1 Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins. 17 The increase and continuance of the flood for forty days. 21 All flesh is destroyed by it. 24 Its duration. VERSE 1 - A.M. 1656. B.C. 2348. Come. * :7,13 Job 5:19-24 Ps 91:1-10 Pr 14:26; 18:10 Isa 26:20,21 * Eze 9:4-6 Zep 2:3 Mt 24:37-39 Lu 17:26 Ac 2:39 Heb 11:7 * 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5 - thee. See on ch. * Ge 6:9 Ps 33:18,19 Pr 10:6,7,9; 11:4-8 Isa 3:10,11 Php 2:15,16 * 2Pe 2:5-9 VERSE 2 - every clean. * :8; 6:19-21; 8:20 Le 11:1-47 De 14:1-21 Ac 10:11-15 - sevens. Heb. seven, seven. not. * Le 10:10 Eze 44:23 VERSE 3 VERSE 4 - For. * :10; 2:5; 6:3; 8:10,12; 29:27,28 Job 28:25; 36:27-32; 37:11,12 Am 4:7 - forty days. * :12,17 - and every. * :21-23; 6:17 - destroy. Heb. blot out. * :21,23; 6:7,13,17 Ex 32:32,33 Job 22:16 Ps 69:28 Re 3:5 VERSE 5 - all that. * Ge 6:22 Ex 39:32,42,43; 40:16 Ps 119:6 Mt 3:15 Lu 8:21 Joh 2:5 * Joh 8:28,29; 13:17 Php 2:8 Heb 5:8 VERSE 6 * Ge 5:32; 8:13 VERSE 7 * :1,13-15; 6:18 Pr 22:3 Mt 24:38 Lu 17:27 Heb 6:18; 11:7 1Pe 3:20 * 2Pe 2:5 VERSE 8 * :8 VERSE 9 * :16; 2:19 Isa 11:6-9; 65:25 Jer 8:7 Ac 10:11,12 Ga 3:28 Col 3:11 VERSE 10 - after seven days. or, on the seventh day. * :4 - waters. * :4,17-20; 6:17 Job 22:16 Mt 24:38,39 Lu 17:27 VERSE 11 - second month. The first month was Tisri, which answers to the latter end of September and first half of October; the second was Marchesvan, which answers to part of October and part of November. - all. * Ge 1:7; 6:17; 8:2 Job 28:4; 38:8-11 Ps 33:7; 74:15 Pr 8:28,29 * Isa 24:19 Jer 5:22; 51:16 Eze 26:19 Am 9:5,6 Mt 24:38 1Th 5:3 - windows. or, flood-gates. * Ge 1:7; 8:2 2Ki 7:2,19 Ps 78:23,24 Mal 3:10 VERSE 12 - forty. * :4,17 Ex 24:18 De 9:9,18; 10:10 1Ki 19:8 Mt 4:2 VERSE 13 - day. * :1,7-9; 6:18 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5 - and Shem. * Ge 5:32; 6:10; 9:18,19; 10:1,2,6,21 1Ch 1:4-28 VERSE 14 - They. * :2,3,8,9 - sort. Heb. wing. VERSE 15 * Ge 6:20 Isa 11:6 VERSE 16 - as. * :2,3 - the. * 2Ki 4:4,5 De 33:27 Ps 46:2; 91:1-10 Pr 3:23 Mt 25:10 Lu 13:25 * Joh 10:27-30 1Pe 1:5 VERSE 17 * :4,12 VERSE 18 - waters prevailed. * Ex 14:28 Job 22:16 Ps 69:15 - ark. * Ps 104:26 VERSE 19 - and all the high hills. At the present day every mountain where search has been made, conspire in one uniform, universal proof that they all had the sea spread over their highest summits; shells, skeletons of fish, etc., having been found there. * Job 12:15 Ps 46:2,3; 104:6-9 Jer 3:23 2Pe 3:6 VERSE 20 - and the mountains. * Ps 104:6 Jer 3:23 VERSE 21 * :4; 6:6,7,13,17 Job 22:15-17 Isa 24:6,19 Jer 4:22-27; 12:3,4 Ho 4:3 * Joe 1:17-20; 2:3 Zep 1:3 Mt 24:39 Lu 17:27 Ro 8:20,22 2Pe 2:5 VERSE 22 - breath of life. Heb. breath of the spirit of life. * Ge 2:7; 6:17 VERSE 23 - every living substance. The most incontestable evidence has been afforded of the universality of this fact: the moose deer, a native of America, has been found buried in Ireland; elephants, native of Asia and Africa, in the midst of England; crocodiles, natives of the Nile, in the heart of Germany; and shell fish, never known in any but the American seas, with the entire skeletons of whales, in the most inland counties of England. * :21,22 Job 22:15-17 Isa 24:1-8 Mt 24:37-39 Lu 17:26,27 1Pe 3:20 * 2Pe 2:5 - and Noah. * Ex 14:28-30 Job 5:19 Ps 91:1,9,10 Pr 11:4 Eze 14:14-20 * Mal 3:17,18 Mt 25:46 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5,9; 3:6 VERSE 24 * Ge 8:3,4 - compare with ver. 11 of this chapter. The breaking up of the fountains of the great deep, and the raining forty days and nights, had raised the waters fifteen cubits, or twenty-two feet and a half, above the highest mountain; after which forty days, it appears to have continued at this height one hundred and fifty days more. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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