1 The land of Israel is comforted, both by destruction of the heathen, who spitefully used it, 8 and by the blessings of God promised unto it. 16 Israel was rejected for their sin, 21 and shall be restored without their desert. 25 The blessings of Christ's kingdom. VERSE 1 - the mountains. * Eze 6:2,3; 33:28; 34:14; 37:22 - hear. * :4,8; 20:47; 37:4 Jer 22:29 VERSE 2 - Because. * :5; 25:3; 26:2 - even. * De 32:13 Ps 78:69 Isa 58:14 Hab 3:19 - our's. * Eze 35:10 Jer 49:1 VERSE 3 - Because. Heb. Because for because. * Eze 13:10 Le 26:43 - they have made. * Jer 39:1-18; 41:1-18; 52:1-34 La 1:1-5:22 - swallowed. * Ps 35:25; 61:1 Pr 1:12 Jer 51:34 La 2:2,5,16 - and ye. * De 28:37 1Ki 9:7,8 Ps 44:13,14; 79:10 Jer 18:16; 24:9; 33:24 * La 2:15 Da 9:16 - taken up in the lips of talkers. or, made to come upon the lip of the tongue. and are. * Job 30:1-10 Ps 35:15,16; 69:12 Mt 27:39-44 1Co 4:13 VERSE 4 - mountains. * :1,6 De 11:11 - rivers. or, bottoms, or dales. desolate. * :33-35; 6:14 2Ch 36:17-21 Isa 6:11; 24:1-12 - a prey. * Eze 34:28 Ps 79:4 Isa 64:10,11 Jer 25:9-13; 29:10 VERSE 5 - Surely. * Eze 38:19 De 4:24 Isa 66:15,16 Zep 3:8 Zec 1:15 - against the. * :3 Jer 25:9,15-29 Zep 2:8-10 - against all. * Eze 25:8-14; 35:1-15 Ps 137:7 Isa 34:1-17; 63:1-6 Jer 49:7-22 * La 4:21 Am 1:11,12 Ob 1:1-9 Mal 1:2-4 - appointed. * Eze 35:10-12 Ps 83:4-12 Jer 49:1 - with the. * Eze 35:15 Pr 17:5; 24:17,18 Ob 1:12 Mic 7:8 - with despiteful. * Eze 25:12,15 Am 1:11 VERSE 6 * :4,5,15; 34:29 Ps 74:10,18,23; 123:3,4 VERSE 7 - I have lifted. * Eze 20:5,15 De 32:40 Re 10:5,6 - the heathen. * Eze 25:1-35:15 Jer 25:9,15-29; 47:1-51:64 Am 1:1-15 Zep 2:1-15 VERSE 8 - ye shall. * Eze 34:26-29 Ps 67:6; 85:12 Isa 4:2; 27:6; 30:23 Ho 2:21-23 * Am 9:13-15 - for. The Edomites, and other enemies of the Jews, who thought they would soon be in possession of the whole land of Judea, might be assured that the predicted seventy years of the captivity were wearing away, and the time would soon arrive when the Jews would repossess and cultivate their own land, and eat its fruits. - at hand. * Eze 12:25 Php 4:5 Heb 10:37 Jas 5:8,9 VERSE 9 * Ps 46:11; 99:8 Ho 2:21-23 Joe 3:18 Hag 2:19 Zec 8:12 * Mal 3:10,11 Ro 8:31 VERSE 10 - I will. * :37 Isa 27:6; 41:17-23 Jer 30:19; 31:27,28; 33:12 Zec 8:3-6 - the wastes. * :33 Isa 51:3; 52:9; 58:12; 61:4 Jer 31:10-14 Am 9:14 VERSE 11 - I will multiply. * Jer 31:27; 33:12 - and I will settle. The circumstances of the Jews