1 Zerubbabel and Jeshua, incited by Haggai and Zechariah, set forward the building of the temple. 3 Tatnai and Shethar-boznai are not able to hinder the Jews. 6 Their letter to Darius against the Jews. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3484. B.C. 520. Haggai. These are the same Haggai and Zechariah, whose writings we have among the twelve minor prophets; and, as a great part of them refer to the events here recorded, the reader will find it very profitable to compare them with the history. * Hag 1:1-15 - Zechariah. * Zec 1:1-21 - the son of Iddo. That is, "the grandson of Iddo;" for Zechariah was the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo. - in the name. * Mic 5:4 Hag 1:2-8 Zec 1:3,4; 4:6-10 VERSE 2 - rose up. * Ezr 3:2 Hag 1:12-15 - Jeshua. * Zec 6:11 - Joshua, Josedech. the prophets. * Ezr 6:14 Hag 2:4-9,20-23 Zec 3:1-4:14 2Co 1:24 VERSE 3 - Tatnai. Tatnai was governor of the provinces which belonged to the Persian empire west of the Euphrates, comprehending Syria, Arabia Deserta, Phoenicia, and Samaria. He seems to have been a mild and judicious man, and to have acted with great prudence and caution, and without any passion or prejudice. * :6; 6:6,13; 7:21 Ne 2:7-9 - Who hath commanded you. * :9; 1:3 Mt 21:23 Ac 4:7 VERSE 4 - What are. * :10 - make this building. Chal. build this building. VERSE 5 - But the eye. * Ezr 7:6,28; 8:22 2Ch 16:9 Ps 32:8; 33:18; 34:15; 76:10 Php 1:28 * 1Pe 3:12 - that they. * Ps 129:2-5 - then they returned. * Ezr 6:6-12 VERSE 6 - A.M. 3485. B.C. 519. copy. * Ezr 4:11,23 - Apharsachites. * Ezr 4:9 - Apharsathchites. * Ezr 6:6 VERSE 7 - wherein. Chal. in the midst whereof. all peace. * Ezr 4:17 Da 3:9; 4:1; 6:21 Joh 14:27 2Th 3:16 VERSE 8 - the province. * Ezr 2:1 Ne 7:6; 11:3 Es 1:1,22 - the great God. * Ezr 1:2,3; 6:10; 7:23 De 10:17; 32:31 Ps 145:3 Da 2:47; 3:26 * Da 4:2,34-37; 6:26 - great stones. Chal. stones of rolling. * Mr 13:1,2 VERSE 9 - Who commanded. * :3,4 VERSE 10 - asked. * :4 VERSE 11 - We are. * Jos 24:15 Ps 119:46 Da 3:26 Jon 1:9 Mt 10:32 Lu 12:8 Ac 27:23 * Ro 1:16; 6:16 Ga 6:14 - which a great. * 1Ki 6:1-7:51 2Ch 3:1-5:14 VERSE 12 - A.M. 3408. B.C. 536. But after. * 2Ki 21:12-15 2Ch 34:24,25; 36:16,17 Ne 9:26,27 Isa 59:1,2 * Jer 5:29 Da 9:5 - he gave. * De 28:15-68; 29:24-28; 31:17; 32:30 Jud 2:14; 4:2; 6:1 1Ki 9:6-9 * 2Ch 7:19-22 Ps 106:40 - into the hand. * 2Ki 24:2,10-17; 25:1,8-11,12-30 2Ch 36:6-10 Jer 39:1-14 * Da 1:1,2 VERSE 13 * Ezr 1:1-8; 6:3-5 Isa 44:28; 45:1 VERSE 14 - the vessels. * Ezr 1:7-10; 6:5 2Ch 36:7,18 Jer 52:19 Da 5:2,3 - the king. * Ezr 7:27 Pr 21:1 - Sheshbazzar. * :16; 1:11 - whom. * Hag 1:1,14; 2:2,21 - governor. or, deputy. * Ac 13:7,8,12 VERSE 15 - let the house. * Ezr 1:2; 3:3; 6:3 VERSE 16 - Sheshbazzar. * :14 - laid. * :2; 3:8,10 Hag 1:12-14; 2:18 Zec 4:10 - A.M. 3468-3485. B.C. 536-519. it is not finished. * Ezr 6:15 VERSE 17 - A.M. 3485. B.C. 519. let there be. * Ezr 4:15,19; 6:1,2 Pr 25:2 - a decree. * Ezr 6:3-5 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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