1 Jacob calls his sons to bless them. 3 Their blessing in particular. 29 He charges them about his burial. 33 He dies. VERSE 1 - Gather. * De 31:12,28,29; 33:1-29 Ps 25:14; 105:15 Isa 22:14; 53:1 Da 2:47 * Da 10:1 Am 3:7 Lu 2:26 Ro 1:17,18 Heb 10:24,25; 13:1 Re 4:1 - last days. * Nu 24:14 De 4:30; 31:29 Isa 2:2; 39:6 Jer 23:20 Da 2:28,29 * Da 10:14 Mic 4:1 Ac 2:17 1Ti 4:1 2Ti 3:1 Heb 1:2 VERSE 2 - hearken. * Ps 34:11 Pr 1:8,9; 4:1-4; 5:1; 6:20; 7:1,24; 8:32; 23:22,26 VERSE 3 - my firstborn. * Ge 29:32; 46:8; 48:18 Nu 1:20; 26:5 1Ch 2:1; 5:1,3 - my might. * De 21:17 Ps 78:51; 105:36 VERSE 4 - Unstable. * Jas 1:6-8 2Pe 2:14; 3:16 - thou shalt not excel. Heb. do not thou excel. * Ge 46:8 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:6 - because. * Ge 35:22 De 5:21; 27:20 1Ch 5:1 1Co 5:1 - he went up to my couch. or, my couch is gone. VERSE 5 - Simeon. * Ge 29:33,34; 34:25-31; 46:10,11 Pr 18:9 - instruments, etc. or, their swords are weapons of violence. * Ge 34:25-29,31 VERSE 6 - O my soul. * Jud 5:21 Ps 42:5,11; 43:5; 103:1 Jer 4:19 Lu 12:19 - come. * Ge 34:30 Ps 5:10; 26:4,5; 28:3; 94:20,21; 139:19 Pr 1:11,15,16; 12:5 - secret. * De 27:24 Ps 26:9; 64:2 Jer 15:17 - unto their. * Ps 1:1; 26:9; 94:20 2Co 6:14 - honor. * Ps 16:9; 30:12; 57:8 - a man. * Ge 34:25,26,30 - digged down a wall. or, houghed oxen. VERSE 7 - Cursed. * 2Sa 13:15,22-28 Pr 26:24,25; 27:3 - I will divide. * Jos 19:1-9; 21:1-45 1Ch 4:24-31,39,40; 6:65 VERSE 8 - shall praise. * Ge 29:35; 44:18-34; 46:12 De 33:7 1Ch 5:2 Ps 76:1 Heb 7:14 - thy hand. * Nu 1:27; 10:14; 26:22 Jud 1:1,2; 20:18 2Sa 24:9 1Ki 4:1-34 * 1Ch 12:1-40 2Ch 11:12-17; 14:8; 15:9; 17:2,14-16; 30:11 * Ps 18:40-43; 78:68-71 Isa 9:7 Phm 2:10,11 Heb 7:14; 10:13 * Re 5:5; 11:15 - the neck. * Jos 10:24 2Sa 22:41 Eze 21:29 - thy father's. * Ge 27:29; 37:7-10; 42:6 2Sa 5:3 VERSE 9 - a lion's. * Ho 5:4,14 1Co 15:24 Re 5:5 - he stooped. * Nu 23:24; 24:9 VERSE 10 - sceptre. * Nu 24:17 Ps 60:7 Jer 30:21 Ho 11:12 Eze 19:11,14 Zec 10:11 - lawgiver. * Nu 21:18 Ps 60:7; 108:8 Isa 33:22 - between. * De 28:57 - until. * Isa 9:6; 11:1-5; 62:11 Jer 23:5,6 Eze 21:27 Da 9:25 Mt 1:21 * Mt 17:5; 21:9 Lu 1:32,33 Joh 9:7; 18:31; 19:12,15 - the gathering. * Ps 72:8-11 Isa 2:2; 11:10,12,13; 42:1,3,4; 49:6,7,22,23; 55:4,5 * Isa 60:1,3-5 Eze 21:27 Hag 2:7 Zec 2:11; 8:20-23 Mt 25:32 * Lu 1:32,33; 2:30-32 Joh 12:32 Ro 15:12 2Co 5:10 Heb 7:14 * Re 11:15 VERSE 11 - his foal. * Isa 63:1-3 - he washed. * 1Ki 4:20,25 2Ki 18:32 Joe 3:18 Mic 4:4 Re 7:14; 19:18 VERSE 12 * Pr 23:29 VERSE 13 * Ge 30:20 De 33:18,19 Jos 19:10-16 VERSE 14 * Ge 30:18 De 33:18 Jos 19:17-23 Jud 5:15; 10:1 1Ch 12:32 VERSE 15 - rest. * Jos 14:15 Jud 3:11 2Sa 7:1 - bowed. * Ps 81:6 Eze 29:18 Mt 