1 The promulgation of the Gospel. 3 The preaching of John Baptist. 9 The preaching of the apostles. 12 The prophet, by the omnipotency of God, 18 and his incomparableness, 26 comforts the people. VERSE 1 - comfort. * Isa 3:10; 35:3,4; 41:10-14,27; 49:13-16; 50:10; 51:3,12; 57:15-19 * Isa 60:1-22; 61:1-3; 62:11,12; 65:13,14; 66:10-14 Ne 8:10 Ps 85:8 * Jer 31:10-14 Zep 3:14-17 Zec 1:13; 9:9 2Co 1:4 1Th 4:18 * Heb 6:17,18 VERSE 2 - comfortably. Heb. to the heart. * Ge 34:3 2Ch 30:22 Ho 2:14 *marg: - warfare. or, appointed time. * Ps 102:13-28 So 2:11-13 Jer 29:11 Da 9:2,24-27; 11:35; 12:4,9 * Hab 2:3 Ac 1:7 Ga 4:4 Re 6:10,11; 11:15-18 - that her iniquity. * Isa 12:1; 33:24; 43:25; 44:22; 61:7 Ps 32:1 Jer 31:33,34; 33:8,9 * 1Co 6:9-11 - double. * Isa 61:7 Job 42:10-12 Jer 16:18; 17:18 Da 9:12 Zec 1:15; 9:12 * Re 18:6 VERSE 3 - The voice. * Mt 3:1-3 Mr 1:2-5 Lu 3:2-6 Joh 1:23 - Prepare. * Isa 35:8; 57:14; 62:10,11 Mal 3:1; 4:5,6 Lu 1:16,17,76,77 - make. * Isa 11:15,16; 43:19; 49:11 Ps 68:4 VERSE 4 - valley. * Isa 42:11,15,16 1Sa 2:8 Ps 113:7,8 Eze 17:24; 21:26 Lu 1:52,53 * Lu 3:5; 18:14 - every mountain. * Isa 2:12-15 Job 40:11-13 - and the. * Isa 42:16; 45:2 Pr 2:15 - straight. or, a straight place. plain. or, a plain place. VERSE 5 - the glory. * Isa 6:3; 11:9; 35:2; 60:1 Ps 72:19; 96:6; 102:16 Hab 2:14 Lu 2:10-14 * Joh 1:14; 12:41 2Co 3:18; 4:6 Heb 1:3 Re 21:23 - all flesh. * Isa 49:6; 52:10; 66:16,23 Jer 32:27 Joe 2:28 Zec 2:13 Lu 2:32; 3:6 * Joh 17:2 Ac 2:17 - for the mouth. * Isa 1:20; 58:14 Jer 9:12 Mic 4:4 VERSE 6 - Cry. See on ver. * :3; 12:6; 58:1; 61:1,2 Jer 2:2; 31:6 Ho 5:8 - All flesh. * Isa 37:27 Job 14:2 Ps 90:5,6; 92:7; 102:11; 103:15,16 Jas 1:10,11 * 1Pe 1:24 VERSE 7 - withereth. * :8; 15:6; 19:5 - the flower. * 1Pe 1:23,24 - fadeth. * :8; 24:4 Ps 39:11 Pr 30:32 - spirit. Heb. ruach. * Ex 15:8 - bloweth upon. * Ps 103:16 VERSE 8 - the word. * Isa 46:10,11; 55:10,11 Ps 119:89-91 Zec 1:6 Mt 5:18; 24:35 Mr 13:31 * Joh 10:35; 12:34 Ro 3:1-3 1Pe 1:25 VERSE 9 - O Zion, that bringest good tidings. or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion. * Isa 41:27; 52:7 Ezr 1:1,2 Lu 24:47 Ro 10:18 - get. * Jud 9:7 1Sa 26:13,14 2Ch 13:4 - O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings. or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem. lift up. * Isa 52:8; 58:4 Jer 22:20 Ac 2:14 - be not. * Isa 35:3,4; 51:7,12 Ac 4:13,29; 5:41,42 Eph 6:19 Php 1:28,29 * 1Pe 3:14 - Behold. * Isa 12:2; 25:9 1Ti 3:16 1Jo 5:20,21 VERSE 10 - the Lord God. * Isa 9:6,7; 59:15-21; 60:1-22 Zec 2:8-11 Mal 3:1 Joh 