1 He encourages the people to the work, by promise of greater glory to the second temple than was in the first. 10 In the type of holy things and unclean he shews their sins hindered the work. 20 God's promise to Zerubbabel. VERSE 1 - the seventh. * :10,20; 1:15 - the prophet. Heb. the hand of the prophet, etc. * Hag 1:1 2Pe 1:21 VERSE 2 - governor. * Hag 1:14 Ezr 1:8; 2:63 Ne 8:9 VERSE 3 - is left. * Ezr 3:12 Zec 4:9,10 - glory. * Eze 7:20 Lu 21:5,6 VERSE 4 - now. * De 31:23 Jos 1:6,9 1Ch 22:13; 28:20 Zec 8:9 1Co 16:13 Eph 6:10 * 2Ti 2:1 - for. * Hag 1:13 Ex 3:12 Jud 2:18 1Sa 16:18 2Sa 5:10 Mr 16:20 Ac 7:9 * 2Ti 4:17 VERSE 5 - to the. * Ex 29:45,46; 33:12-14; 34:8,10 - so. * Nu 11:25-29 Ne 9:20,30 Ps 51:11,12 Isa 63:11-14 Zec 4:6 * Joh 14:16,17 - fear. * Jos 8:1 2Ch 20:17 Isa 41:10,13 Zec 8:13,15 Mt 28:5 Ac 27:24 * Re 1:17 VERSE 6 - Yet. * :21,22 Heb 12:26-28 - it is. * Ps 37:10 Isa 10:25; 29:17 Jer 51:33 Heb 10:37 - and I. * Isa 34:4 Jer 4:23-26 Eze 38:20 Joe 2:30-32; 3:16 Mt 24:29,30 * Mr 13:24-26 Lu 21:25-27 Ac 2:19 Heb 12:26 Re 6:12-17; 8:5-12 * Re 11:9; 6:2-17 VERSE 7 - I will shake. * Eze 21:27 Da 2:44,45; 7:20-25 Joe 3:9-16 Lu 21:10,11 - and the. * Ge 3:15; 22:18; 49:10 Zec 9:9,10 Lu 2:10,11,27,46 Ro 15:9-15 * Ga 3:8 - I will fill. * Ex 40:34,35 1Ki 8:11 2Ch 5:14 Ps 80:1 Mal 3:1 Lu 19:47; 20:1 * Lu 21:38 Joh 1:14; 2:13-17; 7:37-39; 10:23-38 Col 2:9 VERSE 8 * 1Ki 6:20-35 1Ch 29:14-16 Ps 24:1; 50:10-12 Isa 60:13,17 VERSE 9 - glory. * Ps 24:7-10 Joh 1:14 2Co 3:9,10 1Ti 3:16 Jas 2:1 - saith. Whoever compares the description of the temple of Solomon, in the first book of Kings, with the most splendid accounts of the second temple, however adorned with costly stones and other magnificent decorations in after ages, must perceive that the former, being wholly overlaid with pure gold, was incomparably more glorious than the latter in its greatest magnificence; and the Jews themselves allow that the ark of the covenant, fire from heaven, the {Urim} and {Thummim,} the anointing oil, the {Shechinah,} or visible glory, and the spirit of prophecy, which distinguished the former temple, were wanting in this. In nothing, in fact, could the second temple excel the first in glory, except in the personal presence of "the Desire of all nations," He who is "the glory of the Lord," and the true temple, "in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily," and who was the true {Shechinah,} of which that of Solomon's temple was merely a type. And if it be admitted that the presence of the promised Messiah was intended, then it will follow that "Jesus of Nazareth" was He; for the second temple, in which as the "Prince of peace" he preached peace and reconciliation with God, has been utterly destroyed for upwards of seventeen hundred years. - give. * Ps 85:8,9 Isa 9:6,7; 57:18-21 Mic 5:5 Lu 2:14 Joh 14:27 * Ac 10:36 Eph 2:14-17 Col 1:19-21 VERSE 10 * :1,20; 1:1,15 VERSE 11 * Le 10:10,11 De 33:10 Eze 44:23,24 Mal 2:7 Tit 1:9 VERSE 12 * Ex 29:37 Le 6:27,29; 7:6 Eze 44:19 Mt 23:19 VERSE 13 * Nu 5:2,3; 9:6-10; 19:11-22 VERSE 14 - So is this people. * Hag 1:4-11 Pr 15:8; 21:4,27; 28:9 Isa 1:11-15 Tit 1:15 Jude 1:23 - and that. * Ezr 3:2,3 VERSE 15 - consider. * :18; 1:5,7 Ps 107:43 Isa 5:12 Ho 14:9 Mal 3:8-11 Ro 6:21 * 1Co 11:31 - from before. * Ezr 3:10; 4:24 VERSE 16 - when one came to an. * Hag 1:6,9-11 Pr 3:9,10 Zec 8:10-12 Mal 2:2 VERSE 17 - with blasting. * Hag 1:9 Ge 42:6,23,27 De 28:22 1Ki 8:37 2Ch 6:28 Isa 37:27 Am 4:9 - with hail. * Ex 9:18-29 Isa 28:2 - in all. * Hag 1:11 Ps 78:46 Isa 62:8 Jer 3:24 - yet. * 2Ch 28:22 Job 36:13 Isa 9:13; 42:25 Jer 5:3; 6:16,17; 8:4-7 * Ho 7:9,10 Am 4:8-11 Zec 1:2-4; 7:9-13 Re 2:21; 9:20,21 VERSE 18 - Consider. * :15 De 32:29 Lu 15:17-20 - even. * Hag 1:14,15 Ezr 5:1,2 Zec 8:9,12 VERSE 19 - as. * Hab 3:17,18 - from. * Ge 26:12 Le 26:3-13 De 15:10; 28:2-15 Ps 84:12; 128:1-5; 133:3 * Pr 3:9,10 Zec 8:11-15 Mal 3:10 Mt 6:33 VERSE 20 - in the. * :10 VERSE 21 - Zerubbabel. * Hag 1:1,14 1Ch 3:19 Ezr 2:2; 5:2 Zec 4:6-10 - I will. * :6,7 Ps 46:6 Eze 26:15; 38:19,20 Joe 3:16 Heb 12:26,27 * Re 16:17-19 VERSE 22 - overthrow. * Isa 60:12 Eze 21:27 Da 2:34,35,44,45; 7:25-27; 8:25 Mic 5:8,15 * Zep 3:8 Zec 10:11; 12:2-5; 14:3 Mt 24:7 Re 11:15 - and I will overthrow the chariots. * Ex 14:17,28; 15:4,19 Ps 46:9; 76:6 Eze 39:20 Mic 5:10 Zec 4:6 * Zec 9:10 - every. * Jud 7:22 1Sa 14:16 2Ch 20:22 Isa 9:19; 19:2 VERSE 23 - O Zerubbabel. It seems evident that the Messiah is here described under the name of Zerubbabel, as elsewhere under that of David, whose kingdom, after these mighty convulsions, should supersede all others. - and will. * So 8:6 Jer 22:24 Joh 6:27 2Ti 2:19 - for. * Isa 42:1; 43:10; 49:1-3 Zec 4:6-14 Mt 12:18 1Pe 2:4 GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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