1 Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram. 4 Hagar, being afflicted for despising her mistress, runs away. 7 An angel commands her to return and submit herself, promises her a numerous posterity, and shows their character and condition. 13 Hagar names the place, and returns to Sarai. 15 Ishmael is born. 16 The age of Abram. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare. * Ge 15:2,3; 21:10,12; 25:21 Jud 13:2 Lu 1:7,36 - Egyptian. * Ge 12:16; 21:9,21 - name. * Ga 4:24 - Agar. VERSE 2 - the Lord. * Ge 17:16; 18:10; 20:18; 25:21; 30:2,3,9,22 Ps 127:3 - obtain children. Heb be builded. * Ge 30:3,6 Ex 21:4 Ru 4:11 - hearkened. * Ge 3:1-6,12,17 VERSE 3 - A.M. 2093. B.C. 1911. had. * Ge 12:4,5 - gave. * :5; 30:4,9 - his. * Ge 25:6; 28:9; 32:22; 35:22 Jud 19:1-4 2Sa 5:13 1Ki 11:3 Ga 4:25 VERSE 4 - her mistress. * 1Sa 1:6-8 2Sa 6:16 Pr 30:20,21,23 1Co 4:6; 13:4,5 VERSE 5 - My wrong. * Lu 10:40,41 - the Lord. * Ge 31:53 Ex 5:21 1Sa 24:12-15 2Ch 24:22 Ps 7:8; 35:23; 43:1 VERSE 6 - Abram. * Ge 13:8,9 Pr 14:29; 15:1,17,18 1Pe 3:7 - in. * Ge 24:10 Job 2:6 Ps 106:41,42 Jer 38:5 - as it pleaseth thee. Heb. that which is good in thine eyes. dealt hardly with her. Heb. afflicted her. * Pr 29:19 - fled. * Ex 2:15 Pr 27:8 Ec 10:4 VERSE 7 - found. * Pr 15:3 - the fountain. * Ge 25:18 Ex 15:22 1Sa 15:7 - Shur. The desert of Shur being between the south of Canaan, where Hebron was situated, and Egypt, it is likely that Hagar was returning to her own country. VERSE 8 - Sarai's maid. * :1,4 Eph 6:5-8 1Ti 6:1,2 - whence. * Ge 3:9; 4:10 Ec 10:4 Jer 2:17,18 - I flee. * 1Sa 26:19 VERSE 9 - submit. * Ec 10:4 Eph 5:21; 6:5,6 Tit 2:9 1Pe 2:18-25; 5:5,6 VERSE 10 - the angel. * Ge 22:15-18; 31:11-13; 32:24-30; 48:15,16 Ex 3:2-6 Jud 2:1-3; 6:11 * Jud 6:16,21-24; 13:16-22 Isa 63:9 Ho 12:3-5 Zec 2:8,9 Mal 3:1 * Joh 1:18 Ac 7:30-38 1Ti 6:16 - I will. * Ge 17:20; 21:13,16; 25:12-18 Ps 83:6,7 VERSE 11 - shalt. * Ge 17:19; 29:32-35 Isa 7:14 Mt 1:21-23 Lu 1:13,31,63 - Ishmael. i.e., God shall hear. because. * Ge 41:51,52 1Sa 1:20 - hath. * Ge 29:32,33 Ex 2:23,24; 3:7 Job 38:41 Ps 22:24 VERSE 12 - be a. * Ge 21:20 Job 11:12; 39:5-8 - wild. The word rendered 'wild' also denotes the 'wild ass;' the description of which animal in Job 39:5-8, affords the very best representation of the wandering, lawless, freebooting life of the Bedouin and other Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael. - his hand. * Ge 27:40 - he shall. * Ge 25:18 VERSE 13 - called. * :7,9,10; 22:14; 28:17:19; 32:30 Jud 6:24 - Thou. * Ge 32:30 Ex 33:18-23; 34:5-7 Ps 139:1-12 Pr 5:21; 15:3 - him that. * Ge 31:42 VERSE 14 - Beer-lahri-roi. That is, The well of him that liveth and seeth me. * Ge 21:31; 24:62; 25:11 - Kadesh. * Nu 13:26 VERSE 15 - A.M. 2094. B.C. 1910. Hagar. * :11; 25:12 1Ch 1:28 Ga 4:22,23 - Ishmael. * Ge 17:18,20,25,26; 21:9-21; 25:9,12; 28:9; 37:27 VERSE 16 * :16 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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