12:13,15 - with strong hand. or, against the strong. * Isa 49:24,25; 53:12 Heb 2:14 1Jo 3:8 - his arm. * Isa 59:16 Ps 2:8,9; 66:3; 110:1,2,6 Mt 28:18 Eph 1:20-22 * Php 2:10,11 Re 2:26,27; 17:14; 19:11-16; 20:11 - his reward. * Isa 62:11 Re 22:12 - his work. or, recompence for his work. * Isa 49:4 VERSE 11 - feed. * Isa 49:9,10; 63:11 Ge 49:24 Ps 23:1-6; 78:71,72; 80:1 Eze 34:12-14 * Eze 34:23,31; 37:24 Mic 5:4 Joh 10:11-16 Heb 13:20 1Pe 2:25 * 1Pe 5:4 Re 7:17 - he shall gather. * Isa 42:3 Ge 33:13 Eze 34:16 Joh 21:15-17 1Co 3:1,2 - shall gently lead. A beautiful image, as Bp. Lowth remarks, expressive of the tender attention of the shepherd to his flock. That the greatest care in driving the cattle, in regard to the dams and their young, was necessary, appears clearly from Jacob's apology to his brother Esau, Ge 33:13; which is set in a still stronger light by the following remarks of Sir J. Chardin: "Their flocks feed down the places of their encampments so quick, by the great numbers that they have, that they are obliged to remove them often, which is very destructive to their flocks, on account of the young ones, who have not strength enough to follow." - are with young. or, give suck. VERSE 12 - measured. * Isa 48:13 Job 11:7-9; 38:4-11 Ps 102:25,26; 104:2,3 Pr 8:26-28; 30:4 * Heb 1:10-12 Re 20:11 - measure. Heb. tierce. weighed. * Job 28:25 VERSE 13 - hath directed. * Job 21:22; 36:22,23 Lu 10:22 Joh 1:13 Ro 11:34 1Co 2:16 * Eph 1:11 - his counsellor. Heb. man of his counsel. VERSE 14 - instructed him. Heb. made him understand. understanding. Heb. understandings. * 1Co 12:4-6 Col 2:3 Jas 1:17 VERSE 15 - the nations. * :22 Job 34:14,15 Jer 10:10 - the isles. * Isa 11:11; 41:5; 59:18; 66:19 Ge 10:5 Da 11:18 Zep 2:11 VERSE 16 - nor. * Ps 40:6; 50:10-12 Mic 6:6,7 Heb 10:5-10 VERSE 17 - as nothing. * Job 25:6 Ps 62:9 Da 4:34,35 2Co 12:11 VERSE 18 * :25; 46:5,9 Ex 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; 20:4 De 33:26 1Sa 2:2 Job 40:9 * Ps 86:8-10; 89:6,8; 113:5 Jer 10:6,16 Mic 7:18 Ac 17:29 * Col 1:15 Heb 1:3 VERSE 19 * Isa 37:18,19; 41:6,7; 44:10-12; 46:6,7 Ex 32:2-4 Jud 17:4 Ps 115:4-8 * Ps 135:15,18 Jer 10:3-5,9 Ho 8:6 Hab 2:18,19 VERSE 20 - is so impoverished that he hath no oblation. Heb. is poor of oblation. chooseth. * Isa 2:8,9; 44:13-19 Jer 10:3,4 Da 5:23 - shall not. * Isa 41:7; 46:7 1Sa 5:3,4 VERSE 21 * Isa 27:11; 44:20; 46:8 Ps 19:1-5; 115:8 Jer 10:8-12 Ac 14:17 * Ro 1:19-21,28; 3:1,2 VERSE 22 - It is he that sitteth. or, Him that sitteth, etc. * Isa 19:1; 66:1 Ps 2:4; 29:10; 68:33 - the inhabitants. * :15,17 Nu 13:33 - stretcheth. * Isa 42:5; 44:24; 51:13 Job 9:8; 37:18; 38:4-9 Ps 102:25,26; 104:2 * Jer 10:12 Zec 12:1 Heb 1:10-12 - as a curtain. Or, "as a thin veil," as Bp. Lowth renders; which he illustrates by the following passage from Dr. Shaw. "It is usual in the summer season, and upon all occasions when a large company is to be received, to have the court sheltered from heat, or inclemency of the weather by a {velum,} umbrella, or veil, as I shall call it; which, being expanded on ropes from one end of the parapet to the other, may be folded or unfolded at pleasure. The Psalmist seems to allude to some covering of this kind, in that beautiful expression of spreading out the heavens as a curtain." VERSE 23 * Isa 19:13,14; 23:9; 24:21,22 Job 12:21; 34:19,20 Ps 76:12; 107:40 * Jer 25:18-27 Lu 1:51,52 Re 19:18-20 VERSE 24 - they shall not be planted. * Isa 14:21,22; 17:11 1Ki 21:21,22 2Ki 10:11 Job 15:30-33; 18:16-19 * Jer 22:30 Na 1:14 - he shall also. * :7; 11:4; 30:33; 37:7 2Sa 22:16 Job 4:9 Hag 1:9 - and the. * Isa 17:13; 41:16 Job 21:18 Ps 58:9 Pr 1:27 Jer 23:19 Ho 13:3,15 * Zec 7:14; 9:14 VERSE 25 * :18 De 4:15-18,33; 5:8 VERSE 26 - Lift. * Isa 51:6 De 4:19 Job 31:26-28 Ps 8:3,4; 19:1 - who hath. * Isa 44:24; 45:7; 48:13 Ge 2:1,2 Ps 102:25; 148:3-6 Jer 10:11,12 * Col 1:16,17 - bringeth. * Ps 147:4,5 - by the greatness. * Ps 89:11-13 Jer 32:17-19 VERSE 27 - sayest. * Isa 49:14,15; 54:6-8; 60:15 1Sa 12:22 Job 3:23 Ps 31:22; 77:7-10 * Jer 33:24 Eze 37:11 Ro 11:1,2 - my judgment. * Isa 49:4 Job 27:2; 34:5 Mal 2:17 Lu 18:7,8 VERSE 28 - thou not known. * Jer 4:22 Mr 8:17,18; 9:19; 16:14 Lu 24:25 Joh 14:9 1Co 6:3-5,9 * 1Co 6:16,19 - the everlasting. * Isa 57:15 Ge 21:33 De 33:27 Jer 10:10 Ro 16:26 1Ti 1:17 Heb 9:14 - the ends. * Isa 45:22; 59:1 1Sa 2:10 Ac 13:47 - fainteth. * Isa 66:9 Ps 138:8 Joh 5:17 Php 1:6 - no searching. * Isa 55:8,9 Ps 139:6; 147:5 Ro 11:33,34 1Co 2:16 VERSE 29 * Isa 41:10 Ge 49:24 De 33:25 Ps 29:11 Zec 10:12 2Co 12:9,10 * Php 4:13 Col 1:11 Heb 11:34 VERSE 30 * Isa 9:17; 13:18 Ps 33:16; 34:10; 39:5 Ec 9:11 Am 2:14 VERSE 31 - they that. * Isa 8:17; 25:9; 30:18 Ps 25:3,5,21; 27:14; 37:34; 40:1; 84:7; 92:1,13 * Ps 123:2 La 3:25,26 Ro 8:25 1Th 1:10 - renew. Heb. change. * Jud 16:28 Job 17:9; 33:24-26 Ps 103:5; 138:3 2Co 1:8-10 * 2Co 4:8-10,16; 12:9,10 - mount. * Ex 19:4 Ps 84:7 So 8:5 Zec 10:12 Re 4:7 - not faint. * Ps 27:13 Lu 18:1 2Co 4:1,16 Ga 6:9 Heb 12:1 Re 2:3 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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