23:4 VERSE 16 * Ge 30:6 Nu 10:25 De 33:22 Jud 13:2,24,25; 15:20; 18:1,2 VERSE 17 - shall be. * Jud 14:1-15:20; 16:22-30; 18:22-31 1Ch 12:35 - an adder. Heb. an arrow-snake. VERSE 18 * Ps 14:7; 25:6; 40:1; 62:1,5; 85:7; 119:41,166,174; 123:2; 130:5 * Isa 8:17; 25:9; 36:8; 30:18; 33:2 La 3:25 Mic 7:7 Mt 1:21 * Mr 15:43 Lu 1:30; 2:25,30; 23:51 Ro 8:19,25 Ga 5:5 1Th 1:10 VERSE 19 * Ge 30:11; 46:16 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:20,21 Jos 13:8 Jud 10:1-11:40 * 1Ch 3:18-22; 5:11-22,26 VERSE 20 * Ge 30:13; 46:17 De 33:24,25 Jos 19:24-31 VERSE 21 * Ge 30:8; 46:24 De 33:23 Jos 19:32-39 Jud 4:6,10; 5:18 Ps 18:33,34 * Mt 4:15,16 - Nepthalim. VERSE 22 - a fruitful. * Ge 30:22-24; 41:52; 46:27; 48:1,5,16,19,20 Nu 32:1-42 De 33:17 * Jos 16:1-10; 17:14-17 Ps 1:1-3; 128:1,3 Eze 19:11 - branches. Heb. daughters. VERSE 23 * Ge 37:4,18,24,28; 39:7-20; 42:21 Ps 64:3; 118:13 Joh 16:33 Ac 14:22 VERSE 24 - his bow. * Ne 6:9 Ps 27:14; 28:8; 89:1 Col 1:11 2Ti 4:17 - were made. * Job 29:20 Ps 18:32-35; 37:14,15; 44:7 Zec 10:12 Ro 14:4 - the mighty. * Ge 35:10,11 Ex 3:6 Ps 18:1,30,32,34; 132:2,5 Isa 29:24; 60:16 - the shepherd. * Ge 45:5,7,11; 47:12; 50:21 Nu 27:16-18 De 34:9 Jos 1:1-9; 24:1-33 * Ps 80:1 - the stone. * De 32:4 Ps 118:22 Isa 28:16 Zec 3:9 Mt 21:42 Mr 12:10 * Lu 20:17 Ac 4:11 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4-8 VERSE 25 - the God. * Ge 28:13,21; 35:3; 43:23 De 8:17; 28:12; 33:1,13-17 - the Almighty. * Ge 17:1; 35:11 - with blessings. * De 28:2-12; 33:13 Ps 84:11; 85:12 Mt 6:33 1Co 3:21,22 Eph 1:3 * Php 4:19 1Ti 4:8 VERSE 26 - have prevailed. * Ge 27:27-29,39,40; 28:3,4 Eph 1:3 - everlasting hills. * De 33:15 Ps 89:36 Isa 54:10 Eze 37:25,26 Jon 2:6 Hab 3:6 - they shall. * De 33:16 Ps 132:18 - was separate. * Ge 37:28 Nu 6:2 Ps 105:17-22 Isa 66:5 Ac 7:9 VERSE 27 - ravin. * Ge 35:18; 46:21 De 33:12 - a wolf. * Nu 23:24 Jud 3:15-29; 20:21,25 1Sa 11:4-11; 14:1-15:35; 17:1-58 * Ac 8:3; 9:1 Php 3:5 - at night. * Jer 5:6 Eze 22:25,27 Ho 13:7,8 Zep 3:3 Mt 7:15; 10:16 Ac 20:29 VERSE 28 - the twelve. * Nu 23:24 Es 8:7,9,11; 9:1-10:3 Eze 39:8-10 Zec 14:1-7 - every one. * Ge 35:22 Ex 28:21 1Ki 18:31 Ac 26:7 Jas 1:1 Re 7:4 VERSE 29 - gathered. * Ro 12:6-21 - bury me. * Ge 15:15; 25:8-17; 35:29 Heb 12:23 - in the cave. * Ge 47:30 2Sa 19:37 - Ephron. * Ge 50:13 VERSE 30 - Abraham bought. * Ge 23:8 VERSE 31 * Ge 23:3,16-20; 25:9; 35:29; 47:30; 50:13 Ac 7:16 VERSE 32 * Ge 23:17-20 VERSE 33 - had made. * :1,24-26 Jos 24:27-29 Heb 11:22 - and yielded. * :29; 15:5; 25:8,17; 35:29 Job 5:26; 14:10; 30:23 Ec 12:7 Isa 57:1,2 * Lu 2:29 Heb 11:13-16; 12:23 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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