1 Under the parable of a vineyard, God excuses his severe judgment. 8 His judgments upon covetousness; 11 upon lasciviousness; 13 upon impiety; 20 and upon injustice. 26 The executioners of God's judgments. VERSE 1 - Now. * De 31:19-22 Jud 5:1-31 Ps 45:1; 101:1 - well-beloved. * So 2:16; 5:2,16; 6:3 - touching. * Isa 27:2,3 Ps 80:8 So 8:11,12 Jer 2:21 Mt 21:33 Mr 12:1 Lu 20:9 * Joh 15:1 - a very fruitful hill. Heb. the horn of the son of oil. VERSE 2 - fenced it. or, made a wall about it. * Ex 33:16 Nu 23:9 De 32:8,9 Ps 44:1-3 Ro 9:4 - planted. * Jer 2:21 - the choicest vine. {Sorek,} in Arabic, {sharik,} certainly denotes an excellent vine; but some with Bp. Lowth, retain it as a proper name. Sorek was a valley lying between Askelon and Gaza, so called from the excellence of its vines. * Jud 16:4 - and built. * Isa 1:8 Mic 4:8 - made. Heb. hewed. a winepress. * Isa 63:2,3 Ne 13:15 Re 14:18-20 - he looked. * :7; 1:2-4,21-23 De 32:6 Mt 21:34 Mr 11:13; 12:2 Lu 13:7; 20:10-18 * 1Co 9:7 - wild grapes. * De 32:32,33 Ho 10:1 VERSE 3 - judge. * Ps 50:4-6; 51:4 Jer 2:4,5 Mic 6:2,3 Mt 21:40,41 Mr 12:9-12 * Lu 20:15,16 Ro 2:5; 3:4 VERSE 4 * Isa 1:5 2Ch 36:14-16 Jer 2:30,31; 6:29,30 Eze 24:13 Mt 23:37 * Ac 7:51-60 VERSE 5 - go to. * Ge 11:4,7 - I will take. * Isa 27:10,11 Le 26:31-35 De 28:49-52 2Ch 36:4-10 Ne 2:3 * Ps 74:1-10; 80:12-16 La 1:2-9; 4:12 - trodden down. Heb. for a treading. * Isa 10:6; 25:10; 28:3,18 La 1:15 Da 8:13 Lu 21:24 Re 11:2 VERSE 6 - I will lay. * :9,10; 6:11,12; 24:1-3,12; 32:13,14 Le 26:33-35 De 29:23 * 2Ch 36:19-21 Jer 25:11; 45:4 Lu 21:24 - it shall. * Isa 7:23-25 Ho 3:4 - also. * Isa 30:23 De 28:23,24 Am 4:7 Zec 14:16,17 Heb 6:6-8 Re 11:6 VERSE 7 - the vineyard. * Ps 80:8-11,15 Jer 12:10 - his pleasant plant. Heb. plant of his pleasures. * Isa 62:5 Ps 147:11; 149:4 So 7:6 Zep 3:17 - he looked. * :2; 58:6-8 Ex 22:22-27 Mic 6:8 Zec 7:9-14 Mt 3:8-10; 23:23 * Joh 15:2 1Co 6:8-11 1Jo 3:7,8 - but. The paronomasia, or play of words, is very remarkable here: he looked for {mishpat,} "judgment," but behold {mispach,} "oppression;" for {tzedakah,} "justice," but behold {tzëdkah,} "a cry." - oppression. Heb. a scab. * Isa 1:6; 3:17 - a cry. * Ge 4:10 Ex 2:23,24; 3:7; 22:21-24,27 De 15:9 Ne 5:1-5 * Job 31:38,39; 