1 What faith is. 6 Without faith we cannot please God. 7 The worthy fruits thereof in the fathers of old time. VERSE 1 - faith. * :13; 10:22,39 Ac 20:21 1Co 13:13 Ga 5:6 Tit 1:1 1Pe 1:7 2Pe 1:1 - is the. * Ps 27:13; 42:11 - substance. or, ground, or, confidence. * Heb 2:3; 3:14 2Co 9:4; 11:17 *Gr: - hoped. See on ch. * Heb 6:12,18,19 - the evidence. * :7,27 Ro 8:24,25 2Co 4:18; 5:17 1Pe 1:8 VERSE 2 - the elders. * :4-39 VERSE 3 - faith. * Heb 1:2 Ge 1:1 *etc: * Ge 2:1 Ps 33:6 Isa 40:26 Jer 10:11,16 Joh 1:3 Ac 14:15; 17:24 * Ro 1:19-21; 4:17 2Pe 3:5 Re 4:11 VERSE 4 - faith. * Ge 4:3-5,15,25 1Jo 3:11,12 - a more. * Heb 9:22 Pr 15:8; 21:27 Tit 1:16 Jude 1:11 - he obtained. * Le 9:24 1Ki 18:38 Mt 23:35 Lu 11:51 - and by. * Heb 12:1,24 Ge 4:10 Mt 23:35 - yet speaketh. or, is yet spoken of. VERSE 5 - Enoch. * Ge 5:22-24 Lu 3:37 Jude 1:14 - translated. * 2Ki 2:11 Ps 89:48 Joh 8:51,52 - and was. * 2Ki 2:16,17 Jer 36:26 Re 11:9-12 - this testimony. * :3,4 - that he. * :6 Ge 5:22 Ro 8:8,9 1Th 2:4 1Jo 3:22 VERSE 6 - without. * Heb 3:12,18,19; 4:2,6 Nu 14:11; 20:12 Ps 78:22,32; 106:21,22,24 * Isa 7:9 Mr 16:17 Joh 3:18,19; 8:24 Ga 5:6 Re 21:8 - he that. See on ch. * Heb 7:25 Job 21:14 Ps 73:28 Isa 55:3 Jer 2:31 Joh 14:6 - must. * Ro 10:14 - a rewarder. * :26 Ge 15:1 Ru 2:12 Ps 58:11 Pr 11:18 Mt 5:12; 6:1,2,5,16 * Mt 10:41,42 Lu 6:35 - diligently. * 1Ch 28:9 Ps 105:3,4; 119:10 Pr 8:17 So 3:1-4 Jer 29:13,14 * Mt 6:33 Lu 12:31 2Pe 1:5,10; 3:14 VERSE 7 - Noah. * Ge 6:13,22; 7:1,5 Mt 24:38 Lu 17:26 - Noe. * 2Pe 2:5 - warned. * Ge 6:13; 19:14 Ex 9:18-21 Pr 22:3; 27:12 Eze 3:17-19 Mt 3:7 * Mt 24:15,25 2Pe 3:6 - things. See on ver. * :1 - moved with fear. or, being wary. See on ch. * Heb 5:7 *Gr: - prepared. * Ge 6:18; 7:1,23; 8:16 Eze 14:14,20 1Pe 3:20 - he condemned. * Mt 12:41,42 Lu 11:31,32 - righteousness. * Ro 1:17; 3:22; 4:11,13; 9:30; 10:6 Ga 5:5 Php 3:9 2Pe 1:1 VERSE 8 - Abraham. * Ge 11:31; 12:1-4 Jos 24:3 Ne 9:7,8 Isa 41:2; 51:2 Ac 7:2-4 - which. * Ge 12:7; 13:15-17; 15:7,8; 17:8; 26:3 De 9:5 Ps 105:9-11 Eze 36:24 - obeyed. * :33; 5:9 Ge 22:18; 15:5 Mt 7:24,25 Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16 2Co 10:5 * Jas 2:14-16 1Pe 1:22; 3:1; 4:17 VERSE 9 - he sojourned. * Ge 17:8; 23:4; 26:3; 35:27 Ac 7:5,6 - dwelling. * Ge 12:8; 13:3,18; 18:1,2,6,9; 25:27 - the heirs. * Heb 6:17 Ge 26:3,4; 28:4,13,14; 48:3,4 VERSE 10 - he looked. * Heb 