1 The woe of tyrants. 5 Assyria, the rod of hypocrites, for his pride shall be broken. 20 A remnant of Israel shall be saved. 24 Judah is comforted with promise of deliverance from Assyria. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3291. B.C. 713. Woe. * Isa 3:11; 5:8,11,18,20-22 Jer 22:13 Hab 2:6,9,12,15,19 Mt 11:21 * Mt 23:13-16,23,27,29; 26:24 Lu 11:42-44,46,47,52 Jude 1:11 - them. * 1Ki 21:13 Es 3:10-13 Ps 58:2; 94:20,21 Da 6:8,9 Mic 3:1-4,9-11 * Mic 6:16 Joh 9:22; 19:6 - that write grievousness. or, to the writers that write grievousness. VERSE 2 - turn aside. * Isa 29:21 La 3:35 Am 2:7; 5:11,12 Mal 3:5 - that widows. * Isa 1:23; 3:14; 5:7 Jer 7:6 Eze 22:7 Mt 23:14 VERSE 3 - And what. * Isa 20:6; 33:14 Job 31:14 Jer 5:31 Eze 24:13,14 Re 6:15,16 - the day. * Isa 26:21 Ho 9:7 Lu 19:44 1Pe 2:12 - in the desolation. * Isa 5:26; 30:27,28; 39:3,6,7 De 28:49 - to whom. * Isa 30:1-3,16; 31:1-3 Ho 5:13 - where. * Isa 2:20,21; 5:14 Ge 31:1 2Ki 7:6-8,15 Ps 49:16,17 Pr 11:4 * Zep 1:18 VERSE 4 - Without me. * Le 26:17,36,37 De 31:15-18; 32:30 Jer 37:10 Ho 9:12 - For all this. * Isa 5:25; 9:12,17,21 VERSE 5 - O Assyrian. or, Woe to the Assyrian. Heb. O Asshur. * Ge 10:11 - the rod. * :15; 8:4; 14:5,6 Ps 17:14; 125:3 Jer 51:20-24 - and. or, though. VERSE 6 - against. * Isa 9:17; 19:17; 29:13; 30:9-11; 33:14 Jer 3:10; 4:14 Mt 15:7 - will I give. * :13,14; 37:26,27; 41:25; 45:1-5 Jer 25:9; 34:22; 47:6,7 - tread them. Heb. lay them a treading. * Isa 22:5; 63:3,6 2Sa 22:43 Mic 7:10 Zec 10:5 VERSE 7 - he meaneth. * Ge 50:20 Mic 4:11,12 Ac 2:23; 13:27-30 - in his heart. * Isa 36:18-20; 37:11-13 VERSE 8 * Isa 36:8 2Ki 18:24; 19:10 Eze 26:7 Da 2:37 VERSE 9 - Calno. * Am 6:1,2 - Calneh. - Carchemish. * 2Ch 35:20 Jer 46:2 - Hamath. * Isa 36:19; 37:13 2Sa 8:9 2Ki 17:24 Jer 49:23 - Samaria. * Isa 7:8; 17:3 2Ki 16:9; 17:5,6; 18:9,10 VERSE 10 - the kingdoms. * :14 2Ki 18:33-35; 19:12,13,17-19 2Ch 32:12-16,19 VERSE 11 - as I have. * Isa 36:19,20; 37:10-13 VERSE 12 - when the Lord. * :5,6; 14:24-27; 27:9; 46:10,11 Ps 76:10 1Pe 4:17 - I will. * :16-19,25-34; 17:12-14; 29:7,8; 30:30-33; 31:5-9; 37:36-38; 50:11 * Jer 50:18 - punish the fruit of the stout heart. Heb. visit upon the fruit of the greatness of the heart. * Isa 9:9 Job 40:11,12 Ps 21:10 Mt 12:33; 15:19 - the glory. * Isa 2:11; 5:15 Ps 18:27 Pr 30:13 Eze 31:10,14 Da 4:37 VERSE 13 - For he saith. * :8; 37:23,24 De 8:17 Eze 25:3; 26:2; 28:2-9; 29:3 Da 4:30 Am 6:13 * Hab 1:16 - I have removed. * 2Ki 15:29; 17:6,24; 18:11,32 1Ch 5:26 Am 5:27; 6:1,2 - robbed. * 2Ki 16:8; 18:15 Ho 13:15,16 - a valiant man. or, many people. VERSE 14 - And my. * Isa 5:8 Job 31:25 Pr 18:12; 21:6,7 Ho 12:7,8 Na 2:9-13; 3:1 * Hab 2:5-11 - peeped. That is, chirped, from the Latin {pipio.} We still use the term pipe to express the note of the bullfinch. VERSE 15 - the axe. * :5 Ps 17:13,14 Jer 51:20-23 Eze 28:9 Ro 9:20,21 - the rod should shake itself against them. or, a rod should shake them. itself, as if it were no wood. or, that which is not wood. VERSE 16 - the Lord of hosts. * Isa 5:17; 14:24-27; 29:5-8; 37:6,7,29,36 2Ch 32:21 Ps 106:15 * Ac 12:23 - and under * Isa 9:5; 30:30-33; 33:10-14 VERSE 17 - the light. * Isa 60:19 Ps 27:1; 84:11 Re 21:23; 22:5 - for a flame. * Isa 30:27,28; 33:14; 64:1,2; 66:15,16,24 Nu 11:1-3; 16:35 Ps 18:8 * Ps 21:9; 50:3; 83:14,15 Jer 4:4; 7:20 Mal 4:1-3 Mt 3:12 * 2Th 1:7-9 Heb 12:29 - devour. * Isa 27:4; 37:36 Ps 97:3 Na 1:5,6,10 VERSE 18 - consume. * :33,34; 