1 Jeremiah prophesies the overthrow of Pharaoh's army at Euphrates, 13 and the conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadrezzar. 27 He comforts Jacob in his chastisement. VERSE 1 - The word. This is a general title to the prophecies contained in this and the following chapters, concerning different nations which had less or more connection with the Jews, either as enemies, neighbors, or allies. They were not delivered at the same time: to some the date is annexed; in others it is left uncertain. - against. * Jer 1:10; 4:7; 25:15-29 Ge 10:5 Nu 23:9 Zec 2:8 Ro 3:29 VERSE 2 - Against Egypt. * :14; 25:9,19 Eze 29:1-32:32 - Pharaoh-necho. * 2Ki 23:29 - Pharaoh-nechoh. * 2Ch 35:20,21 - Necho. - Carchemish. * Isa 10:9 - in the. * Jer 25:1; 36:1 VERSE 3 This is a poetical and ironical call to the Egyptians to muster their forces; and implies that all their courage and efforts would be vain. * Jer 51:11,12 Isa 8:9,10; 21:5 Joe 3:9 Na 2:1; 3:14 VERSE 4 - furbish. * Eze 21:9-11,28 - brigandines. * Jer 51:3 VERSE 5 - and their. * Re 6:15 - beaten down. Heb. broken in pieces. fled apace. Heb. fled a flight. * :15 Ge 19:17 2Ki 7:6,7 Na 2:8 - fear. * Jer 6:25; 20:3,4 *marg: * :10; 49:29 Isa 19:16 Eze 32:10 Re 6:15-17 VERSE 6 - not. * Jud 4:15-21 Ps 33:16,17; 147:10,11 Ec 9:11 Isa 30:16,17 * Am 2:14,15; 9:1-3 - stumble. * :12; 20:11; 50:32 Ps 27:2 Isa 8:15 Da 11:19,22 - toward. * :10; 1:14; 4:6; 6:1; 25:9 VERSE 7 - Who. * So 3:6; 8:5 Isa 63:1 - as a flood. * Jer 47:2 Isa 8:7,8 Da 9:26; 11:22 Am 8:8 Re 12:15 VERSE 8 - riseth. * Eze 29:3; 32:2 - I will go. * Ex 15:9,10 Isa 10:13-16; 37:24-26 VERSE 9 - rage. * Na 2:3,4 - Ethiopians. Heb. Cush and Put. * Ge 10:6 - Phut. * 1Co 1:8 Eze 27:10 - Phut. * Na 3:9 - Lubim. * Ac 2:10 - Lydians. * Ge 10:13 1Ch 1:11 - Ludim. * Isa 66:19 Eze 27:10 - Lud. * Jer 30:5 VERSE 10 - the day. * Jer 51:6 Isa 13:6; 34:6,8; 61:2; 63:4 Joe 1:15; 2:1 Zep 1:14,15 * Lu 21:22 - the sword. * De 32:42 Isa 34:5-8 Eze 39:17-21 Zep 1:7,8 Re 19:17-21 - the north. * :2,6 2Ki 24:7 VERSE 11 - Gilead. * Jer 8:22; 51:8 Ge 37:25; 43:11 Eze 27:17 - O virgin. * Jer 14:17 Isa 47:1 - in vain. * Jer 30:12-15 Eze 30:21-25 Mic 1:9 Na 3:19 Mt 5:26 Lu 8:43,44 - thou shalt not be cured. Heb. no cure shall be unto thee. VERSE 12 - heard. * Eze 32:9-12 Na 3:8-10 - thy cry. * Jer 14:2; 48:34; 49:21; 51:54 1Sa 5:12 Isa 15:5-8 Zep 1:10 - stumbled. * :6 Isa 10:4; 19:2 VERSE 13 - Cir A.M. 3398. B.C. 606. Nebuchadrezzar. * Jer 43:10-13; 44:30 Isa 19:1-25; 29:1-32:20 VERSE 14 - Migdol. See on ch. * Jer 43:9; 44:1 Ex 14:2 Eze 30:16-18 - Stand. See on ver. * :3,4; 6:1-5 Joe 3:9-12 - the sword. See on ver. * :10; 2:30; 12:12 2Sa 2:26 Isa 1:20; 31:8; 34:6 Na 2:13 VERSE 15 - thy. * :5,21 Jud 5:20,21 Isa 66:15,16 - the Lord. * Ex 6:1 De 11:23 Ps 18:14,39; 44:2; 68:2; 114:2-7 VERSE 16 - made many to fall. Heb. multiplied the faller. one. * Le 26:36,37 - they said. * :21; 51:9 VERSE 17 - Pharaoh. * Ex 15:9 