12:22,28; 13:14 Joh 14:2 Php 3:20 *Gr: * Re 21:2,10-27 - whose. * Heb 3:4 Isa 14:32 2Co 5:1 VERSE 11 - Sara. * Ge 17:17-19; 18:11-14; 21:1,2 Lu 1:36 1Pe 3:5,6 - because. * Heb 10:23 Ro 4:20,21 VERSE 12 - and him. * Ro 4:19 - as the stars. * Ge 15:5; 22:17; 26:4 Ex 32:13 De 1:10; 28:62 1Ch 27:23 Ne 9:23 * Ro 4:17 - as the sand. * Ge 22:17; 32:12 Jos 11:4 Jud 7:12 1Sa 12:5 2Sa 17:11 1Ki 4:20 * Isa 10:22; 48:19 Jer 33:22 Ho 1:10 Hab 1:9 Ro 4:18; 9:27 Re 20:8 VERSE 13 - all died. * Ge 25:8; 27:2-4; 48:21; 49:18,28,33; 50:24 - in faith. Gr. according to faith. not. * :39 - but. * :27 Ge 49:10 Nu 24:17 Job 19:25 Joh 8:56; 12:41 1Pe 1:10-12 - and were. * Ro 4:21; 8:24 1Jo 3:19 *Gr: - confessed. * Ge 23:4; 47:9 1Ch 29:14,15 Ps 39:12; 119:19 1Pe 1:17; 2:11 VERSE 14 - they seek. * :16; 13:14 Ro 8:23-25 2Co 4:18; 5:1-7 Php 1:23 VERSE 15 - mindful. * Ge 11:31; 12:10; 24:6-8; 31:18; 32:9-11 VERSE 16 - they desire. See on ver. * :14; 12:22 - God is. * Heb 2:11 - to be. * Ge 17:7,8 Ex 3:6,15 Isa 41:8-10 Jer 31:1 Mt 22:31,32 Mr 12:26 * Lu 20:37 Ac 7:32 - for. * :10; 13:14 Mt 25:34 Lu 12:32 Php 3:20 VERSE 17 - faith. * Ge 22:1-12 Jas 2:21-24 - when. * De 8:2 2Ch 32:31 Job 1:11,12; 2:3-6 Pr 17:3 Da 11:35 Zec 13:9 * Mal 3:2,3 Jas 1:2-4; 5:11 1Pe 1:6,7; 4:12 Re 3:10 - received. * Heb 7:6 - offered. * 2Co 8:12 - only. * Ge 22:2,16 Joh 3:16 VERSE 18 - Of. or, To. That. * Ge 17:19; 21:12 Ro 9:7 VERSE 19 - God. * Ge 22:5 *Heb: * Mt 9:28 Ro 4:17-21 Eph 3:20 - from the. * :11,12; 9:24 Ge 22:4,13 Ro 5:14 VERSE 20 * Ge 27:27-40; 28:2,3 VERSE 21 - faith. * Ge 48:5-22 - and worshipped. * Ge 47:31 VERSE 22 - faith. * Ge 50:24,25 Ex 13:19 Jos 24:32 Ac 7:16 - made mention of. or, remembered. VERSE 23 - faith. * Ex 2:2 *etc: * Ac 7:20 - a proper child. That is, a fine, beautiful, or fair child, as our translators render [asteios <791>] in Ac. 7:20; which was in their time the sense of proper, from the French propre. - and they. * Heb 13:6 Ps 56:4; 118:6 Isa 8:12,13; 41:10,14; 51:7,12 Da 3:16-18 * Da 6:10 Mt 10:28 Lu 12:4,5 - the king's. * Ex 1:16,22 VERSE 24 - when. * Ex 2:10 Ac 7:21-24 VERSE 25 - Choosing. * Heb 10:32 Job 36:21 Ps 84:10 Mt 5:10-12; 13:21 Ac 7:24,25; 20:23,24 * Ro 5:3; 8:17,18,35-39 2Co 5:17 Col 1:24 2Th 1:3-6 2Ti 1:8 * 2Ti 2:3-10; 3:11,12 Jas 1:20 1Pe 1:6,7; 4:12-16 - the people. * Heb 4:9 Ps 47:9 1Pe 2:10 - the pleasures. * Job 20:5; 21:11-13 Ps 73:18-20 Isa 