1 Joseph is loved by Jacob, but hated by his brethren. 5 His dreams and the interpretation. 12 Jacob sends him to his brethren, who counsel to slay him. 21 At Reuben's desire they cast him into a pit; 25 and afterwards sell him to the Ishmaelites; while Ruben grieves at not finding him. 31 His coat, covered with blood, is sent to Jacob, who mourns him inordinately. 36 Joseph is brought to Egypt and sold to Potiphar. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2276. B.C. 1728. - wherein his father was a stranger. Heb. of his father's sojournings. * Ge 17:8; 23:4; 28:4 *marg: * Ge 36:7 Heb 11:9-16 VERSE 2 - the generations. {Toledoth,} the history, narrative, or account of the lives and actions of Jacob and his sons; for in this general sense the original must be taken, as in the whole pursuing history there is no genealogy of Jacob's family. * Ge 2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1 - wives. * Ge 30:4,9; 35:22,25,26 - evil report. * 1Sa 2:22-24 Joh 7:7 1Co 1:11; 5:1; 11:18 VERSE 3 - loved. * Joh 3:35; 13:22,23 - son. * Ge 44:20-30 - a coat. * :23,32 Jud 5:30 2Sa 13:18 Ps 45:13,14 Eze 16:16 - colors. {Kethoneth passim}, a coat made of stripes of different colored cloth. VERSE 4 - hated him. * :5,11,18-24; 4:5; 27:41; 49:23 1Sa 16:12,13; 17:28 Ps 38:19; 69:4 * Joh 7:3-5; 15:18,19 Tit 3:3 1Jo 2:11; 3:10,12; 4:20 - and could not speak peaceably unto him. Or, rather, "and they could not speak peace to him," i.e., they would not accost him in a friendly manner: they would not even wish him well, in the eastern mode of salutation of, Peace be to thee! It is not an unusual thing for an Arab or Turk to hesitate to return the {salâm}, if given by a Christian, or by one of whom he has not a favorable opinion; and this may always be considered as an act of hostility. VERSE 5 - dreamed. * :9 * Ge 28:12; 40:5; 41:1; 42:9 Nu 12:6 Jud 7:13,14 1Ki 3:5 Ps 25:14 * Da 2:1; 4:5 Joe 2:28 Am 3:7 - and they. * :4,8; 49:23 Joh 17:14 VERSE 6 - Hear. * Ge 44:18 Jud 9:7 VERSE 7 - your sheaves. * Ge 42:6,9; 43:26; 44:14,19 - obeisance. * Php 2:10 Col 1:18 VERSE 8 - reign over us. * :4 Ex 2:14 1Sa 10:27; 17:28 Ps 2:3-6; 118:22 Lu 19:14; 20:17 * Ac 4:27,28; 7:35 Heb 10:29 VERSE 9 - another dream. * :7; 41:25,32 - the sun. * :10; 43:28; 44:14,19; 45:9; 46:29; 47:12; 50:15-21 Ac 7:9-14 - stars. * Da 8:10 Php 2:15 VERSE 10 - Shall I. * Ge 27:29 Isa 60:14 Php 2:10,11 VERSE 11 - envied. * Ge 26:14-16 Ps 106:16 Ec 4:4 Isa 11:13; 26:11 Mt 27:18 Mr 15:10 * Ac 7:9; 13:45 Ga 5:21 Tit 3:3 Jas 3:14-16; 4:5 - observed. * Ge 24:31 Da 7:28 Lu 2:19,51 VERSE 12 - in Shechem. * :1; 33:18; 34:25-31 VERSE 13 - come. * 1Sa 17:17-20 Mt 10:16 Lu 20:13 - Here am I. * Ge 22:1; 27:1,18 1Sa 3:4-6,8,16 Eph 6:1-3 VERSE 14 - see whether it be well with. Heb. see the peace of thy brethren, etc. * Ge 29:6; 41:16 1Sa 17:17,18 2Sa 18:32 1Ki 2:33 Ps 125:5 Jer 29:7 * Lu 19:42 - Hebron. * Ge 23:2; 35:27 Nu 13:22 Jos 14:13,15 VERSE 15 - he was. * Ge 21:14 - What. * Jud 4:22 2Ki 6:19 Joh 1:38; 4:27; 18:4,7; 20:15 VERSE 16 - seek. * Lu 19:10 - tell me. * So 1:7 VERSE 17 - Dothan. * 2Ki 6:13 VERSE 18 - conspired. * 1Sa 19:1 Ps 31:13; 37:12,32; 94:21; 105:25; 109:4 Mt 21:38; 27:1 * Mr 12:7; 14:1 Lu 20:14,15 Joh 11:53 Ac 23:12 VERSE 19 - Behold. Simulated Irony: Where the words in question are used by man either in dissimulation or hypocrisy. For other instances of this figure see 2 Sa 6:20; Ps 22:8; Isa 5:19; Mt 22:16; 27:29; 27:40, 42, 43; Mk 15:29. - dreamer. Heb. master of dreams. * :5,11; 28:12; 49:23 *marg: VERSE 20 - and let. * Ps 64:5 Pr 1:11,12,16; 6:17; 27:4 Tit 3:3 Joh 3:12 - Some. * 1Ki 13:24 2Ki 2:24 Pr 10:18; 28:13 - and we. * 1Sa 24:20; 26:2 Mt 2:2-16; 27:40-42 Mr 15:29-32 Joh 12:10,11 * Ac 4:16-18 VERSE 21 - Reuben heard. * Ge 35:22; 42:22 - not kill him. Heb. {nephesh.