1Ki 20:10,18 Isa 19:11-16; 31:3; 37:27-29 Eze 29:3 * Eze 31:18 VERSE 18 - saith. * Jer 10:10; 44:26; 48:15; 51:17 Isa 47:4; 48:2 Mal 1:14 Mt 5:35 * 1Ti 1:17 - Tabor. * Jos 19:22 Jud 4:6 Ps 89:12 - Carmel. * 1Ki 18:42,43 VERSE 19 - thou. * Jer 48:18 - furnish thyself to go into captivity. Heb. make thee instruments of captivity. * Isa 20:4 Eze 12:3 *marg: * Eze 12:4-12 - Noph. Noph, or Moph, is the celebrated city of Memphis, as the Chaldee and LXX. render; long the residence of the ancient Egyptian kings, and situated fifteen miles above where the Delta begins, on the western side of the Nile. It was in the neighborhood of Memphis that the famous pyramids were erected, whose grandeur and beauty still astonish the modern traveller: they are about twenty in number; the largest of which is 481 feet perpendicular height, and the area of its basis is on 480,249 square feet, or something more than eleven acres, being exactly the size of Lincoln's Inn Fields in London. The immense ruins between the northern and southern pyramids, and about fourteen miles from Cairo, still called Memf, Menf, or Menouf, seem to mark the site of this city. * Jer 44:1 Eze 30:13 - waste. * Jer 26:9; 34:22; 51:29,30 Zep 2:5 VERSE 20 - a very. * Jer 50:11 Ho 10:11 - it cometh. See on ver. * :6,10; 1:14; 25:9; 47:2 VERSE 21 - her hired. * :9,16 2Sa 10:6 2Ki 7:6 Eze 27:10,11; 30:4-6 - like. * Jer 50:11,27 Isa 34:7 - fatted bullocks. Heb. bullocks of the stall. * Pr 15:17 Am 6:4 - they did. See on ver. * :5,15,16 - the day. * Jer 18:17 De 32:15 Ps 37:13 Isa 10:3 Eze 35:5 Ho 9:7 Ob 1:13 * Mic 7:4 VERSE 22 - voice. * Isa 29:4 Mic 1:8; 7:16 - and come. * Jer 51:20-23 Isa 10:15,33,34; 14:8; 37:24 Zec 11:2 VERSE 23 - cut. * Isa 10:18 Eze 20:46 - because. * Jud 6:5; 7:12 Joe 2:25 Re 9:2-10 VERSE 24 - daughter. * :11,19 Ps 137:8 - she shall. * :20; 1:15 Eze 29:1-32:32 VERSE 25 - multitude. or, nourisher. Heb. Amon. No. * Eze 30:14 Na 3:8 - with their. * Jer 43:12,13 Ex 12:12 Isa 19:1 Eze 30:13 Zep 2:11 - and their. * Eze 32:9-12 Na 3:9 - and all. * Jer 17:5,6; 42:14-16 Isa 20:5,6; 30:2,3; 31:1-3 Eze 39:6,7 VERSE 26 - I will. * Jer 44:30 Eze 32:11 - and afterward. * Jer 48:47; 49:39 Eze 29:8-14 VERSE 27 - fear. * Jer 30:10,11 Isa 41:13,14; 43:1,5; 44:2 - I will save. * Jer 23:3,4; 29:14; 31:8-11; 32:37 Isa 11:11-16 Eze 34:10-14; 36:24 * Eze 37:21,22; 39:25 Am 9:14 Mic 7:11-16 - and be. * Jer 23:6; 33:16; 50:19 Eze 34:25,26 VERSE 28 - for I am. * Jer 1:19; 15:20; 30:11 Jos 1:5,9 Ps 46:7,11 Isa 8:9,10; 41:10; 43:2 * Mt 1:23; 28:20 Ac 18:10 2Ti 4:17 - make. * Jer 25:9 Isa 45:23 Da 2:35 - but I will not. * Jer 4:27; 5:10,18; 30:11; 32:42-44; 33:24-26 Am 9:8,9 Ro 11:15-17 - correct. See on ch. * Jer 10:24 Hab 3:2 1Co 11:32 - will I. * Isa 27:7,9 Heb 12:5-10 Re 3:19 - not leave thee wholly unpunished. or, not utterly cut thee off. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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