1 God commands Jacob to go to Bethel. 2 He purges his house of idols. 6 He builds an altar at Bethel. 8 Deborah dies at Allon-bachuth. 9 God blesses Jacob at Bethel. 16 Rachel travails of Benjamin, and dies in the way to Edar. 22 Reuben lies with Bilhah. 23 The sons of Jacob. 27 Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron. 28 The age, death, and burial of Isaac. VERSE 1 - God said. * Ge 22:14 De 32:36 Ps 46:1; 91:15 - Beth-el. * :7; 12:8; 13:3,4; 28:10-22; 31:3,13 Ps 47:4 Ec 5:4-6 Ho 12:4 * Na 1:15 - when thou. * Ge 16:8; 27:41-45 Ex 2:15 VERSE 2 - unto his. * Ge 18:19 Jos 24:15 Ps 101:2-7 - strange. * Ge 31:19,34 Ex 20:3,4; 23:13 De 5:7; 6:14; 7:25; 11:28; 32:16 Jos 23:7 * Jos 24:2,20,23 Jud 10:16 Ru 1:15 1Sa 7:3 2Sa 7:23 2Ki 17:29 * 1Ch 16:26 Jer 5:7; 16:20 Da 5:4 Ac 19:26 1Co 10:7 2Co 6:15-17 * Ga 4:8 - clean. * :22; 34:2,24,25 Ex 19:10,14 Le 15:5; 17:16 Nu 31:24 2Ki 5:10,12,13 * Job 1:5 Ps 51:2,7 Ec 5:1 Isa 1:16; 52:11 Jer 13:27 Eze 18:31 * Eze 20:7; 36:25 Joh 13:10,11 2Co 7:1 Heb 10:22 Jas 4:8 * 1Pe 2:1,2 Jude 1:23 VERSE 3 - who answered. * Ge 28:12,13; 32:7,24 Ps 46:1; 50:15; 66:13,14; 91:15; 103:1-5; 107:6,8 * Ps 116:1,2,16-18; 118:19-22 Isa 30:19 - was with. * Ge 28:20; 31:3,42 Pr 3:6 Isa 43:2 VERSE 4 - ear-rings. These rings were not worn as mere ornaments, but for superstitious purposes; perhaps as amulets or charms, first consecrated to some false god, or formed under some constellation, and stamped with magical characters. Maimonides mentions rings and jewels of this kind, with the image of the sun, moon, etc., impressed upon them; and Augustine describes them (Epist. 73,) as used for this execrable purpose. * Ex 32:2-4 Jud 8:24-27 Ho 2:13 - hid them. * Ex 32:20 De 7:5,25 Isa 2:20; 30:22 - the oak. * Jos 24:25,26 Jud 9:6 VERSE 5 * Ge 34:30 Ex 15:15,16; 23:27; 34:24 De 11:25 Jos 2:9-11; 5:1 1Sa 11:7 * 1Sa 14:15 2Ch 14:14; 17:10 Ps 14:5 VERSE 6 - Luz. * Ge 12:8; 28:19,22 Jud 1:22-26 VERSE 7 - built. * :1,3 Ec 5:4,5 - El-beth-el. i.e., the god of Beth-el. * Ge 28:13,19,22 Ex 17:15 Jud 6:24 Eze 48:35 VERSE 8 - Rebekah's. * Ge 24:59 - under an oak. * 1Sa 31:13 - Allon-bachuth. i.e., the oak of weeping. * Jud 2:1,5 VERSE 9 * Ge 12:7; 17:1; 18:1; 26:2; 28:13; 31:3,11-13; 32:1,24-30; 35:1; 46:2,3 * Ge 48:3,4 Jer 31:3 Ho 12:4 Ac 7:2 VERSE 10 * Ge 17:5,15; 32:27,28 1Ki 18:31 2Ki 17:34 VERSE 11 - God Almighty. * Ge 17:1; 18:14; 43:14; 48:3,4 Ex 6:3 2Co 6:18 - a nation. * Ge 12:2; 13:16; 15:5; 17:5-7,16; 18:18; 22:17; 28:3,4,14; 32:12; 