9:18 2Ki 19:23,28 Jer 21:14 Eze 20:47,48 - both soul and body. Heb. from the soul and even to the flesh. VERSE 19 - few. Heb. number. * Isa 37:36 VERSE 20 - the remnant. * Isa 1:9; 4:2,3; 6:13; 37:4,31,32 Ezr 9:14 Ro 9:27-29 - no more. * 2Ki 16:7 2Ch 28:20 Ho 5:13; 14:3 - but shall stay. * Isa 17:7,8; 26:3,4; 48:1,2; 50:10 VERSE 21 - return. * Isa 7:3; 9:13; 19:22; 55:7; 65:8,9 Ho 6:1; 7:10,16; 14:1 Ac 26:20 * 2Co 3:14-16 - the mighty God. * Isa 9:6 VERSE 22 - though thy. * 1Ki 4:20 Ho 1:10 Ro 9:27; 11:5,6 Re 20:8 - yet a remnant. * Isa 6:13 - of. Heb. in, or, among. the consumption. * Isa 6:11; 8:8; 27:10,11; 28:15-22 Da 9:27 Ro 9:28 - with. or, in. * Ge 18:25 Ac 17:31 Ro 2:5; 3:5,6 VERSE 23 - determined. * Isa 14:26,27; 24:1-23 Da 4:35 VERSE 24 - O my people. * Isa 4:3; 12:6; 30:19; 46:13; 61:3 Heb 12:22-24 - be not afraid. * Isa 8:12,13; 33:14-16; 35:4; 37:6,22,33-35 - smite thee. * :5; 9:4; 14:29; 27:7 - and shall lift up his staff against thee. or, but he shall lift up his staff for thee. after the manner. * Ex 1:10-16; 14:9,21-31; 15:6-10 VERSE 25 - For yet. * :33,34; 12:1,2; 14:24,25; 17:12-14; 30:30-33; 31:4-9; 37:36-38; 54:7 * 2Ki 19:35 Ps 37:10 Da 11:36 Heb 10:37 VERSE 26 - stir up. See on ver. * :16-19 2Ki 19:35 Ps 35:23 - according. * Isa 9:4 Jud 7:25 Ps 83:11 - his rod. See on ver. * :24; 11:16; 51:9,10 Ex 14:25-27 Ne 9:10,11 Ps 106:10,11 * Hab 3:7-15 Re 11:18; 19:15 VERSE 27 - his burden. * Isa 9:4; 14:25 2Ki 18:13,14 Na 1:9-13 - be taken away. Heb. remove. because. * Isa 37:35 2Sa 1:21 Ps 2:1-3,6 *marg: * Ps 20:6; 45:7; 84:9; 89:20-52; 105:15; 132:10,17,18 Da 9:24-26 * Lu 4:18 Joh 1:41 *marg: * Ac 4:27 1Jo 2:20,27 VERSE 28 - He is come. This is a prophetical description of the march of Sennacherib's army approaching Jerusalem in order to invest it, and of the terror and confusion spreading and increasing through the several places as he advanced; expressed with great brevity, but finely diversified. Aiath, or Ai, was situated a little east of Bethel about twelve miles north of Jerusalem; Michmash about three miles nearer, where there was a narrow pass between two sharp hills; Geba and Ramah about three miles more to the south; Gibeah a mile and a half more southward; Anathoth within three miles of Jerusalem; to the westward of which, towards Lydda, was Nob, from which place Sennacherib might have a prospect of Zion, and near which, it would appear, his army was destroyed. - Aiath. * Jos 7:2 Ne 11:31 - Aija. - Migron. * 1Sa 14:2 - Michmash. * 1Sa 13:2,5; 14:5,31 VERSE 29 - the passage. * 1Sa 13:23; 14:4 - Geba. * Jos 21:17 1Ki 15:23 - Ramah. * Jos 18:24,25 1Sa 7:17; 15:34 Jer 31:15 Ho 5:8 - Gibeah. * Jud 19:12-15 1Sa 11:4; 13:2 Ho 9:9; 10:9 VERSE 30 - Lift up thy voice. Heb. Cry shrill with thy voice. Gallim. * 1Sa 25:44 - Laish. * Jud 18:7,29 - Anathoth. * Jos 21:18 1Ki 2:26 Jer 1:1; 32:8 VERSE 31 - Madmenah. * Jos 15:31 - Madmannah. VERSE 32 - Nob. * 1Sa 21:1; 22:19 Ne 11:32 - shake. * :24; 11:15; 13:2; 19:16 Zec 2:9 - the mount. * Isa 2:2; 37:22 VERSE 33 - lop. * :16-19; 37:24-36,38 2Ki 19:21-37 2Ch 32:21 - the high ones. * Am 2:9 - and the haughty. * Isa 2:11-17 Job 40:11,12 Da 4:37 Lu 14:11 VERSE 34 - cut down. * :18; 37:24 Jer 22:7; 46:22,23; 48:2 Na 1:12 - Lebanon. * Zec 11:1,2 - by a mighty one. or, mightily. * Isa 31:8; 37:36 Ps 103:20 Da 4:13,14,23 2Th 1:7 2Pe 2:11 Re 10:1 * Re 18:21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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