1 Recapitulation of the creation of man. 3 The genealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah. 22 The godliness and translation of Enoch. 25 The birth of Noah, etc. VERSE 1 - book. The original word rendered 'book,' signifies a register, account, history, or any kind of writing. * Ge 2:4; 6:9; 10:1 1Ch 1:1 Mt 1:1 Lu 3:36-38 - in the likeness. * Ge 1:26,27 Ec 7:29; 12:1 1Co 11:7 2Co 3:18 Eph 4:24 Col 3:10 * Heb 1:3; 12:9 VERSE 2 - Male. * Ge 1:27 Mal 2:15 - their. * Ge 2:15,23 *marg: * Ac 17:26 VERSE 3 - A.M. 130. B.C. 3874. hundred. The chronology differs in the Hebrew Text, the Samaritan, the LXX., and Josephus. The LXX. adds 100 years to each of the patriarchs Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Enoch, before the birth of their sons; while they take 20 from the age of Methuselah, and add 6 to that of Lamech. Thus the space from the creation to the deluge is made 2,242 years, according to the Vatican copy, but 2,262 by the Alexandrine; and the sum total by Josephus is 2,265, by the Samaritan 1,307, and the Hebrew Text, 1,656. The sum total from the Deluge to the 70th year of Terah, according to these authorities, is, Heb. 292; Sam. 942; Sept. Vat. 1,172; Alex. 1,072, and Josephus 1,002. - in his. * Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4 Ps 14:2,3; 51:5 Lu 1:35 Joh 3:6 Ro 5:12 * 1Co 15:39 Eph 2:3 - called. * Ge 4:25 VERSE 4 - And the. * 1Ch 1:1-3 Lu 3:36-38 - and he. * :7,10,13,19,22,26,30; 1:28; 9:1,7; 11:12 Ps 127:3; 144:12 VERSE 5 - A.M. 930. B.C. 3074. nine. * :8,11,14,17 *etc: * De 30:20 Ps 90:10 - and he died. * :8,11,14 *etc: * Ge 3:19 2Sa 14:14 Job 30:23 Ps 49:7-10; 89:48 Ec 9:5,8; 12:5,7 * Eze 18:4 Ro 5:12-14 1Co 15:21,22 Heb 9:27 VERSE 6 - A.M. 235. B.C. 3769. begat. * Ge 4:26 VERSE 7 VERSE 8 - A.M. 1042. B.C. 2962. * :8 VERSE 9 - A.M. 325. B.C. 3679. Cainan. Heb. Kenan. * 1Ch 1:2 Lu 3:37 VERSE 10 - begat. See * :4 VERSE 11 - A.M. 1140. B.C. 2864. died. See * :5 VERSE 12 - A.M. 395. B.C. 3609. Mahalaleel. Gr. Maleleel. * Lu 3:37 VERSE 13 - and begat. See * :4 VERSE 14 - A.M. 1235. B.C. 2769. See * :5 VERSE 15 - A.M. 460. B.C. 3544. Jared. Heb. Jered. * 1Ch 1:2 VERSE 16 - and begat. See * :4 VERSE 17 - A.M. 1290. B.C. 2714. died. See * :5 VERSE 18 - A.M. 622. B.C. 3382. Enoch. * Ge 4:17 1Ch 1:3 - Henoch. * Lu 3:37 Jude 1:14,15 VERSE 19 - and begat. See * :4 VERSE 20 - he died. See * :5 VERSE 21 - A.M. 687. B.C. 3317. Methuselah. Gr. Mathusala. * Lu 3:37 VERSE 22 * Ge 6:9; 17:1; 24:40; 48:15 Ex 16:4 Le 26:12 De 5:33; 13:4; 28:9 * 1Ki 2:4 2Ki 20:3 Ps 16:8; 26:11; 56:13; 86:11; 116:9; 128:1 So 1:4 * Ho 14:9 Am 3:3 Mic 4:5; 6:8 Mal 2:6 Lu 1:6 Ac 9:31 Ro 8:1 * 1Co 7:17 2Co 6:16 Eph 5:15 Col 1:10; 4:5 1Th 2:12; 4:1 * Heb 11:5,6 1Jo 1:7 VERSE 23 - A.M. 987. B.C. 3017. * :23 VERSE 24 - walked. See * :21 - he was not. The same expression occurs, * Ge 37:30; 42:36 Jer 31:15 Mt 2:18 - for. * 2Ki 2:11 Lu 23:43 Heb 11:5,6 1Jo 1:7 VERSE 25 - A.M. 874. B.C. 3130. * Ge 4:18 *marg: VERSE 26 - begat sons. See * :4 VERSE 27 - A.M. 1656. B.C. 2348. he died. See * :5 VERSE 28 - A.M. 1056. B.C. 2948. * :28 VERSE 29 - he called. * Ge 6:8,9; 7:23; 9:24 Isa 54:9 Eze 14:14,20 Mt 24:37 Lu 3:36 * Lu 17:26,27 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5 - Noah. Gr. Noe, i.e., rest or comfort. because. * Ge 3:17-19; 4:11,12 VERSE 30 - begat sons. See * :4 VERSE 31 - A.M. 1651. B.C. 2353. he died. See * :5 VERSE 32 - A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. Shem. * Ge 6:10; 7:13; 9:18,19,22-27; 10:1,21,32 1Ch 1:4-28 Lu 3:36 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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