were never so prosperous after the captivity as they had been before; hence this prophecy must refer to the times of the Gospel and the future conversion and restoration of the Jews. * Jer 30:18; 31:38-40 Ob 1:19-21 Mic 7:14 - will do. * :35 Isa 30:26; 54:7-10 Jer 23:5-8 Joe 3:18-21 Am 9:15 Hag 2:6-9 * Zec 8:11-15 Heb 8:8-13; 11:40 - and ye. * Eze 35:9; 37:6,13 Isa 52:4-6 Ho 2:20 1Jo 5:20 VERSE 12 - I will cause. The prophet is still personifying the mountains, valleys, and wastes of Judea. - they shall. * Jer 32:15,44 Ob 1:17-21 - no more. * :13 Nu 13:32 Jer 15:7 VERSE 13 - thou land devourest. * Nu 13:32 2Ki 17:25,26 VERSE 14 - no more. * Eze 37:25-28 Isa 60:21 Am 9:15 - bereave. or, cause to fail. VERSE 15 - men. * :6; 34:29 Isa 54:4; 60:14 Mic 7:8-10 Zep 3:19,20 - thou bear. * Ps 89:50 Zep 2:8 VERSE 16 VERSE 17 - they defiled. * Le 18:24-28 Nu 35:33,34 Ps 106:37,38 Isa 24:5 Jer 2:7; 3:1,2,9 * Jer 16:18 Mic 2:10 - as the. * Le 15:19-33 Isa 64:6 VERSE 18 - I poured. * Eze 7:8; 14:19; 21:31 2Ch 34:21,26 Isa 42:25 Jer 7:20; 44:6 La 2:4 * La 4:11 Na 1:6 Re 14:10; 16:1-21 - for the. * Eze 16:36-38; 23:37 VERSE 19 - I scattered. * Eze 5:12; 22:15 Le 26:38 De 28:64 Am 9:9 - according to their way. * Eze 7:3,8; 18:30; 22:31; 39:24 Ro 2:6 Re 20:12-15 VERSE 20 - they profaned. The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of Jehovah wherever they went; but they were looked upon as a viler and more worthless race than any of the idolaters among whom they were driven. Many would ascribe their wickedness to the tendency of their religion, which they abhorred, and not to their having acted inconsistently with it; and regard their miseries, not as the punishment of their sins, but as proofs of God's inability to protect them. This profanation of his holy name, Jehovah was determined to wipe away, by shewing mercy unto them. * Isa 52:5 Ro 2:24 - These. * Ex 32:11-13 Nu 14:15,16 Jos 7:9 2Ki 18:30,35; 19:10-12 * Jer 33:24 Da 3:15 VERSE 21 * Eze 20:9,14,22 De 32:26,27 Ps 74:18 Isa 37:35; 48:9 VERSE 22 * :32 De 7:7,8; 9:5-7 Ps 106:8; 115:1,2 VERSE 23 - sanctify. * Eze 20:41; 38:22,23 Nu 20:12,13 Ps 46:10 Isa 5:16 1Pe 3:15 - and the heathen. * Eze 39:28 Ex 15:4-16 Ps 102:13-16; 126:1-3 Da 2:47; 3:28,29; 4:2,3 * Da 4:34-37; 6:26,27 - when I shall. * Eze 28:22 1Pe 2:9 - their. or, your. VERSE 24 * Eze 11:17; 34:13; 37:21,25; 39:27,28 De 30:3-5 Ps 107:2,3 * Isa 11:11-16; 27:12,13; 43:5,6 Jer 23:3-8; 30:3,18; 31:8; 32:37 * Jer 50:17-20 Ho 1:11 Am 9:14,15 Ro 11:25,26 VERSE 25 - will I. * Le 14:5-7 Nu 8:7; 19:13-20 Ps 51:7 Isa 52:15 Joh 3:5 Tit 3:5,6 * Heb 9:13,14,19; 10:22 1Jo 5:6 - filthiness. * :17,29; 37:23 Ps 51:2 Pr 30:12 Isa 4:4 Jer 33:8 Zec 13:1 * Ac 22:16 1Co 6:11 2Co 7:1 Eph 5:26,27 Tit 2:14 1Jo 1:7 Re 1:5 * Re 7:14 - from all your idols. * Isa 2:18-20; 17:7,8 Jer 3:22,23 Ho 14:3,8 Zec 13:2 VERSE 26 - new heart. * De 30:6 Ps 51:10 Jer 32:39 Joh 3:3-5 2Co 3:18; 5:17 Ga 6:15 * Eph 2:10 Re 21:5 - the stony. * Eze 11:19,20 Zec 7:12 Mt 13:5,20,21 Mr 4:16,17 2Co 3:3 VERSE 27 - I will. * Eze 37:14; 39:29 Pr 1:23 Isa 44:3,4; 59:21 Joe 2:28,29 Zec 12:10 * Lu 11:13 Ro 8:9,14-16 1Co 3:16 Ga 5:5,22,23 Eph 1:13,14 * 2Th 2:13 Tit 3:3-6 1Pe 1:2,22 1Jo 3:24 - cause. * Eze 37:24 Jer 31:33 Ga 5:16 Col 2:6 Php 2:12,13 Tit 2:11-14 * Heb 13:21 1Jo 1:6,7 2Jo 1:6 VERSE 28 - dwell. * :10; 28:25; 37:25; 39:28 - be people. * Eze 11:20; 37:23,27 So 6:3 Jer 30:22,23; 31:33; 32:38 Ho 1:10 * Zec 13:9 Mt 22:32 2Co 6:16-18; 7:1 Heb 8:10; 11:16 Re 21:3,7 VERSE 29 - save. * :25 Jer 33:8 Ho 14:2,4,8 Joe 3:21 Mic 7:19 Zec 13:1 Mt 1:21 * Joh 1:7-9 Ro 6:14; 11:26 Tit 2:14 - call. * :8,9; 34:27-29 Ps 105:6 Ho 2:21-23 Mt 6:33 VERSE 30 - reproach. * De 29:23-28 Joe 2:17,26 VERSE 31 - shall ye. * Eze 6:9; 16:61-63; 20:43 Le 26:39 Ezr 9:6-15 Ne 9:26-35 * Jer 31:18-20 Da 9:4-20 - shall lothe. * Job 42:6 Isa 6:5; 64:6 Zec 12:10,11 Lu 18:13 Ro 6:21 * 2Co 7:10,11 VERSE 32 - for your. * :22 De 9:5 Da 9:18,19 2Ti 1:9 Tit 3:3-6 - be ashamed. * Eze 16:63 Ezr 9:6 Ro 6:21 1Pe 4:2,3 VERSE 33 - cause. * Zec 8:7,8 - wastes. * :10 Isa 58:12 Jer 32:43; 33:10; 50:19,20 Am 9:14,15 VERSE 34 * Eze 6:14 De 29:23-28 2Ch 36:21 Jer 25:9-11 VERSE 35 - they shall. * Ps 58:11; 64:9; 126:2 Jer 33:9 - like the. * Eze 37:13 Ge 2:8,9; 13:10 Isa 51:3 Joe 2:3 VERSE 36 - know. * Eze 17:24; 34:30; 37:28; 39:27-29 Mic 7:15-17 - I the Lord have. * Eze 22:14; 24:14; 37:14 Nu 23:19 Ho 14:4-9 Mt 24:35 VERSE 37 - I will yet. * Eze 14:3; 20:3,31 Ps 10:17; 102:17 Isa 55:6,7 Jer 29:11-13; 50:4,5 * Zec 10:6,9; 13:9 Mt 7:7,8 Php 4:6 Heb 4:16; 10:21,22 Jas 4:2,3 * 1Jo 5:14 - I will increase. * :10 VERSE 38 - holy flock. Heb. flock of holy things. as the flock. * Ex 23:17; 34:23 De 16:16 2Ch 7:8; 30:21-27; 35:7-19 Zec 8:19-23 * Ac 2:5-11 - the waste. * :33-35; 34:31 Jer 30:19; 31:27,28 Joh 10:16 Re 7:4-9 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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