} * Jos 10:28 Ge 9:5 Mt 10:28 VERSE 22 - Reuben said. * Ge 42:22 - Shed. * Mt 27:24 - lay. * Ge 22:12 Ex 24:11 De 13:9 Ac 12:1 VERSE 23 - stript. * :3,31-33; 42:21 Ps 22:18 Mt 27:28 - colors. or, pieces. * :3 VERSE 24 - and cast. * Ps 35:7 La 4:20 - the pit. * Ps 40:2; 88:6,8; 130:1,2 Jer 38:6 La 3:52-55 Zec 9:11 VERSE 25 - they sat. * Es 3:15 Ps 14:4 Pr 30:20 Am 6:6 - Ishmeelites. * :28,36; 16:11,12; 25:1-4,16-18; 31:23 Ps 83:6 - Gilead. * Ge 31:21; 43:11 Jer 8:22 - spicery. {Nechoth,} is rendered by the LXX. "incense;" Syriac, "resin;" Samaritan, "balsam;" Acquila, "storax;" which is followed by Bochart. This drug is abundant in Syria, and here Moses joins with it resin, honey, and myrrh; which agrees with the nature of the storax, which is the resin of a tree of the same name, of a reddish color, and peculiarly pleasant fragrance. - balm {Tzeri,} which in Arabic, as a verb, is to flow, seems to be a common name, as balm or balsam with us, for many of those oily, resinous substances, which flow spontaneously, or by incision, from various trees or plants; accordingly the ancients have generally interpreted it resin. - myrrh. {Lot,} is probably, as Junius, De Dieu, Celsius, and Ursinus contend, the same as the Arabic {ladan}, Greek [ladanon,] and Latin {ladanum}. VERSE 26 - What profit. * Ge 25:32 Ps 30:9 Jer 41:8 Mt 16:26 Ro 6:21 - conceal. * :20; 4:10 De 17:8 2Sa 1:16 Job 16:18 Eze 24:7 VERSE 27 - sell him. * :22 Ex 21:16,21 Ne 5:8 Mt 16:26; 26:15 1Ti 1:10 Re 18:13 - let not. * 1Sa 18:17 2Sa 11:14-17; 12:9 - he is our. * Ge 29:14; 42:21 - were content. Heb. hearkened. VERSE 28 - Midianites. * :25; 25:2 Ex 2:16 Nu 25:15,17; 31:2,3,8,9 Jud 6:1-3 Ps 83:9 * Isa 60:6 - sold. * Ge 45:4,5 Ps 105:17 Zec 11:12,13 Mt 26:15; 27:9 Ac 7:9 VERSE 29 - he rent. * :34; 34:13 Nu 14:6 Jud 11:35 2Ki 19:1 Job 1:20 Joe 2:13 * Ac 14:14 VERSE 30 * :20; 42:13,32,35 Jer 31:15 VERSE 31 * :3,23 Pr 28:13 VERSE 32 - thy son's. * :3; 44:20-23 Lu 15:30 VERSE 33 - evil beast. * :20; 44:28 1Ki 13:24 2Ki 2:24 Pr 14:15 Joh 13:7 VERSE 34 * :29 Jos 7:6 2Sa 1:11; 3:31 1Ki 20:31; 21:27 2Ki 19:1 1Ch 21:16 * Ezr 9:3-5 Ne 9:1 Es 4:1-3 Job 1:20; 2:12 Ps 69:11 Isa 22:12,13 * Isa 32:11; 36:22; 37:1,2 Jer 36:24 Joe 2:13 Jon 3:5-8 Mt 11:21 * Mt 26:65 Ac 14:14 Re 11:3 VERSE 35 - his daughters. * Ge 31:43; 35:22-26 - rose up. * 2Sa 12:17 Job 2:11 Ps 77:2 Jer 31:15 - For I. * Ge 42:31; 44:29-31; 45:28 VERSE 36 - the Midianites. * :28; 25:1,2; 39:1 - officer. Heb. eunuch. But the word signifies not only eunuchs, but also chamberlains, courtiers, and officers. * Es 1:10 Isa 56:3 - captain. Or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the slaughtermen, or executioners. * Ge 39:1-23; 40:4 2Ki 25:8 *marg: GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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