2Ch 26:10 - greatest. * Job 29:9,10,25 - men. Heb. sons. * Jud 6:3; 7:12; 8:10 1Ki 4:30 - of the east. * Ge 25:6; 29:1 Nu 23:7 VERSE 4 - sent and called. * Ps 133:1 Heb 13:1 VERSE 5 - sanctified. * Job 41:25 Ge 35:2,3 Ex 19:10 1Sa 16:5 Ne 12:30 Joh 11:55 - rose up. * Ge 22:3 Ps 5:3 Ec 9:10 - offered. * Job 42:8 Ge 8:20 Ex 18:12; 24:5 Le 1:3-6 - according. * 1Ki 18:31 Ac 21:26 - It may be. * 2Co 11:2 - cursed. * :11; 2:9 Le 24:10-16 1Ki 21:10,13 - in their hearts. * Ge 6:5 Jer 4:14; 17:9,10 Mr 7:21-23 Ac 8:22 1Co 4:5 - Thus. * Job 27:10 - continually. Heb. all the days. * Lu 1:75; 18:7 Eph 6:18 VERSE 6 - Now. * Job 2:1 - the sons. * Job 38:7 Da 3:25 Lu 3:38 - came to. * Ps 103:20 Mt 18:10 - Satan. Heb. the adversary. * 1Ki 22:19 1Ch 21:1 Zec 3:1 Re 12:9,10 - came also. * Joh 6:70 - among them. Heb. in the midst of them. VERSE 7 - Whence. * Job 2:2 2Ki 5:25 - From going. * Zec 1:10,11; 6:7 Mt 12:43 1Pe 5:8 Re 12:9,12-17; 20:8 VERSE 8 - considered. Heb. set thy heart on. * Job 2:3; 34:14 Eze 40:4 - my servant. * Nu 12:7,8 Ps 89:20 Isa 42:1 - none. * Nu 12:3 1Ki 4:30,31 2Ki 23:25 - a perfect. * :1; 8:20; 9:22,23 Ps 18:23 Joh 1:47 - upright. * Job 12:4; 17:8,9; 23:11,12 Ps 84:11 - one. * Ne 5:15 Ps 36:1 Pr 8:13 Lu 23:39,40 - escheweth. * Ps 34:14; 37:27 Isa 1:16 VERSE 9 - Doth Job. * :21; 2:10; 21:14,15 Mal 1:10 Mt 16:26 1Ti 4:8; 6:6 VERSE 10 - an hedge. * Ge 15:1 De 33:27 1Sa 25:16 Ps 5:12; 34:7; 80:12 Isa 5:2,5 * Zec 2:5,8 1Pe 1:5 - about. * Ge 39:5 De 28:2-6 Ps 71:21; 128:1-4 - thou hast blessed. * Job 42:12 Ge 26:12; 30:30; 49:25 De 7:13; 33:11 Ps 90:17; 107:38 * Pr 10:22 - substance. or, cattle. * Ge 30:43 VERSE 11 - But put. * :12; 2:5 Isa 5:25 - touch. * Job 4:5; 19:21 Ge 26:11 Ps 105:15 Zec 2:8 - and he will curse thee. Heb. if he curse thee not. * :5,21 - See on ch. * Job 2:9 Isa 8:21 Mal 3:13,14 Re 16:9,11,21 VERSE 12 - Behold. * 1Ki 22:23 Lu 8:32; 22:31,32 Joh 19:11 2Co 12:7 - power. Heb. hand. * Ge 16:6 Jer 38:5 Joh 3:35,36 - only. * Job 2:4-6 Ps 76:10 Isa 27:8 1Co 10:13 - So Satan. * Job 2:7 Lu 8:33 VERSE 13 - when. * :4 Pr 27:1 Ec 9:12 Lu 12:19,20; 17:27-29; 21:34 VERSE 14 - messenger. * 1Sa 4:17 2Sa 15:13 Jer 51:31 VERSE 15 - Sabeans. * Ge 10:7,28; 25:3 Ps 72:10 Isa 45:14 Eze 23:42 Joe 3:8 - and I only. * :16,17,19 1Sa 22:20,21 VERSE 16 - there came. * Ge 19:24 Le 9:24 1Ki 18:38 2Ki 1:10,12,14 Am 7:4 Re 13:13 - The fire of God. or, A great fire. * Ex 9:28 1Sa 14:15 *marg: VERSE 17 - The Chaldeans. * Ge 11:28 Isa 23:13 Hab 1:6 - fell. Heb. rushed. I only am. * :15 2Sa 1:3 VERSE 18 - there came. * Job 6:2,3; 16:14; 19:9,10; 23:2 Isa 28:19 Jer 51:31 La 1:12 * Am 4:6-11 - Thy sons. * :4,13; 8:4; 27:14 Ps 34:19 Ec 9:2 - eating. * 2Sa 13:28 VERSE 19 - a great. * Jer 4:11,12 Eph 2:2 - from. Heb. from aside, etc. it fell. * Jud 16:30 1Ki 20:30 Mt 7:27 Lu 13:1-5 Ac 28:4 - they are dead. * Ge 37:32,33; 42:36 2Sa 18:33 VERSE 20 - rent. * Ge 37:29,34 Ezr 9:3 - mantle. or robe. fell. * De 9:18 2Sa 12:16-20 2Ch 7:3 Mt 26:39 1Pe 5:6 VERSE 21 - Naked came. * Ge 3:19 Ps 49:17 Ec 5:15; 12:7 1Ti 6:7 - the Lord gave. * Job 2:10 Ge 30:2 Ec 5:19 La 3:38 Jas 1:17 - taken away. * Ge 45:5 2Sa 16:12 1Ki 12:15 Ps 39:9 Isa 42:24; 45:7 Am 3:6 * Mt 20:15 Ac 4:28 - blessed. * :11 1Sa 3:18 2Ki 20:19 Ps 34:1; 89:38-52 Isa 24:15 Eph 5:20 * 1Th 5:18 VERSE 22 - In all this. * Job 2:10 Jas 1:4,12 1Pe 1:7 - charged God foolishly. or, attributed folly to God. * Job 34:10,18,19; 40:4-8 Ro 9:20 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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