1 The chief butler and baker of Pharaoh being imprisoned, Joseph is charged with them. 5 He interprets their dreams. 20 They are accomplished according to his interpretation. 23 The ingratitude of the butler, in forgetting Joseph. VERSE 1 - it came. * Ge 39:20-23 Es 6:1 - the butler. {Mashkeh,} from {shakah,} to give drink, is the same as {saky} among the Arabians and Persians, and signifies a cup-bearer. * :13 Ne 1:11; 2:1,2 VERSE 2 - wroth. * Ps 76:10 Pr 16:14; 19:12,19; 27:4 Ac 12:20 - the chief of the butlers. * 1Ch 27:27 VERSE 3 - the place. * Ge 39:20,23 - where Joseph was bound. Or, "where Joseph was confined," for he doubtless had his personal liberty. This place, we learn from the preceding chapter, (ver. 20,) was the king's prison. All the officers in the employment of the ancient kings of Egypt, according to Diodorus Siculus, were taken from the most illustrious families of the priesthood in the country; no slave or common person being ever permitted to serve in the presence of the king. As these persons were of the most noble families, it is natural to expect they would be put, when accused, into the state prison. VERSE 4 - the captain. * Ge 37:36; 39:1,21-23 Ps 37:5 - a season. {Yamim,} literally days; how long is uncertain, though the word may signify, as many suppose, a complete year (see Ge 4:3; 24:55); and as Pharaoh called them to an account on his birthday, (ver. 20,) Calmet supposes they had offended on the preceding birthday, and thus had been one whole year in prison. VERSE 5 - A.M. 2287. B.C. 1717. * :8; 12:1-7; 20:3; 37:5-10; 41:1-7,11 Nu 12:6 Jud 7:13,14 Es 6:1 * Job 33:15-17 Da 2:1-3; 4:5,9,19; 7:1-8:27 VERSE 6 - and, behold. * :8; 41:8 Da 2:1-3; 4:5; 5:6; 7:28; 8:27 VERSE 7 - Wherefore. * Jud 18:24 1Sa 1:8 2Sa 13:4 Ne 2:2 Lu 24:17 - look ye so sadly to-day. Heb. are your faces evil. VERSE 8 - Do not, etc. * Ge 41:15,16 Job 33:15,16 Ps 25:14 Isa 8:19 Da 2:11,28,47; 4:8 * Da 5:11-15 1Co 12:10,11 Am 3:7 VERSE 9 - a vine. * Ge 37:5-10 Jud 7:13-15 Da 2:31; 4:8,10-18 VERSE 10 - budded. * Nu 13:23 De 1:24 - blossoms. * So 6:11 Isa 27:6; 35:1,2; 37:31 Joe 2:22 Zec 8:12 VERSE 11 - And I took, etc. From this we find that wine anciently was the mere expressed juice of the grape, without fermentation. The {saky,} or cup-bearer, took the bunch, pressed the juice into the cup, and instantly delivered it to his master. - pressed. * Ge 49:11 Le 10:9 Pr 3:10 - hand. * :21 1Ki 10:5 2Ch 9:4 Ne 1:11; 2:1 VERSE 12 - This. * :18; 41:12,25,26 Jud 7:14 Da 2:36-45; 4:19-33 - The three. * Ge 41:26 Jud 7:14 Mt 26:26 1Co 10:4 Ga 4:25 VERSE 13 - within. * Ge 7:4 - shall. * :20-22 2Ki 25:27 Ps 3:3 Jer 52:31 - lift up thine head. or, reckon. * :19 *marg: * :20 *marg: VERSE 14 - think on me. Heb. remember me with thee. on me. * 1Sa 25:31 Lu 23:42 1Co 7:21 - shew. * Jos 2:12 1Sa 20:14,15 2Sa 9:1 1Ki 2:7 VERSE 15 - stolen. * Ge 37:28 Ex 21:16 De 24:7 1Ti 1:10 - the Hebrews. * Ge 14:13; 41:12 - done. * Ge 39:8-12,20 1Sa 24:11 Ps 59:3,4 Da 6:22 Joh 10:32; 15:25 * Ac 24:12-21; 25:10,11 1Pe 3:17,18 VERSE 16 - the chief. * :1,2 - white baskets. or, baskets full of holes. VERSE 17 - bake-meats. Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or cook. * Ge 49:20 1Ch 12:20 VERSE 18 * :12; 41:26 1Co 10:4; 11:24 VERSE 19 - within. * :13 - lift up thy head from off thee. or, reckon thee and take thy office from thee. hang thee. * :22; 41:13 De 21:22,23 Jos 8:29; 10:26 2Sa 21:6 Pr 30:17 Ga 3:13 - and the birds. * :17 1Sa 17:44,46 2Sa 21:10 Eze 39:4 Ac 20:27 VERSE 20 - third day. * :13,19 - birthday. * Ge 21:8 Es 1:3 Job 3:1 Mt 14:6 Mr 6:21 - lifted up. or, reckoned. * :13,19 *marg: * 2Ki 25:27 Mt 18:23-25; 25:19 Lu 16:1,2 VERSE 21 - gave the cup. * :13 Ne 2:1 VERSE 22 - he hanged. * :8,19; 41:11-13,16 Jer 23:28 Da 2:19-23,30; 5:12 Ac 5:30 VERSE 23 - but forgat him. * Job 19:14 Ps 31:12; 105:19 Ec 9:15,16 Am 6:6 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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