1 The great calamities which come by sin. 10 The different reward of the righteous and wicked. 12 The oppression and covetousness of the rulers. 16 The judgments which shall be for the pride of the women. 25 The general desolation. VERSE 1 - behold. * Isa 2:22 - the Lord. * Isa 1:24; 36:12; 51:22 - the stay. * Le 26:26 Ps 105:16 Jer 37:21; 38:9 Eze 4:16,17; 14:13 VERSE 2 - mighty. * Isa 2:13-15 2Ki 24:14-16 Ps 74:9 La 5:12-14 Am 2:3 - the ancient. * Isa 9:15 Eze 8:12; 9:5 VERSE 3 - captain. * Ex 18:21 De 1:15 1Sa 8:12 - the honorable man. Heb. a man eminent in countenance. * Jud 8:18 - eloquent orator. or, skilful of speech. * Ex 4:10,14-16 VERSE 4 - children. * 1Ki 3:7-9 2Ch 33:1; 34:1; 36:2,5,9,11 Ec 10:16 VERSE 5 - the people. * Isa 9:19-21; 11:13 Jer 9:3-8; 22:17 Eze 22:6,7,12 Am 4:1 * Mic 3:1-3,11 Zec 7:9-11 Mal 3:5 Jas 2:6; 5:4 - child. * Isa 1:4 Le 19:32 2Ki 2:23 Job 30:1-12 - base. * 2Sa 16:5-9 Ec 10:5-7 Mt 26:67; 27:28-30 Mr 14:65 Lu 22:64 VERSE 6 - a man. * Isa 4:1 Jud 11:6-8 Joh 6:15 VERSE 7 - swear. Heb. lift up the hand. * Ge 14:22 De 32:40 Re 10:5,6 - healer. Heb. binder up. * Isa 58:12 Jer 14:19 La 2:13 Ho 5:13; 6:1 - neither bread. Princes and great men in the East, as Sir J. Chardin testifies, are obliged to have a great stock of clothes in readiness for presents on all occasions; and a great quantity of provisions for the table is equally necessary, (see 1 Ki 4:22, 23. Ne 5:17, 18.) Hence the person desired to undertake the government, alleges as an excuse that he is not able to support the dignity of his station. VERSE 8 - Jerusalem. * 2Ch 28:5-7,18; 33:11; 36:17-19 Jer 26:6,18 La 5:16,17 Mic 3:12 - because. * Isa 5:18,19; 57:4 Ps 73:8,9 Eze 8:12; 9:9 Ho 7:16 Mal 3:13-15 * Mt 12:36,37 Jude 1:15 - to provoke. * Isa 65:3-5 2Ch 33:6,7 Eze 8:4-6,17,18 Hab 1:13 1Co 10:22 VERSE 9 - The shew. * :16 1Sa 15:32 2Ki 9:30 Ps 10:4; 73:6,7 Pr 30:13 Jer 3:3; 6:15 * Da 7:20 - and they declare. * Ge 13:13; 18:20,21; 19:5-9 Jer 44:16,17 Eze 23:16 - Woe. * La 5:16 Ho 13:9 VERSE 10 - Say ye. * Isa 26:20,21 Ec 8:12 Jer 15:11 Eze 9:4; 18:9-19 Zep 2:3 Mal 3:18 * Ro 2:5-11 - they shall eat. * Ps 18:23,24; 128:1,2 Ga 6:7,8 Heb 6:10 VERSE 11 - Woe. * Isa 48:22; 57:20,21; 65:13-15,20 Ps 1:3-5; 11:5,6 Ec 8:13 - for the reward. * Ps 28:4; 62:12 Pr 1:31 2Co 5:10 Jas 2:13 - given him. Heb. done to him. * Ps 120:3,4 VERSE 12 - children. * :4 2Ki 11:1 Na 3:13 - lead thee. or, which call thee blessed. * Isa 9:15 Nu 6:23-27 Jer 5:31 Mt 15:14 - destroy. Heb. swallow up. * Mt 23:14 VERSE 13 - standeth up. * Ps 12:5 Pr 22:22,23; 23:10,11 Ho 4:1,2 Mic 6:2 VERSE 14 - enter. * Job 