1 The Lord's intended future kindness to Israel, not withstanding their wickedness, illustrated by the emblem of Hosea's conduct towards his adulterous wife. 4 The desolation of Israel before their restoration. VERSE 1 - Go yet. * Ho 1:2,3 - friend. * Jer 3:1,20 *marg: * Mt 26:50 - according. * Ho 11:8 De 7:6,7 Jud 10:16 2Ki 13:23 Ne 9:18,19,31 Ps 106:43-46 * Jer 3:1-4,12-14; 31:20 Mic 7:18-20 Zec 1:16 Lu 1:54,55 - look. * Ps 123:2 Isa 17:7,8; 45:22 Mic 7:7 - love flagons. * Ho 4:11; 7:5; 9:1,2 Ex 32:6 Jud 9:27 Am 2:8; 6:6 1Co 10:7,21 1Pe 4:3 - wine. Heb. grapes. VERSE 2 - I bought. * Ge 31:41; 34:12 Ex 22:17 1Sa 18:25 - an homer. * Le 27:16 Isa 5:10 Eze 45:11 - half homer. Heb. lethech. VERSE 3 - Thou shalt abide. * De 21:13 VERSE 4 - without a king. * Ho 10:3 Ge 49:10 Jer 15:4,5 Joh 19:15 - without a sacrifice. * 2Ch 15:2 Da 8:11-13; 9:27; 12:11 Mt 24:1,2 Lu 21:24 Ac 6:13,14 * Heb 10:26 - an image. Heb. a standing, or statue, or pillar. * Isa 19:19,20 - ephod. * Ex 28:4 Le 8:7 Jud 8:27; 17:5 1Sa 2:18; 14:3; 21:9; 22:18; 23:6,9 * 1Sa 30:7 2Sa 6:14 - without teraphim. * Ge 31:19 *marg: * Jud 17:5; 18:17-24 2Ki 23:24 *marg: * Eze 20:32; 21:21 *marg: * Mic 5:11-14 Zec 13:2 VERSE 5 - seek. * Ho 5:6,15 Isa 27:12,13 Jer 3:22,23; 31:6-10; 50:4,5 - and David their king. * 1Ki 12:16 Isa 55:3,4 Jer 30:9; 33:17 Eze 34:23,24; 37:22-25 * Am 9:11 Ac 15:16-18 - fear. * Ps 130:3,4 Jer 33:9 Eze 16:63 Ro 2:4 - in the. * Nu 24:14 De 4:30 Isa 2:2 Jer 30:24 Eze 38:8,16 Da 2:28; 10:14 * Mic 4:1 Ro 11:25 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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