34:28 Pr 21:13 Lu 18:7 Jas 5:4 VERSE 8 - them. * Jer 22:13-17 Mic 2:2 Hab 2:9-12 Mt 23:14 Lu 12:16-24 - field. * 1Ki 21:16-20 - they. Heb. ye placed. * Eze 11:15; 33:24 VERSE 9 - In mine ears, said. or. This is in mine ears, saith, etc. * Isa 22:14 Am 3:7 - Of a truth, etc. Heb. If not many houses desolate, etc. desolate. * :6; 27:10 2Ch 36:21 Am 5:11; 6:11 Mt 22:7; 23:38 VERSE 10 - one. * Le 27:16 Eze 45:10,11 Joe 1:17 Hag 1:9-11 VERSE 11 - rise. * :22; 28:1 Pr 23:29,30 Ec 10:16,17 Ho 7:5,6 Hab 2:15 Lu 21:34 * Ro 13:13 1Co 6:10 Ga 5:21 1Th 5:6,7 - inflame. or, pursue. * Isa 28:7,8 Pr 20:1; 23:32 VERSE 12 - the harp. * Isa 22:13 Ge 31:27 Job 21:11-14 Da 5:1-4,23 Am 6:4-6 Lu 16:19 * Jude 1:12 - they regard. * :19 Job 34:27 Ps 28:5; 92:5,6 Ho 4:10,11 VERSE 13 - my people. * Isa 1:7; 42:22-25 2Ki 17:6 2Ch 28:5-8 - because. * Isa 1:3; 27:11 Jer 8:7 Ho 4:6 Mt 23:16-27 Lu 19:44 Joh 3:19,20 * Ro 1:28 2Pe 3:5 - honorable men are famished. Heb. glory are men of famine. * Jer 14:18 La 4:4,5,9 - multitude. * Jer 14:3 Am 8:13 VERSE 14 - hell. * Isa 14:9; 30:33 Ps 49:14 Pr 27:20 Eze 32:18-30 Hab 2:5 Mt 7:13 * Re 20:13-15 - opened. * Nu 16:30-34 Pr 1:12 - he that rejoiceth. * Isa 21:4 1Sa 25:36-38 2Sa 13:28,29 Ps 55:15 Da 5:3-6,30 Na 1:10 * Lu 12:19,20; 16:20-23; 17:27; 21:34 Ac 12:21-23 VERSE 15 - the mean. * Isa 2:9,11,17; 9:14-17; 24:2-4 Ps 62:9 Jer 5:4,5,9 Jas 1:9-11 * Re 6:15,16 - the eyes. * Isa 10:12; 13:11; 37:23,29 Ex 9:17 Job 40:11,12 Da 4:37 1Pe 5:5 VERSE 16 - the Lord. * Isa 12:4 1Ch 29:11 Ps 9:16; 21:13; 46:10 Eze 28:22; 38:23 Ro 2:5 * Re 19:1-5 - God that is holy. or, the holy God. Heb. the God the holy. * Isa 6:3; 57:15 Re 3:7; 4:8; 15:3,4 - sanctified. * Isa 8:13; 29:23 Le 10:3 Eze 36:23 1Pe 1:16; 2:15 VERSE 17 - shall the lambs. * Isa 7:21,22,25; 17:2; 32:14; 40:11; 65:10 Zep 2:6,14 - the waste. * Isa 10:16 De 32:15 Ps 17:10,14; 73:7; 119:70 Jer 5:28 Am 4:1-3 - strangers. * Isa 1:7 De 28:33 Ne 9:37 La 5:2 Ho 8:7 Lu 21:24 VERSE 18 - draw. * Isa 28:15 Jud 17:5,13 2Sa 16:20-23 Ps 10:11; 14:1; 36:2; 94:5-11 * Jer 5:31; 8:5-9; 23:10,14,24; 28:15,16; 44:15-19 Eze 13:10,11,22 * Zep 1:12 Joh 16:2 Ac 26:9 VERSE 19 - Let him. * Isa 66:5 Jer 5:12,13; 17:15 Eze 12:22,27 Am 5:18,19 2Pe 3:3,4 - let the. * Isa 30:11 Jer 23:18,36 