21:4; 47:8,9 Lu 12:19,20 * Lu 16:25 Jas 5:5 Re 18:7 VERSE 26 - the reproach. * Heb 10:33; 13:13 Ps 69:7,20; 89:50,51 Isa 51:7 Ac 5:41 2Co 12:10 * 2Co 12:10 1Pe 1:11; 4:14 - of Christ. or, for Christ. greater. * Ps 37:16 Jer 9:23,24 2Co 6:10 Eph 1:18; 3:8 Re 2:9; 3:18 - for he had. See on ver. * :6; 2:2; 10:35 Ru 2:12 Pr 11:18; 23:18 Mt 5:12; 6:1; 10:41 Lu 14:14 VERSE 27 - he forsook. * Ex 10:28,29; 11:8; 12:11,37 *etc: * Ex 13:17-21 - not fearing. * Ex 2:14,15; 4:19; 14:10-13 - endured. * Heb 6:15; 10:32; 12:3 Mt 10:22; 24:13 Mr 4:17; 13:13 1Co 13:7 Jas 5:11 - seeing. * :1,13; 12:2 Ps 16:8 Ac 2:25 2Co 4:18 1Ti 1:17; 6:16 1Pe 1:8 VERSE 28 - he kept. * Ex 12:3-14,21-30 - the sprinkling. * Heb 9:19; 12:24 Ex 12:7,13,23 1Pe 1:2 VERSE 29 * Ex 14:13-31; 15:1-21 Jos 2:10 Ne 9:11 Ps 66:6; 78:13; 106:9-11 * Ps 114:1-5; 136:13-15 Isa 11:15,16; 51:9,10; 63:11-16 Hab 3:8-10 VERSE 30 * Jos 6:3-20 2Co 10:4,5 VERSE 31 - the harlot. * Jos 2:1-22; 6:22-25 Mt 1:1,5 Jas 2:25 - believed not. or, were disobedient. * Heb 3:18 1Pe 2:8; 3:20 - she had. * Jos 1:1; 2:4 *etc: VERSE 32 - what shall. * Ro 3:5; 4:1; 6:1; 7:7 - the time. * Joh 21:25 - Gedeon. * Jud 6:1-8:35 - Gideon. * 1Sa 12:11 - Jerubbaal. Barak. * Jud 4:1-5:31 - Samson. * Jud 13:1-16:31 - Jephthae. * Jud 11:1-12:7 - Jephthah. David. * 1Sa 16:1,13; 17:1-58 *etc: * Ac 2:29-31; 13:22-36 - Samuel. * 1Sa 1:20; 2:11,18; 3:1-12:25; 28:3 *etc: * Ps 99:6 Jer 15:1 Ac 3:24; 13:20 - the prophets. * Mt 5:12 Lu 13:28; 16:31 Ac 10:43 Jas 5:10 1Pe 1:10-12 2Pe 1:21 * 2Pe 3:2 VERSE 33 - through. * Jos 6:1-13:33 2Sa 5:4-25; 8:1-14 Ps 18:32-34; 44:2-6; 144:1,2,10 - wrought. See on ver. * :4-8,17 - obtained. See on ch. * Heb 6:12-15; 10:36 2Sa 7:11 *etc: * Ga 3:16 - stopped. * Jud 14:5,6 1Sa 17:33-36 Ps 91:13 Da 6:20-23 2Ti 4:17 1Pe 5:8 VERSE 34 - Quenched. * Ps 66:12 Isa 43:2 Da 3:19-28 1Pe 4:12 - escaped. * 1Sa 20:1 2Sa 21:16,17 1Ki 19:3 2Ki 6:16-18,32 Job 5:20 * Ps 144:10 Jer 26:24 - out of. * Jud 7:19-25; 8:4-10; 15:14-20; 16:19-30 2Ki 20:7 *etc: * Job 42:10 Ps 6:8 2Co 12:9,10 - turned. * 1Sa 14:13 *etc: * 1Sa 17:51,52 2Sa 8:1 *etc: * 2Ch 14:11-14; 16:1-9; 20:6-25; 32:20-22 VERSE 35 - Women. * 1Ki 17:22-24 2Ki 4:27-37 Lu 7:12-16 Joh 11:40-45 Ac 9:41 - tortured. * Ac 22:24,25,29 - not accepting. * Ac 4:19 - that they. * Mt 22:30 Mr 12:25 Lu 14:14; 20:36 Joh 5:29 Ac 23:6; 24:15 * 1Co 15:54 Php 3:11 VERSE 36 - mockings. * Jud 