1 We are to strive against covetousness; 4 intemperance; 5 pride; 11 detraction and rash judgment of others; 13 and not to be confident in the good success of worldly business, but mindful ever of the uncertainty of this life, to commit ourselves and all our affairs to God's providence. VERSE 1 - whence. * Jas 3:14-18 - fightings. or, brawlings. come they. * Jas 1:14 Ge 4:5-8 Jer 17:9 Mt 15:19 Mr 7:21-23 Joh 8:44 Ro 8:7 * 1Ti 6:4-10 Tit 3:3 1Pe 1:14; 2:11; 4:2,3 2Pe 2:18; 3:3 * 1Jo 2:15-17 Jude 1:16-18 - lusts. or, pleasures. See on ver. * :3 - in. * Ro 7:5,23 Ga 5:17 Col 3:5 VERSE 2 - lust. * Jas 5:1-5 Pr 1:19 Ec 4:8 Hab 2:5 1Ti 6:9,10 - kill. or, envy. because. * Jas 1:5 Isa 7:12 Mt 7:7,8 Lu 11:9-13 Joh 4:10; 16:24 VERSE 3 - ask, and. * Jas 1:6,7 Job 27:8-10; 35:12 * Ps 18:41; 66:18,19 Pr 1:28; 15:8; 21:13,27 * Isa 1:15,16 Jer 11:11,14; 14:12 Mic 3:4 Zec 7:13 Mt 20:22 * Mr 10:38 1Jo 3:22; 5:14 - ye may. * Lu 15:13,30; 16:1,2 - lusts. or, pleasures. * :1 VERSE 4 - adulterers. * Ps 50:18; 73:27 Isa 57:3 Jer 9:2 Ho 3:1 Mt 12:39; 16:4 - the friendship. * Joh 7:7; 15:19,23; 17:14 1Jo 2:15,16 - enmity. * Ge 3:15 Ro 8:7 - whosoever. * Ga 1:10 - is the. * Ps 21:8 Lu 19:27 Joh 15:23,24 Ro 5:10 VERSE 5 - the scripture. * Joh 7:42; 10:35; 19:37 Ro 9:17 Ga 3:8 - The spirit. * Ge 4:5,6; 6:5; 8:21; 26:14; 30:1; 37:11 Nu 11:29 Ps 37:1; 106:16 * Pr 21:10 Ec 4:4 Isa 11:13 Ac 7:9 Ro 1:29 Tit 3:3 - to envy. or, enviously. VERSE 6 - God. * Ex 10:3,4; 15:9,10; 18:11 1Sa 2:3 Job 22:29; 40:10-12 * Ps 138:6 Pr 3:34; 6:16,17; 29:23 Isa 2:11,12,17; 10:8-14; 16:6,7 * Da 4:37; 5:20-23 Mt 23:12 Lu 1:52; 14:11; 18:14 1Pe 5:5 - giveth grace. * 2Ch 32:26; 33:12,19,23; 34:27 Job 22:29 Ps 9:12 * Pr 15:33; 18:12; 22:4 Isa 57:15 VERSE 7 - Submit. * 1Sa 3:18 2Sa 15:26 2Ki 1:13-15 2Ch 30:8; 33:12,13 * Job 1:21; 40:3-5; 42:1-6 Ps 32:3-5; 66:3; 68:30 Jer 13:18 * Da 4:25,32,34-37 Mt 11:29 Ac 9:6; 16:29-31; 26:19 * Ro 10:3; 14:11 Eph 5:21 Heb 12:9 1Pe 2:13 - Resist. * Mt 4:3-11 Lu 4:2-13 Eph 4:27; 6:11,12 1Pe 5:8,9 Re 12:9-11 VERSE 8 - Draw nigh to God. * Ge 18:23 1Ch 28:9 2Ch 15:2 Ps 73:28; 145:18 Isa 29:13; 55:6,7 * Ho 6:1,2 Zec 1:3 Mal 3:7 Heb 7:19; 10:22 - Cleanse. * Job 9:30; 16:17; 17:9 Ps 18:20; 24:4; 26:6; 73:13 Isa 1:15,16; 13:15 * Mt 15:2; 27:24 1Ti 2:8 1Pe 3:21 - purity. * Ps 51:6,7,10 Jer 4:11 Eze 18:31; 36:25-27 Mt 12:33; 23:25,26 * Lu 11:39,40 Ac 15:9 2Co 7:1 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:3 - ye double. See on ch. * Jas 1:8 VERSE 9 - afflicted. * Jas 5:1,2 Ps 119:67,71,136; 126:5,6 Ec 7:2-5 Isa 22:12,13 * Jer 31:9,13,18-20 Eze 7:16; 16:63 Zec 12:10 *etc: * Mt 5:4 Lu 6:21 * 2Co 7:10,11 - let. * Job 30:31 Pr 14:13 Ec 2:2; 7:6 La 5:15 Lu 6:25; 16:25 Re 18:7,8 VERSE 10 - Humble. See on ver. * :6,7 - he. * 1Sa 2:9 Job 22:29 Ps 27:6; 28:9; 30:1; 113:7; 147:6 * Mt 23:12 Lu 14:11; 18:14 1Pe 5:6 VERSE 11 - Speak. * Ps 140:11 Eph 4:31 1Ti 3:11 2Ti 3:3 Tit 2:3 1Pe 2:1 - and judgeth. * Mt 7:1,2 Lu 6:37 Ro 2:1; 14:3,4,10-12 1Co 4:5 - speaketh evil of the law. * Ro 7:7,12,13 - a doer. * Jas 1:22,23,25 Ro 2:13 VERSE 12 - lawgiver. * Isa 33:22 - able. * Mt 10:28 Lu 12:5 Heb 7:25 - who. * 1Sa 25:10 Job 38:2 Ro 2:1; 9:20; 14:4,13 VERSE 13 - Go to. * Jas 5:1 Ge 11:3,4,7 Ec 2:1 Isa 5:5 - To day. * Pr 27:1 Isa 56:12 Lu 12:17-20 - and buy. * Isa 24:2; 56:11 Eze 7:12 1Co 7:30 VERSE 14 - It is. or, For it is. a vapour. * Jas 1:10 Job 7:6,7; 9:25,26; 14:1,2 Ps 39:5; 89:47; 90:5-7; 102:3 * Isa 38:12 1Pe 1:24; 4:7 1Jo 2:17 VERSE 15 - If. * 2Sa 15:25,26 Pr 19:21 La 3:37 Ac 18:21 Ro 1:10; 15:32 * 1Co 4:19; 16:7 Heb 6:3 VERSE 16 * Jas 3:14 Ps 52:1,7 Pr 25:14; 27:1 Isa 47:7,8,10 * 1Co 4:7,8; 5:6 Re 18:7 VERSE 17 * Lu 12:47,48 Joh 9:41; 13:17; 15:22 Ro 1:20,21,32; 2:17-23; 7:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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