1 God's judgment upon the prince of Tyrus for his sacrilegious pride. 11 A lamentation of his great glory corrupted by sin. 20 The judgment of Zidon. 24 The restoration of Israel. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - the prince. Josephus states, on the authority of Menander, who translated the Phoenician annals into Greek, and Philostratus, that this prince was Ithobal. - Because. * :5,17; 31:10 De 8:14 2Ch 26:16 Pr 16:18; 18:12 Isa 2:12 Da 5:22 * Da 5:23 Hab 2:4 1Ti 3:6 1Pe 5:5 - I am. * :6,9 Ge 3:5 Ac 12:22,23 Re 17:3 - I sit. * :12-14 Isa 14:13,14 Da 4:30,31 2Th 2:4 - in the midst. Heb. in the heart. * Eze 27:3,4,26,27 *marg: - yet. * :9 Ps 9:20; 72:6,7 Isa 31:3 - thou set. * :6 2Th 2:4 VERSE 3 - thou are. * Da 1:20; 2:48; 5:11,12 Zec 9:2,3 - no secret. * 1Ki 4:29-32; 10:3 Job 15:8 Ps 25:14 Da 2:22,27,28,47; 5:12 VERSE 4 * Eze 29:3 De 8:17,18 Pr 18:11; 23:4,5 Ec 9:11 Hab 1:16 Zec 9:2-4 VERSE 5 - thy great wisdom. Heb. the greatness of thy wisdom. * Pr 26:12 Isa 5:21 Ro 12:16 - and by. * Eze 27:12-36 Ps 62:10 Isa 23:3,8 Ho 12:7,8 Zec 9:3 Jas 4:13,14 - and thine. * :2; 16:49 De 6:11,12; 8:13,14 2Ch 25:19; 32:23-25 Job 31:24,25 * Ps 52:7; 62:10 Pr 11:28; 30:9 Isa 10:8-14 Da 4:30,37 Ho 13:6 * Lu 12:16-21 1Ti 6:17 VERSE 6 - Because. * :2 Ex 9:17 Job 9:4; 40:9-12 1Co 10:22 2Th 2:4 Jas 1:11 VERSE 7 - I will. * Eze 26:7-14 Isa 23:8,9 Am 3:6 - the terrible. * Eze 30:11; 31:12; 32:12 De 28:49,50 Isa 25:3,4 Da 7:7 Hab 1:6-8 - defile. * :15-17 VERSE 8 - shall bring. * Eze 32:18-30 Job 17:16; 33:18,28 Ps 28:1; 30:9; 55:15; 88:4,5 Pr 1:12 * Pr 28:17 Isa 38:17 - are slain. * Eze 27:26,27,34 VERSE 9 - say. * :2 Da 4:31,32; 5:23-30 Ac 12:22,23 - thou shalt. * Ps 82:7 Isa 31:3 - slayeth. or, woundeth. VERSE 10 - the deaths. * Eze 31:18; 32:19,21,24-30; 44:7,9 Le 26:41 1Sa 17:26,36 Jer 6:10 * Jer 9:25,26 Joh 8:24 Ac 7:51 Php 3:3 - by the. * :7; 11:9 Jer 25:9 VERSE 11 VERSE 12 - take up. * :2; 19:1,14; 26:17; 27:2,32; 32:2,16 2Ch 35:25 Isa 14:4 * Jer 9:17-20 - Thou sealest. * :2-5; 27:3,4 Ro 15:28 2Co 1:22 - full. * Pr 21:30 Isa 10:13 Jer 9:23 Lu 2:40 Ac 6:3 1Co 1:19,20; 3:19 * Col 1:9; 2:3 Jas 3:13-18 VERSE 13 - in Eden. * Eze 31:8,9; 36:35 Ge 2:8; 3:23,24; 13:10 Isa 51:3 Joe 2:3 Re 2:7 - every. * Eze 27:16,22 Ge 2:11,12 Ex 28:17-20; 39:10-21 Isa 54:11,12 Re 17:4 * Re 21:19,20 - sardius. or, ruby. beryl. or, chrysolite. emerald. or, chrysoprase. the workmanship. * Eze 26:13 Isa 14:11; 23:16; 30:32 - thou wast. * :15; 21:30 VERSE 14 - the anointed. * :16 Ex 25:17-20; 30:26; 40:9 - and I. * Ex 9:16 Ps 75:5-7 Isa 10:6,15; 37:26,27 Da 2:37,38; 4:35 * Da 5:18-23 Joh 11:51 Re 9:17 - upon. * :2,16; 20:40 Isa 14:12-15 2Th 2:4 - stones. * :13,17 Re 18:16 VERSE 15 - perfect. * :3-6,12; 27:3,4 - till iniquity. * :17,18 