1 The prophet, complaining of incredulity, excuses the scandal of the cross, 4 by the benefit of his passion, 10 and the good success thereof. VERSE 1 - Who. * Joh 1:7,12; 12:38 Ro 10:16,17 - report. or, doctrine. Heb. hearing. the. * Isa 51:9; 52:10; 62:8 Ro 1:16 1Co 1:18,24 Eph 1:18,19 - revealed. * Isa 40:5 Mt 11:25; 16:17 Ro 1:17,18 VERSE 2 - he shall grow. * Isa 11:1 Jer 23:5 Eze 17:22-24 Zec 6:12 Mr 6:3 Lu 2:7,39,40,51,52 * Lu 9:58 Ro 8:3 Php 2:6,7 - he hath no. * Isa 52:14 Mr 9:12 Joh 1:10-14; 9:28,29; 18:40; 19:5,14,15 1Pe 2:14 VERSE 3 - despised. * Isa 49:7; 50:6 Ps 22:6-8; 69:10-12,19,20 Mic 5:1 Zec 11:8,12,13 * Mt 26:67; 27:39-44,63 Mr 9:12; 15:19 Lu 8:53; 9:22; 16:14 * Lu 23:18-25 Joh 8:48 Heb 12:2,3 - a man. * :4,10 Ps 69:29 Mt 26:37,38 Mr 14:34 Lu 19:41 Joh 11:35 * Heb 2:15-18; 4:15; 5:7 - we hid as it were our faces from him. or, he hid as it were, his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us. we esteemed. * De 32:15 Zec 11:13 Mt 27:9,10 Joh 1:10,11 Ac 3:13-15 VERSE 4 - he hath. * :5,6,11,12 Mt 8:17 Ga 3:13 Heb 9:28 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 1Jo 2:2 - yet. * Mt 26:37 Joh 19:7 VERSE 5 - But he was. * :6-8,11,12 Da 9:24 Zec 13:7 Mt 20:28 Ro 3:24-26; 4:25 * Ro 5:6-10,15-21 1Co 15:3 2Co 5:21 Eph 5:2 Heb 9:12-15 * Heb 10:10,14 1Pe 3:18 - wounded. or, tormented. bruised. * :10 Ge 3:15 - the chastisement. * 1Pe 2:24 - stripes. Heb. bruise. VERSE 6 - All we. * Ps 119:176 Mt 18:12-14 Lu 15:3-7 Ro 3:10-19 1Pe 2:25 - his own. * Isa 55:7; 56:11 Eze 3:18 Ro 4:25 Jas 5:20 1Pe 3:18 - laid on him the iniquity of us all. Heb. made the iniquities of us all to meet on him. * Ps 69:4 VERSE 7 - yet. * Mt 26:63; 27:12-14 Mr 14:61; 15:5 Lu 23:9 Joh 19:9 1Pe 2:23 - he is. * Ac 8:32,33 VERSE 8 - from prison and from judgment; and. or, by distress and judgment; but, etc. * Ps 22:12-21; 69:12 Mt 26:65,66 Joh 19:7 - who. * Mt 1:1 Ac 8:33 Ro 1:4 - cut off. * Da 9:26 Joh 11:49-52 - was he stricken. Heb. was the stroke upon him. * 1Pe 3:18 VERSE 9 - made. * Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:43-46 Lu 23:50-53 Joh 19:38-42 1Co 15:4 - death. Heb. deaths. deceit. * 2Co 5:21 Heb 4:15; 7:26 1Pe 2:22 1Jo 3:5 VERSE 10 - pleased. * Isa 42:1 Mt 3:17; 17:5 - he hath. * Ps 69:26 Zec 13:7 Ro 8:32 Ga 3:13 1Jo 4:9,10 - when thou shalt make his soul. or, when his soul shall make. * Da 9:24 Ro 8:8 2Co 5:21 Eph 5:2 Heb 7:27; 9:14,25,26; 10:6-12 * Heb 13:10-12 1Pe 2:24 - he shall see. * Ps 22:30; 45:16,17; 110:3 Joh 12:24 Heb 2:13 - he shall prolong. * Isa 9:7 Ps 16:9-11; 21:4; 72:17; 89:29,36 Eze 37:25 Da 7:13,14 * Lu 1:33 Ac 2:24-28 Ro 6:9 Re 1:18 - the pleasure. * Isa 55:11-13; 62:3-5 Ps 72:7; 85:10-12; 147:11; 149:4 Jer 32:41 * Eze 33:11 Mic 7:18 Zep 3:17 Lu 15:5-7,23,24 Joh 6:37-40 * Eph 1:5,9 2Th 1:11 VERSE 11 - see. * Lu 22:44 Joh 12:24,27-32; 16:21 Ga 4:19 Heb 12:2 Re 5:9,10 * Re 7:9-17 - by his. * Joh 17:3 2Co 4:6 Php 3:8-10 2Pe 1:2,3; 3:18 - my righteousness. * Isa 42:1; 49:3 1Jo 2:1 2Jo 1:1,3 - justify. * Isa 45:25 Ro 3:22-24; 4:24,25; 5:1,9,18,19 1Co 6:11 Tit 3:6,7 - bear. * :4-6,8,12 Mt 20:28 Heb 9:28 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 VERSE 12 - will I. * Isa 49:24,25; 52:15 Ge 3:15 Ps 2:8 Da 2:45 Mt 12:28,29 Ac 26:18 * Php 2:8-11 Col 1:13,14; 2:15 Heb 2:14,15 - poured. * Ps 22:14 Php 2:17 *marg: * Heb 12:2 - and he was. * Mr 15:28 Lu 22:37; 23:25,32,33 - he bare. See on ver. * :11 1Ti 2:5,6 Tit 2:14 Heb 9:26,28 - made. * Lu 23:34 Ro 8:34 Heb 7:25; 9:24 1Jo 2:1,12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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