1 An exhortation, after the pattern of Abraham, to trust in Christ, 3 by reason of his comfortable promises, 4 of his righteous salvation, 7 and man's mortality. 9 Christ by his sanctified arm defends his from the fear of man. 17 He bewails the afflictions of Jerusalem, 21 and promises deliverance. VERSE 1 - Hearken. * :4,7; 46:3,4; 48:12; 55:2,3 - ye that follow. * :7 Ps 94:15 Pr 15:9; 21:21 Mt 5:6; 6:33 Ro 9:30-32; 14:19 * Php 3:13 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:22 Heb 12:14 - ye that seek. * Isa 45:19; 55:6 Ps 24:6; 105:3,4 Am 5:6 Zep 2:3 - look. * Ge 17:15-17 Eph 2:11,12 VERSE 2 - unto Abraham. * Ge 15:1,2; 18:11-13 Jos 24:3 Ro 4:1-5,16-24 - for. * Ge 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:4,5; 22:17; 24:1,35 Ne 9:7,8 Eze 33:24 * Ga 3:9-14 Heb 11:8-12 VERSE 3 - the Lord. * :12; 12:1; 40:1,2; 49:13; 54:6-8; 61:1-3; 66:10-14 Ps 85:8 * Jer 31:12-14,25 Zep 3:14-20 2Co 1:3,4 - all. * Isa 44:26; 49:8; 52:9; 61:4 Ps 102:13,14 Jer 33:12,13 - make. See on ch. * Isa 35:1,2,7-10; 41:18,19 - like the. * Ge 2:8,9; 13:10 Eze 31:8-10 Joe 2:3 - joy. * Jer 33:11 1Pe 1:8 Re 19:1-7 VERSE 4 - O my. * Isa 26:2 Ex 19:6; 33:13 Ps 33:12; 106:5; 147:20 1Pe 2:9 - a law. * Isa 2:3 Mic 4:2 Ro 8:2-4 1Co 9:21 - I will make. See on ch. * Isa 42:1-4,6; 49:6 Pr 6:23 Mt 12:18-20 Lu 2:32 Joh 16:8-11 VERSE 5 - righteousness. * Isa 46:13; 56:1 De 30:14 Ps 85:9 Mt 3:2 Ro 1:16,17; 10:6-10 - my salvation. * Isa 2:2,3 Eze 47:1-5 Mt 28:18 Mr 16:15 Lu 24:47 Ro 10:17,18 - mine. * 1Sa 2:10 Ps 50:4-6; 67:4; 96:13; 98:9; 110:6 Joe 3:12 Joh 5:22,23 * Ac 17:31 Ro 2:16 2Co 5:10 - the isles. See on ch. * Isa 42:4; 49:1; 60:9 Zep 2:11 Ro 1:16; 15:9-12 VERSE 6 - Lift up. * Isa 40:26 De 4:19 Ps 8:3,4 - the heavens. * Isa 34:4; 50:9 Ps 102:26 Mt 24:35 Heb 1:11,12 2Pe 3:10-12 * Re 6:12-14; 20:11 - my salvation. * :8; 45:17 Ps 103:17 Da 9:24 Joh 3:15,16; 5:24; 10:27-29 2Th 2:16 * Heb 5:9; 9:12,15 VERSE 7 - Hearken. See on ver. * :1 - ye that. * Php 3:8,10 Tit 2:11,12 - in whose. * Ps 37:31; 40:8 Jer 31:33,34 2Co 3:3 Heb 10:16 - fear. * Jer 1:17 Eze 2:6 Mt 5:11; 10:28 Lu 6:22; 12:4,5 Ac 5:41 * 1Pe 4:4,14 VERSE 8 - the moth. * Isa 50:9; 66:24 Job 4:19; 13:28 Ho 5:12 - my righteousness. See on ver. * :6; 45:17; 46:13 Lu 1:50 VERSE 9 - Awake. * :17; 27:1 Ps 7:6; 44:23; 59:4; 78:65 Hab 2:19 - put. * Isa 52:1; 59:17 Ps 21:13; 74:13,14; 93:1 Re 11:17 - O arm. * :5; 53:1; 59:16; 62:8 Lu 1:51 Joh 12:38 - as in. * Jud 6:13 Ne 9:7-15 Ps 44:1 - Art thou. * Job 26:12 *marg: * Ps 87:4; 89:10 - the dragon. * Isa 27:1 Ps 74:13,14 Eze 29:3 Hab 3:13 Re 12:9 VERSE 10 - dried. * Isa 42:15; 43:16; 50:2; 63:11,12 Ex 14:21,22; 15:13 Ps 74:13 VERSE 11 - the redeemed. * Isa 35:10; 44:23; 48:20; 49:13 Jer 30:18,19; 31:11,12; 33:11 * Ac 2:41-47 Re 5:9-13; 7:9,10; 14:1-4; 19:1-7 - everlasting. * Isa 60:19; 61:7 2Co 4:17,18 2Th 2:16 Jude 1:24 - and sorrow. * Isa 25:8; 60:20; 65:19 Re 7:17; 21:1,4; 22:3 VERSE 12 - I, am he. * :3; 43:25; 57:15-18; 66:13 Joh 14:18,26,27 Ac 9:31 2Co 1:3-5 * 2Co 7:5,6 - that thou. * :7,8; 2:22 Ps 118:6; 146:4 Pr 29:26 Da 3:16-18 Mt 10:28 * Lu 12:4,5 - man which. * Isa 40:6 Ps 90:5,6; 92:7; 103:15,16 Jas 1:10,11 1Pe 1:24 VERSE 13 - forgettest. See on ch. * Isa 17:10 De 32:18 Jer 2:32 - that hath. * Isa 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12 Job 9:8; 37:18 Ps 102:25,26; 104:2 * Jer 10:11,12; 51:15 Heb 1:9-12 - feared. * Isa 8:12,13; 57:11 Heb 11:15 - were ready. or, made himself ready. * Isa 10:29-32 Ex 14:10-13; 15:9,10 Es 5:14 Da 3:15,19 Re 20:9 - where is. * Isa 10:33,34; 14:16,17; 16:4; 33:18,19; 37:36-38 Ex 14:13 Es 7:10 * Job 20:5-9 Ps 9:6,7; 37:35,36; 76:10 Da 4:32,33 Mt 2:16-20 * Ac 12:23 1Co 1:20; 15:55 Re 19:20 VERSE 14 - captive. * Isa 48:20; 52:2 Ezr 1:5 Ac 12:7,8 - die. * Jer 37:16; 38:6-13 La 3:53,54 Zec 9:11 VERSE 15 - that divided. See on ver. * :10 Ne 9:11 Job 26:12 Ps 74:13; 114:3-5; 136:13 Jer 31:35 * Am 9:5,6 - The Lord. * Isa 47:4; 48:2; 54:5 Jer 10:16 VERSE 16 - I have put. * Isa 50:4; 59:21 De 18:18 Joh 3:34; 8:38-40; 17:8 Re 1:1 - I have covered. * Isa 49:2 De 33:27 - plant. * Isa 45:18; 60:21; 61:3; 65:17; 66:22 Ps 92:13 2Pe 3:13 - and lay. * Isa 48:13; 49:8 Ps 75:3 - Thou art. * Isa 60:14,15 Jer 31:33; 32:38 Zec 8:8; 13:9 Heb 8:10 VERSE 17 - awake. See on ver. * :9; 52:1; 60:1,2 Jud 5:12 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14 - which hast. * De 28:28,34 Job 21:20 Ps 11:6; 60:3; 75:8,10 Jer 25:15-17,27 * Eze 23:31-34 Zec 12:2 Re 14:10; 18:6 VERSE 18 - none. * Isa 3:4-8; 49:21 Ps 88:18; 142:4 Mt 9:36; 15:14 - that taketh. * Isa 41:13; 45:1 Job 8:20 *marg: * Jer 31:32 Mr 8:23 Ac 9:8; 13:11 Heb 8:9 VERSE 19 - two things. * Isa 47:9 Eze 14:21 - are come. Heb. happened. who shall. * Job 2:11 Ps 69:20 Jer 9:17-21 La 1:9,12,17 Am 7:2 - destruction. Heb. breaking. by whom. * Isa 22:4; 61:2 Job 42:11 Ec 4:1 La 1:16 Am 7:2 2Co 7:6,7,13 * 2Th 2:16,17 VERSE 20 - sons. * Isa 40:30 Jer 14:18 La 1:15,19; 2:11,12; 4:2; 5:13 - a wild. * Isa 8:21 Eze 12:13; 17:20 Re 16:9-11 - full. * :17,21; 9:19-21 Ps 88:15,16 La 3:15,16 Re 14:10 - but. * Isa 29:9; 49:26 Eze 39:19 VERSE 21 - hear. * :1 - thou afflicted. * Isa 3:14,15; 10:2; 54:11 - drunken. * Isa 29:9 Re 17:6 - but. * Isa 29:9; 49:26 Eze 39:19 VERSE 22 - pleadeth. * 1Sa 25:39 Ps 35:1 Pr 22:23 Jer 50:34; 51:36 Joe 3:2 Mic 7:9 - I have. * :17; 54:7-9; 62:8 Eze 39:29 VERSE 23 - I will. * Isa 49:25,26 Pr 11:8; 21:18 Jer 25:17-29 Zec 12:2 Re 17:6-8,18 - Bow. * Jos 10:24 Ps 65:11,12 Re 11:2; 13:16,17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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