Ge 1:26,27,31; 6:5,6 Pr 14:34 Ec 7:29 Isa 14:12 La 5:16 * Ro 7:9 2Pe 2:4 VERSE 16 - the multitude. * Eze 27:12-36 Isa 23:17,18 Ho 12:7 Lu 19:45,46 Joh 2:16 1Ti 6:9,10 - filled. * Eze 8:17 Ge 6:11 Am 3:9 Mic 2:2; 6:12 Hab 2:8,17 Zep 1:9 - therefore. * Ge 3:24 Le 18:24-28 Isa 22:19; 23:9 Mic 2:10 2Pe 2:4-6 Re 12:9 - O covering. * :14 VERSE 17 - heart. * :2,5; 16:14,15; 31:10 Pr 11:2; 16:18 Lu 14:11 Jas 4:6 - thou hast. * Isa 19:11-13 Jer 8:9 Ro 1:22-25 1Co 1:19-21 - I will cast. * Job 40:11,12 Ps 73:18; 147:6 - I will lay. * Eze 16:41; 23:48; 32:10 Isa 14:9-11 VERSE 18 - defiled. * :2,13,14,16 - by the iniquity. * Mr 8:36 - therefore. * Eze 5:4 Jud 9:15,20 Am 1:9,10,14; 2:2,5 Re 18:8 - I will bring. * Mal 4:3 2Pe 2:6 VERSE 19 - they. * Eze 27:35,36 Ps 76:12 Isa 14:16-19 Re 18:9,10,15-19 - thou shalt. * Eze 26:14,21; 27:36 Jer 51:63,64 Re 18:21 - a terror. Heb. terrors. VERSE 20 VERSE 21 - set. * Eze 6:2; 25:2; 29:2 - Zidon. Tyre was a colony of the Zidonians (see on Isa 23:12;) and consequently Zidon was a more ancient, though a less considerable city than Tyre; and it is probable that it was taken by the Chaldeans soon after the destruction of the latter. It was afterwards burnt to the ground by the inhabitants, to prevent it falling in the hands of Ochus. * Eze 27:8; 32:30 Ge 10:15 - Sidon. * Isa 23:2-4,12 Jer 25:22; 27:3; 47:4 Joe 3:4-8 Zec 9:2 VERSE 22 - I am against. * Eze 5:8; 21:3; 26:3; 29:3,10; 38:3; 39:1-3 Jer 21:13; 50:31 Na 1:6; 2:13 * Na 3:5 - I will. * :25; 39:13 Ex 9:16; 14:4,17; 15:21 Le 10:3 1Sa 17:45-47 * Ps 9:16; 21:12,13; 83:17 Isa 5:15,16; 37:20 Re 19:1,2 - shall be. * Eze 20:41; 36:23; 38:23 VERSE 23 - I will send. * Eze 5:12; 38:22 Jer 15:2 - and they shall. * Eze 25:7,11,17; 26:6 VERSE 24 - a pricking. * Nu 33:55 Jos 23:13 Jud 2:3 Isa 35:9; 55:13 Jer 12:14 Mic 7:4 * 2Co 12:7 Re 21:4 - and they. * :23,26; 36:36-38; 39:28 VERSE 25 - When. * Eze 11:17; 20:41; 34:13; 36:24; 37:21; 39:27 Le 26:44,45 De 30:3,4 * Ps 106:47 Isa 11:12,13; 27:12,13 Jer 30:18; 31:8-10; 32:37 * Ho 1:11 Joe 3:7 Am 9:14,15 Ob 1:17-21 Mic 7:11-14 Zep 3:19,20 - be sanctified. * :22; 36:23; 38:23 Isa 5:16 - then shall. * Eze 36:28; 37:25 Jer 23:8; 27:11 - to my. * Ge 28:13,14 VERSE 26 - and they shall dwell. * Eze 34:25-28; 38:8 Le 25:18,19 De 12:10 Jer 23:6-8; 33:16 * Ho 2:18 Zec 2:4,5 - safety. or, with confidence. * Eze 38:11 1Ki 4:25 Pr 14:26 - build. * Isa 65:21,22 Jer 29:5,6,28; 31:4,5; 32:15 Am 9:13,14 - when I. * :24; 25:1-32:32; 35:1-15 Isa 13:1-21:17 Jer 46:1-51:64 * Zec 1:15 - despise. or, spoil. * Eze 39:10 Isa 17:14; 33:1 Jer 30:16 La 1:8 Hab 2:8 Zep 2:8,9 - and they. * :22,24; 34:31; 36:22,23 Ex 29:46 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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