16:25 2Ki 2:23 2Ch 30:10; 36:16 Jer 20:7 Mt 20:19 Mr 10:34 * Lu 18:32; 23:11,36 - and scourgings. * 1Ki 22:24 Jer 20:2; 37:15 Mt 21:35; 23:34; 27:26 Ac 5:40; 16:22,23 * 2Co 11:24,25 - bonds. * Heb 10:34 Ge 39:20 1Ki 22:27 2Ch 16:10 Ps 105:17,18 Jer 20:2; 29:26 * Jer 32:2,3,8; 36:6; 37:15-21; 38:6-13,28; 39:15 La 3:52-55 Ac 4:3 * Ac 5:18; 8:3; 12:4 *etc: * Ac 16:24 *etc: * Ac 21:33; 24:27 2Co 11:23 Eph 3:1; 4:1 2Ti 1:16; 2:9 Re 2:10 VERSE 37 - stoned. * 1Ki 21:10,13-15 2Ch 24:21 Mt 21:35; 23:37 Lu 13:34 Joh 10:31-33 * Ac 7:58,59; 14:19 2Co 11:25 - were slain. * 1Sa 22:17-19 1Ki 18:4,13; 19:1,10,14 Jer 2:30; 26:23 La 4:13,14 * Mt 23:35-37 Lu 11:51-54 Ac 7:52; 12:2,3 - in sheepskins. * 2Ki 1:8 Mt 3:4 Re 11:3 - being destitute. * Heb 12:1-3 Zec 13:9 Mt 8:20 1Co 4:9-13 2Co 11:23-27; 12:10 * Jas 5:10,11 VERSE 38 - whom. * 1Ki 14:12,13 2Ki 23:25-29 Isa 57:1 - wandered. * 1Sa 22:1; 23:15,19,23; 24:1-3; 26:1 1Ki 17:3; 18:4,13; 19:9 * Ps 142:1-7 *title VERSE 39 - See on ver. * :2,13 Lu 10:23,24 1Pe 1:12 VERSE 40 - provided. or, foreseen. better. * Heb 7:19,22; 8:6; 9:23; 12:24 - they without. * Heb 9:8-15; 10:11-14 Ro 3:25,26 - made. * Heb 5:9; 12:23 Re 6:11 The apostle in the early part of the chapter having given us a general account of the grace of faith, proceeds to set before us some illustrious examples of it in Old Testament times. The leading instance and example of faith recorded, is that of righteous Abel: one of the first saints and the first martyr for religion--one who lived by faith and died for it, and therefore a fit pattern for the Hebrews to imitate. It is observable that the Holy Spirit has not thought fit to say any thing here of the faith of our first parents; and yet the church of God has generally, by a pious charity, taken it for granted that God gave them repentance and faith in the promised seed; that he instructed them in the mystery of sacrificing, that they instructed their children in it, and that they found mercy with God, after they had ruined themselves and all their posterity. But God has left the matter still under some doubt, as a warning to all who have great talents given to them, and a great trust reposed in them, that they do not prove unfaithful, since God would not enrol our first parents among the number of believers in this blessed calendar.--Henry. 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