1 Pashur, smiting Jeremiah, receives a new name, and a fearful doom. 7 Jeremiah complains of contempt; 10 of treachery; 14 and of his birth. VERSE 1 - Immer. * 1Ch 24:14 Ezr 2:37,38 Ne 7:40,41 - chief. * 2Ki 25:18 2Ch 35:8 Ac 4:1; 5:24 VERSE 2 - smote. * Jer 1:19; 19:14,15; 26:8; 29:26; 36:26; 37:15,16; 38:6 1Ki 22:27 * 2Ch 16:10; 24:21 Am 7:10-13 Mt 5:10-12; 21:35; 23:34-37 Ac 4:3 * Ac 5:18,40; 7:52; 16:22-24 Heb 11:36,37 Re 2:10; 17:6 - the stocks. {Hammahpecheth,} from {haphach,} "to overturn, subvert, distort," generally denotes an overthrow, (De 29:22. Isa 1:7; 10:19,) and seems to signify here a sort of stocks, by which the limbs were distorted into uneasy postures. So the Chaldee, {keephtha} and Jerome, {nervus,} which he explains in his comment as "a kind of wooden fetter, into which the feet were thrust, {vinculi lignei genus, cui pedes inseruntur.} Some learned men understand it as merely signifying a place of confinement, or house of correction; but the word is never used for any of the prisons into which the prophet was afterwards cast; and the punishment seems to have been public and ignominious. - in the high. * Jer 37:13; 38:7 Zec 14:10 VERSE 3 - Pashur. * Ac 4:5-7; 16:30,35-39 - hath. * Jer 7:32; 19:2,6 Ge 17:5,15; 32:28 Isa 8:3 Ho 1:4-9 - Magor-missabib. this is, Fear round about. * :10; 6:25; 46:5; 29:29 Ps 31:13 La 2:22 VERSE 4 - I will make. * De 28:65-67 Job 18:11-21; 20:23-26 Ps 73:19 Eze 26:17-21 * Mt 27:4,5 - thine. * Jer 29:21; 39:6,7 De 28:32-34 1Sa 2:33 2Ki 25:7 - I will give. * Jer 19:15; 21:4-10; 25:9; 32:27-31 VERSE 5 - I will deliver. * Jer 3:24; 4:20; 12:12; 15:13; 24:8-10; 27:19-22; 32:3-5; 39:2,8; 52:7-23 * 2Ki 20:17,18; 24:12-16; 25:13-17 2Ch 36:10,17-19 La 1:7,10 * La 4:12 Eze 22:25 Da 1:2 - labors. The word labors is here used for the produce of labor. VERSE 6 - thou. Pashur. * Jer 28:15-17; 29:21,22,32 Ac 13:8-11 - thy friends. * :4; 5:31; 6:13-15; 8:10,11; 14:14,15; 23:14-17,25,26,32 * Isa 9:15 La 2:14 Eze 13:4-16,22,23; 22:28 Mic 2:11 Zec 13:3 * 2Pe 2:1-3 - thou hast. * Le 26:17 De 28:25 VERSE 7 - deceived. or, enticed. * Jer 1:6-8,18,19; 15:18; 17:16 Ex 5:22,23 Nu 11:11-15 - thou art. * :9 Eze 3:14 Mic 3:8 1Co 9:6 - I am. * Jer 15:10; 29:26 2Ki 2:23 Ps 22:6,7; 35:15,16; 69:9-12 La 3:14 * Ho 9:7 Lu 16:14; 22:63,64; 23:11,35,36 Ac 17:18,32 1Co 4:9-13 * Heb 11:36 VERSE 8 - I cried. * Jer 4:19-22; 5:1,6,15-17; 6:6,7; 7:9; 13:13,14; 15:1-4,13,14; 17:27 * Jer 18:16,17; 19:7-11; 28:8 - the word. See on ver. * :7; 6:10 2Ch 36:16 La 3:61-63 Lu 11:45 Heb 11:26; 13:13 1Pe 4:14 VERSE 9 - I will. * 1Ki 19:3,4 Joh 1:2,3; 4:2,3 Lu 9:62 Ac 15:37,38 - was in. * Jer 6:11 Job 32:18-20 Ps 39:3 Eze 3:14 Ac 4:20; 17:16; 18:5 * 1Co 9:16,17 2Co 5:13-15 VERSE 10 - I heard. * Ps 31:13; 57:4; 64:2-4 Mt 26:59,60 - fear. See on ver. * :3 - Report. * Jer 18:18 Ne 6:6-13 Pr 10:18 Isa 29:21 Eze 22:9 Lu 20:20 * Ac 6:11-15; 24:1-9,13 - All my familiars. Heb. Every man of my peace. * Job 19:19 Ps 41:9; 55:13,14 Lu 11:53,54; 12:52,53 - we shall. * 1Ki 19:2; 21:20; 22:8,27 Mr 6:19-28 Ac 5:33; 7:54; 23:12-15 VERSE 11 - the Lord. See on ch. * Jer 1:8,19; 15:20 Isa 41:10,14 Ro 8:31 2Ti 4:17 - a mighty. * Ps 47:2; 65:5; 66:5 - my. * Jer 17:18 De 32:35,36 Ps 27:1,2 Joh 18:4-6 - and they. * Jer 1:19; 15:20 - everlasting. * Jer 23:40 Ps 6:10; 35:26; 40:14 Isa 45:16 Da 12:2 VERSE 12 - that. * Jer 17:10 Ps 7:9; 11:5; 17:3; 26:2,3; 139:23 Re 2:23 - let me. * Jer 11:20; 12:8; 17:18; 18:19-23 2Ch 24:22 Ps 54:7; 59:10; 109:6-20 * Re 6:10; 18:20; 19:2,3 - for. * 1Sa 1:15 Ps 62:8; 86:4 Isa 37:14; 38:14 1Pe 2:23; 4:19 VERSE 13 - for. * Ps 34:6; 35:9-11; 69:33; 72:4; 109:30,31 Isa 25:4 Jas 2:5,6 VERSE 14 * Jer 15:10 Job 3:3-16 VERSE 15 - A man. * Jer 1:5 Ge 21:5,6 Lu 1:14 VERSE 16 - as. * Ge 19:24,25 De 29:23 Ho 11:8 Am 4:11 Zep 2:9 Lu 17:29 2Pe 2:6 * Jude 1:7 - repented. * Jer 18:8; 26:13 Jon 3:4,9,10; 4:2 - let him. * Jer 4:19; 18:22; 48:3,4 Eze 21:22 Ho 10:14 Am 1:14; 2:2 Zep 1:16 VERSE 17 - he slew. * Job 3:10,11,16; 10:18,19 Ec 6:3 VERSE 18 - came. * Job 3:20; 14:1,13 La 3:1 - to see. * Jer 8:18 Ge 3:16-19 Ps 90:10 La 1:12 Joh 16:20 Heb 10:36 - with. * Ps 69:19 Isa 1:6; 51:7 Ac 5:41 1Co 4:9-13 2Ti 1:12 Heb 11:36 * Heb 12:2; 13:13 1Pe 4:14-16 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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