1 Hosea, to shew God's judgment for spiritual whoredom, takes Gomer, 4 and has by her Jezreel; 6 Loruhamah; 8 and Lo-ammi. 10 The restoration of Judah and Israel under one head. VERSE 1 - word. * Jer 1:2,4 Eze 1:3 Joe 1:1 Jon 1:1 Zec 1:1 Joh 10:35 2Pe 1:21 - Hosea. * Ro 9:25 - Osee. in. * Isa 1:1 Mic 1:1 - Uzziah. * 2Ki 14:16-29; 15:1,2,32; 16:1-20; 18:1-37 2Ch 26:1-32:33 VERSE 2 - beginning. * Mr 1:1 - Go. * Ho 3:1 - See on. * Isa 20:2,3 Jer 13:1-11 Eze 4:1-5:17 - a wife. That is, says Apb. Newcome, a wife from among the Israelites, who were a people remarkable for spiritual fornication or idolatry. - children. * Ho 2:4 2Pe 2:14 *marg: - for. * Ex 34:15,16 De 31:16 2Ch 21:13 Ps 73:27; 106:39 Jer 2:13 * Jer 3:1-4,9 Eze 6:9; 16:1-63; 23:1-49 Re 17:1,2,5 VERSE 3 * Isa 8:1-3 VERSE 4 - Call. * :6,9 Isa 7:14; 9:6 Mt 1:21 Lu 1:13,31,63 Joh 1:42 - Jezreel. [Yizrel <3157>,] God will disperse, as seed is when sown; probably intimating also the speedy dispersion of Israel by Shalmaneser. - and I. * 2Ki 9:24,25; 10:7,8,10,11,17,29-31; 15:10-12 - avenge. Heb. visit. * Ho 2:13; 9:17 Jer 23:2 - will cause. * 2Ki 15:29; 17:6-23; 18:9-12 1Ch 5:25,26 Jer 3:8 Eze 23:10,31 VERSE 5 - I will. * Ho 2:18 Ps 37:15; 46:9 Jer 49:34,35; 51:56 - in. * Jos 17:16 Jud 6:33 VERSE 6 - Lo-ruhamah. that is, Not having obtained mercy. * Ho 2:23 1Pe 2:10 - for. * 2Ki 17:6,23-41 Isa 27:11 - no more have. Heb. not add any more to have. but I will utterly take them away. or, that I should altogether pardon them. See on ch. * Ho 9:15-17 VERSE 7 - I will. * Ho 11:12 2Ki 19:35 Isa 36:1-37:38 - will save. * Isa 7:14; 12:2; 49:6 Jer 23:5,6 Zec 2:6-11; 4:6; 9:9,10 Mt 1:21-23 * Tit 3:4-6 - by bow. * Ps 33:16; 44:3-6 VERSE 8 - weaned. * 1Sa 1:22 VERSE 9 - Lo-ammi. that is, Not my people. * Jer 15:1 VERSE 10 - the number. * Ge 13:16; 32:12 Isa 48:19 Ro 9:27,28 Heb 11:12 - and it. See on * Ro 9:25,26 - in the. or, instead of that. it was said. * Ho 2:23 Isa 43:6; 49:17-22; 54:1-3; 60:4-22; 66:20 1Pe 2:9,10 - Ye are the sons. * Joh 1:12 Ro 8:14-17; 9:26 2Co 6:18 Ga 4:6,7 1Jo 3:1,2 VERSE 11 - Then shall. This seems to refer to the future conversion and restoration of the Jews and Israelites, under on head, Jesus Christ; so that there shall be one flock and one shepherd. - the children of Judah. * Ho 3:5, Isa 11:12,13 Jer 3:18,19; 23:5-8; 30:3; 31:1-9, 33:15-26 * Jer 50:4,5,19 Eze 16:60-63; 34:23,24; 37:16-25 Mic 2:12,13 * Zec 10:6-9 Ro 11:25,26 - for. An allusion to the word Jezreel. God who sowed them among the nations in His wrath, shall reap and gather them in His mercy: see ch. * Ho 2:22,23 Ps 22:27-30; 110:3 Ro 11:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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