46:3 * Ge 48:4 Ex 1:7 These are detailed in Numbers 1 through 26 and from 1 Samuel to 2 Chroncles. VERSE 12 - the land. * Ge 12:7; 13:14-17; 15:18; 26:3,4; 28:3,4,13; 48:4 Ex 3:8 Jos 6:1-21:45 - to. * Ne 13:1-31 VERSE 13 * Ge 11:5; 17:22; 18:33 Jud 6:21; 13:20 Lu 24:31 VERSE 14 * :20; 28:18,19 Ex 17:15 1Sa 7:12 VERSE 15 - Bethel. * Ge 28:19 VERSE 16 - a little way to come. Heb. a little piece of ground. * 2Ki 5:19 - Ephrath. * Ge 48:7 Ru 1:2 1Ch 2:19 Ps 132:6 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:1,16,18 - hard labor. * Ge 3:16 1Ti 2:15 VERSE 17 - Fear not. * Ge 30:24 1Sa 4:19-21 VERSE 18 - A.M. cir. 2275. B.C. cir. 1729. her soul. * Ge 30:1 1Sa 4:20,21 Ps 16:10 Ex 12:7 La 2:12 Lu 12:20; 23:46 * Ac 7:59 - Ben-oni. i.e., the son of my sorrow. * 1Ch 4:9 - Benjamin. i.e., the son of my right hand. * Ge 42:4,38; 43:14; 44:27-31 Ps 80:17 - The Samaritan has ben yamim, 'the son of days,' i.e., of his old age, (ch 44:20,) which Jerome renders Benjamin, id est, filius dextrae, Benjamin, that is, 'the son of the right hand.' VERSE 19 - Rachel died. * Ge 48:7 - Ephrath. * Jos 19:15 Ru 1:2; 4:11 Mic 5:2; 6:2 Mt 2:1,6,18 VERSE 20 - the pillar. * :9,14 1Sa 10:2 2Sa 18:17,18 VERSE 21 - tower. * Mic 4:8 Lu 2:8 VERSE 22 - lay with. * Ge 49:4 Le 18:8 2Sa 16:21,22; 20:3 1Ch 5:1 1Co 5:1 - Now the sons. In the Hebrew text, a break is here left in the verse, opposite to which there is a Masoretic note, which states that 'there is a hiatus in the verse.' This hiatus the LXX. thus supplies: [kai <2532> poneros <4190> ephane enantion <1726> autou <848>,] 'and it appeared evil in his sight.' * :18; 29:31-35; 30:5-24; 46:8-27; 49:1-28 Ex 1:1-5; 6:14-16 Nu 1:5-15 * Nu 1:20 *etc: * Nu 2:3-33; 7:12 *etc: * Nu 26:5-51,57-62; 34:14-28 De 33:1-29 Jos 13:1-21:45 * 1Ch 2:1,2; 12:23-40; 27:16-22 Eze 48:1-35 Ac 7:8 Re 7:4-8; 21:14 VERSE 23 * Ge 29:32-35; 30:18-20; 33:2; 46:8-15 VERSE 24 * :16-18; 30:22-24; 46:19-22 VERSE 25 * Ge 30:4-8; 37:2; 46:23-25 VERSE 26 - And the sons. * Ge 30:9-13; 46:16-18 - in Padan-aram. Except Benjamin. * :18; 25:20; 28:2; 31:18 VERSE 27 - Jacob. * Ge 27:43-45; 28:5 - Mamre. * Ge 13:18; 14:13; 18:1; 23:2,19 Jos 14:12-15; 15:13; 21:11 2Sa 2:1,3,11 * 2Sa 5:1,3,5 VERSE 28 * Ge 25:7; 47:28; 50:26 VERSE 29 - A.M. 2288. B.C. 1716. Isaac. * Ge 3:19; 15:15; 25:7,8,17; 27:1,2; 49:33 Job 5:26 Ec 12:5-7 - his sons. * Ge 23:19,20; 25:9; 27:41; 49:31 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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