VERSE 20 - them. * Pr 17:15 Mal 2:17; 3:15 Mt 6:23; 15:3-6; 23:16-23 Lu 11:35; 16:15 * 2Ti 3:1-5 2Pe 2:1,18,19 - call evil good. Heb. say concerning evil, It is good, etc. VERSE 21 - wise. * Job 11:12 Pr 3:7; 26:12,16 Joh 9:41 Ro 1:22; 11:25; 12:16 * 1Co 3:18-20 - in their own sight. Heb. before their face. VERSE 22 - mighty. * :11; 28:1-3,7 Pr 23:19,20 Hab 2:15 VERSE 23 - justify. * Ex 23:6-9 Pr 17:15; 24:24; 31:4,5 - for reward. * Isa 1:23 De 16:19 2Ch 19:7 Pr 17:23 Mic 3:11; 7:3 - take. * Isa 10:2 1Ki 21:13 Ps 94:21 Mt 23:35; 27:24,25 Jas 5:6 VERSE 24 - fire. Heb. tongue of fire. devoureth. * Isa 47:14 Ex 15:7 Joe 2:5 Na 1:10 Mal 4:1 1Co 3:12,13 - the flame. * Mt 3:12 Lu 3:17 - their root. * Isa 9:14-17 Job 18:16 Ho 9:16 Am 2:9 - cast away. * 1Sa 15:23,26 2Ki 17:14,15 Ne 9:26 Ps 50:17 Jer 6:19; 8:9 * Lu 7:30 Joh 12:48 Heb 10:28,29 - despised. * Isa 30:12 2Sa 12:9,10 Lu 10:16 Ac 13:41 1Th 4:8 VERSE 25 - the anger. * De 31:17; 32:19-22 2Ki 13:3; 22:13-17 2Ch 36:16 Ps 106:40 * La 2:1-3; 5:22 1Th 2:16 - stretched. * Isa 14:26,27 - the hills. * Ps 18:7; 68:8; 77:18; 114:7 Jer 4:24 Mic 1:4 Na 1:5 Hab 3:10 * Re 20:11 - torn. or, as dung. * 1Ki 14:11; 16:4; 21:24 2Ki 9:37 Ps 83:10 Jer 8:2; 9:22; 15:3; 16:4 * Zep 1:17 - For all. * Isa 9:12,13,17,21; 10:4 Le 26:14-46 Ps 78:38 Da 9:16 Ho 14:4 VERSE 26 - he will. * Isa 11:12; 18:3 Jer 51:27 - hiss. * Isa 7:18 Zec 10:8 - end. * Isa 39:3 De 28:49 Ps 72:8 Jer 5:15 Mal 1:11 - they. * Isa 30:16 Jer 4:13 La 4:19 Joe 2:7 Hab 1:8 VERSE 27 - shall be. * Joe 2:7,8 - neither. * Isa 11:5; 45:1,5 1Ki 2:5 Job 12:18,21 *marg: * Ps 18:32; 93:1 Da 5:6 * Eph 6:13,14 - nor the latchet. * De 32:25 VERSE 28 - arrows. * Ps 45:5; 120:4 Jer 5:16 Eze 21:9-11 - their horses. * Jud 5:22 Jer 47:3 Mic 4:13 Na 2:3,4; 3:2 VERSE 29 - roaring. * Isa 31:4 Ge 49:9 Nu 24:9 Jer 4:7; 49:19; 50:17 Ho 11:10 Am 3:8 * Zec 11:3 - lay hold. * Isa 42:22; 49:24,25 Ps 50:22 Mic 5:8 VERSE 30 - like. * Ps 93:3,4 Jer 6:23; 50:42 Lu 21:25 - if one look. * Isa 8:22; 13:10 Ex 10:21-23 Jer 4:23-28 La 3:2 Eze 32:7,8 Joe 2:10 * Am 8:9 Mt 24:29 Lu 21:25,26 Re 6:12; 16:10,11 - sorrow. or, distress. and the light, etc. or, when it is light, it shall be dark in the destructions thereof. 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