22:4; 34:23 Ps 143:2 - the ancients. See on ver. * :2,3 - ye have eaten. or, ye have burnt. * Isa 5:7 Job 24:2-7 Jer 5:27 Am 4:1 Mic 2:2; 6:10 Mt 21:33 VERSE 15 - What mean. * Eze 18:2 Jon 1:6 - ye beat. * Isa 58:4 Ex 5:14 Am 2:6,7; 8:4-6 Mic 3:2,3 VERSE 16 - the daughters. * Isa 1:8; 4:4 Mt 21:5 Lu 23:28 - are haughty. * Isa 24:4; 32:9-11 Pr 16:18; 30:13 Eze 16:49,50 Zep 3:11 - wanton eyes. Heb. deceiving with their eyes. Or, as {messakkaroth ainayim} is rendered in the Targum, "painting their eyes with stibium:" for {sakar} is probably the same as the Chaldee {sekar,} or that import. - mincing. or, tripping nicely. and making. The Eastern ladies wear on their ankles large rings to which smaller ones are attached, which make a tinkling sound as they move nimbly. VERSE 17 - smite. * Le 13:29,30,43,44 De 28:27 Re 16:2 - discover. Heb. made naked. * Isa 20:4; 47:2,3 Jer 13:22 Eze 16:36,37; 23:25-29 Mic 1:11 Na 3:5 VERSE 18 - tinkling ornaments. * :16 - cauls. or, networks. {Shevisim,} probably the rich embroidered kerchiefs used to bind on their caps on the head, described by Lady M. W. Montague, Let. 32. - round tires. * Jud 8:21 *marg: VERSE 19 - chains. or, sweet-balls. {Neteephoth,} earrings or drops; in Arabic, {netafat.} - the bracelets. * Ge 24:22,30,53; 38:18,25 Ex 35:22 Nu 31:50 Eze 16:11 - mufflers. or, spangled ornaments. VERSE 20 - tablets. Heb. houses of the soul. Probably perfume boxes, as rendered by Bp. Lowth. - the earrings. {Lechashim,} probably amulets. * Ge 35:4 Ex 32:2 Eze 16:12 Ho 2:13 VERSE 21 - rings. * Ge 41:42 Es 8:12 So 5:14 Lu 15:22 Jas 2:2 - nose jewels. * Ge 24:47 1Ti 2:9,10 1Pe 3:3,4 VERSE 22 - The changeable suits. {Machalatzoth,} probably loose robes, used according to the weather. * Zec 3:4 1Ti 2:8-10 1Pe 3:3,4; 5:5 - and. * Ge 8:22 - mantles. * Ru 3:15 - crisping pins. or, purses. * 2Ki 4:23 VERSE 23 - glasses. * Ex 38:8 - fine linen. * Ge 41:42 1Ch 15:27 Eze 16:10 Lu 16:19 Re 19:8,14 - vails. * Ge 24:65 Ru 3:15 So 5:7 VERSE 24 - instead. * Isa 57:9 Pr 7:17 - baldness. * Isa 22:12 Eze 7:18 Mic 1:16 - a girding. * Isa 15:3; 32:9-11 Job 16:15 Jer 4:8; 6:26; 48:37; 49:3 La 2:10 * Eze 27:31 Joe 1:8 Am 8:10 Re 11:3 - burning. * Isa 4:4 Le 26:16 De 28:22; 32:24 Re 16:9; 18:9 VERSE 25 - Thy men. * 2Ch 29:9 Jer 11:22; 14:18; 18:21; 19:7; 21:9 La 2:21 Am 9:10 - mighty. Heb. might. VERSE 26 - her gates. * Jer 14:2 La 1:4 - desolate. or, emptied. Heb. cleansed. shall sit. * Isa 47:1 Job 2:8,13 La 2:10 Eze 26:16 Lu 19:44 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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