1 By the obedience of the Rechabites, 12 Jeremiah condemns the disobedience of the Jews. 18 God blesses the Rechabites for their obedience. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3397. B.C. 607. The word. This discourse was probably delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign, when the king of Babylon made war against him. - in the. * Jer 1:3; 22:13-19; 25:1; 26:1; 36:1,9,29; 46:2 2Ki 23:35; 24:1-6 * 2Ch 36:5-8 Da 1:1 VERSE 2 - the house. * :8 2Ki 10:15,16 1Ch 2:55 - into one. * :4 1Ki 6:5,6,10 1Ch 9:26; 23:28 2Ch 3:9; 31:11 Ezr 8:29 * Ne 13:5,8,9 Eze 40:7-13,16; 41:5-11; 42:4-13 VERSE 3 - Habaziniah. i.e., God's light; the hiding of God's thorn; whom the Lord makes a buckler of shield. * :3 VERSE 4 - into the chamber. * Jer 36:10-12 - a man. * De 33:1 Jos 14:6 1Sa 2:27; 9:6-8 1Ki 12:22; 13:1,26; 17:18,24 * 1Ki 20:28 2Ki 1:9,11-13; 5:14,20; 6:10; 7:2,17; 8:2-8; 23:16,17 * 2Ch 8:14; 25:7-9 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 3:17 - the princes. * Jer 26:10 - the keeper. * Jer 52:24 2Ki 12:9; 25:18 1Ch 9:18,19,27 2Ch 8:14 Ps 84:10 - door. Heb. threshold, or vessel. * Eze 43:8 VERSE 5 - Drink. * :2 Ec 9:7 Am 2:12 2Co 2:9 VERSE 6 - Jonadab. * 2Ki 10:15 1Ch 2:55 - Ye shall. Jonadab, a man of fervent zeal for the pure worship of God, and who lived about three hundred years before this time, (2 Ki 10:15, 16, etc.) had probably practised these rules himself; and having trained up his children to habits of abstemiousness, he enjoined them and their posterity to adhere to them. In these regulations he seems to have had no religious, but merely a prudential view, as is intimated in the reason annexed to them "that ye may live many days in the land where ye be strangers." And this would be the natural consequence of observing these rules; for their temperate mode of living would very much contribute to preserve health and prolong life; and they would avoid giving umbrage, or exciting the jealousy or envy of the Jews, who might have been provoked, by their engaging and succeeding in the principal business in which they themselves were engaged, agriculture and vine-dressing to expel them their country; by which they would have been deprived of the religious advantages they enjoyed. In 1 Ch 2:55, they are termed scribes, which intimates that they were engaged in some kind of literary employments. * Le 10:9 Nu 6:2-5 Jud 13:7,14 Lu 1:15 1Co 7:26-31 - all. * :10 Ge 25:27 Le 23:42,43 Ne 8:14-16 Heb 11:9-13 1Pe 2:11 - that ye. * Ge 36:7 Ex 20:12 1Ch 16:19 Ps 105:12 Eph 6:2,3 VERSE 7 - all. * :10 Ge 25:27 Le 23:42,43 Ne 8:14-16 Eph 5:18 Heb 11:9-13 * 1Pe 2:11 VERSE 8 * Pr 1:8,9; 4:1,2,10; 6:20; 13:1 Col 3:20 VERSE 9 * :7 Nu 16:14 2Ki 5:26 Ps 37:16 1Ti 6:6 VERSE 10 VERSE 11 - when. * 2Ki 24:2 Da 1:1,2 - Come. * Jer 4:5-7; 8:14 Mr 13:14 Lu 21:20,21 VERSE 12 VERSE 13 - Will. * Jer 5:3; 6:8-10; 9:12; 32:33 Ps 32:8,9 Pr 8:10; 19:20 Isa 28:9-12 * Isa 42:23 Heb 12:25 VERSE 14 - words. See on ver. * :6-10 - rising. * Jer 7:13,25; 11:7; 25:3,4; 26:5; 29:19; 32:33 2Ch 36:15,16 Pr 1:20-33 - but ye. * Jer 7:24,26 Ne 9:26,30 Isa 30:9; 50:2 VERSE 15 - I have. * Lu 10:16 1Th 4:8 - Return. See on ch. * Jer 3:14; 4:14; 7:3-5; 17:20-23; 18:11; 25:5; 26:13; 44:4,5 Isa 1:16-19 * Eze 18:30-32 Ho 14:1-4 Zec 1:3,4 Ac 26:20 - ye shall dwell. See on ch. * Jer 7:5-7; 17:24,25; 22:4; 25:5,6 De 30:20 - ye have. * Lu 13:34,35 VERSE 16 * :14 Isa 1:3 Mal 1:6 Mt 11:28-30 Lu 15:11-13,28-30 VERSE 17 - Therefore. God having, by the conduct of the Rechabites, convicted the Jews of ingratitude and rebellion, He now proceeds to pass sentence against them. - Behold. See on ch. * Jer 11:8; 15:3,4; 19:7-13; 21:4-10 Ge 6:17 Le 26:14-46 De 28:15-68 * De 29:19-28; 31:20,21; 32:16-42 Jos 23:15,16 Mic 3:12 - because. See on ch. * Jer 7:13,26,27; 26:5; 32:33 Pr 1:24-31; 13:13; 16:2 Isa 50:2; 65:12 * Isa 66:4 Lu 13:34,35 Ro 10:21 VERSE 18 - Because. * Ex 20:12 De 5:16 Eph 6:1-3 VERSE 19 - Jonadab, etc. Heb. There shall not a man be cut off from Jonadab the son of Rechab to stand, etc. See on ch. * Jer 33:17 1Ch 2:55 - stand. * Jer 15:19; 33:17,18 Ps 5:5 Lu 21:36 Jude 1:24 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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