1 The whoredoms of Aholah and Aholibah. 23 Aholibah is to be plagued by her lovers. 36 The prophet reproves the adulteries of them both; 45 and shews their judgments. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - two. * Eze 16:44,46 Jer 3:7-10 VERSE 3 - in Egypt. * Eze 20:8 Le 17:7 De 29:16 Jos 24:14 - in their. * :8,19,21; 16:22 Ho 2:15 VERSE 4 - the names. The kingdom of Israel, of which Samaria was the capital, containing ten tribes, and occupying a larger extent of country than that of Judah, is therefore called "her elder sister;" and Aholah, the name given to her, implies that the whole religious establishment in Israel was a human invention, a temple and service of their own, and not of God's appointment. Aholibah, the name given to Judah, implies that the worship established there was from God, and that His temple was truly at Jerusalem. - the elder. * Eze 16:40 1Ki 12:20 - they were. * Eze 16:8,20 Ex 19:5,6 Ps 45:11-16 Jer 2:2,3 Ro 7:4 - Aholah. that is, His tent, or tabernacle. * 1Ki 12:26-33 Joh 4:22 - Aholibah. that is, My tabernacle in her. * 1Ki 8:29 Ps 76:2; 132:13,14 VERSE 5 - Aholah. The Israelites, in addition to their former gross idolatries, received the impure idolatrous worship of the Assyrians, who became their neighbors by the conquest of Syria. * 1Ki 14:9,16; 15:26,30; 16:31,32; 21:26 2Ki 17:7-18 - doted. * :7,9,12,16,20; 16:37 Jer 50:38 - on the. * Eze 16:28 2Ki 15:19; 16:7; 17:3 Ho 5:13; 8:9,10; 10:6; 12:1 VERSE 6 - all of. * :12-15 VERSE 7 - committed her whoredoms with them. Heb. bestowed her whoredoms upon them. * Eze 16:15 - the chosen men of Assyria. Heb. the choice of the children of Asshur. * Ge 10:22 - with all their. * :30; 20:7; 22:3,4 Ps 106:39 Ho 5:3; 6:10 VERSE 8 - whoredoms. * :3,19,21 Ex 32:4 1Ki 12:28 2Ki 10:29; 17:16 VERSE 9 * 2Ki 15:29; 17:3-6,23; 18:9-12 1Ch 5:26 Ho 11:5 Re 17:12,13,16 VERSE 10 - discovered. * :29; 16:37-41 Ho 2:3,10 - they took. * :47 - famous. Heb. a name. * :48 Jer 22:8,9 VERSE 11 - her sister. * :4 Jer 3:8 - was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she. Heb. she corrupted her inordinate love more than she. her sister in her whoredoms. Heb. the whoredoms of her sister. * Eze 16:47-51 Jer 3:8-11 VERSE 12 - upon. * :5; 16:28 2Ki 16:7-15 2Ch 28:16-23 - captains. * :6,23 VERSE 13 - that they. * :31 2Ki 17:18,19 Ho 12:1,2 VERSE 14 - pourtrayed. * Eze 8:10 Isa 46:1 Jer 50:2 - vermilion. * Jer 22:14 VERSE 15 - with girdles. * 1Sa 18:4 Isa 22:21 - all of. * Jud 8:18 2Sa 14:25 - look to. That is, "princes in appearance;" which seem to have been the deified men worshipped by the Chaldeans. The inhabitants of Judah, like the Israelites, connected themselves with the Assyrians, and were enamoured with their idols; and then with the Chaldeans, and followed their idols; still retaining their attachment to the Egyptians and their idolatrous rites. VERSE 16 - as soon as she saw them with her eyes. Heb. at the sight of her eyes. * Eze 16:29 Ge 3:6; 6:2; 39:7 2Sa 11:2 2Ki 24:1 Job 31:1 Ps 119:37 * Pr 6:25; 23:33 Mt 5:28 - and sent. * :40,41; 16:17,29 2Pe 2:14 VERSE 17 - Babylonians. Heb. children of Babel. * Ge 10:10; 11:9 - and her. * :22,28; 16:37 2Sa 13:15 - alienated. Heb. loosed, or disjointed. VERSE 18 - discovered. * Eze 16:36; 21:24 Isa 3:9 Jer 8:12 Ho 7:1 - then. * De 32:19 Ps 78:59; 106:40 Jer 6:8; 12:8; 15:1 La 2:7 Ho 2:2 * Am 6:8 Zec 11:8 VERSE 19 - multiplied. * :14; 16:25,29,51 Am 4:4 - in calling. * :3,8,21; 16:22; 20:7 VERSE 20 - she doted. * :16 - paramours. * Eze 16:20,26 - horses. * Eze 17:15 Jer 5:8 VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - I will raise. * :9,28; 16:37 Isa 10:5,6; 39:3,4 Hab 1:6-10 Re 17:16 - from. * :17 - and I. * Jer 6:22,23; 12:9-12 VERSE 23 - Babylonians. * Eze 21:19-27 2Ki 20:14-17; 25:1-3 - the Chaldeans. * 2Ki 24:2 Job 1:17 Isa 23:13 Ac 7:4 - Pekod. * Jer 50:21 - the Assyrians. * Ge 2:14; 25:18 Ezr 6:22 - desirable. * :6,12 VERSE 24 - with chariots. * Eze 26:10 Jer 47:3 Na 2:3,4; 3:2,3 - I will set. * :45; 16:38; 21:23 2Sa 24:14 Jer 39:5,6 VERSE 25 - I will set. * Eze 5:13; 8:1-18; 16:38-42 Ex 34:14 De 29:20; 32:21,22 Pr 6:34 * So 8:6 Zep 1:18 - they shall take away. This refers to the severe vengeance which enraged husbands took on their faithless wives: and implies that God would employ the Chaldeans to destroy the princes and priests of Judah, for violating their covenants and treaties. Such punishments were anciently common; and such is the present practice in one of the South Sea Islands. - they shall take thy. * :47 Ho 2:4,5 - thy residue. * Eze 15:6,7; 20:47,48; 22:18-22 Re 18:8 VERSE 26 - strip. * :29; 16:16,37,39 Jer 13:22 Ho 2:3,9,10 Re 17:16; 18:14-17 - fair jewels. Heb. instruments of thy decking. * Isa 3:17-24 1Pe 3:3,4 VERSE 27 - will I. * Eze 16:41; 22:15 Isa 27:9 Mic 5:10-14 Zec 13:2 - and thy. * :3,19 - so that. These severe judgments shall effectually deter you from idolatry, and make you abhor the least approaches to it. This often repeated prediction has received a most wonderful accomplishment. For neither the authority, frowns, examples, or favor of their conquerors or powerful neighbors, nor their own fears, hopes, interests, or predilection for the sensual worship of idols, could prevail with them to run into gross idolatry, either during the captivity, or ever afterwards, to the present day, a period of 2,414 years. VERSE 28 - whom thou. * :17,22; 16:37 Jer 21:7-10; 24:8; 34:20 VERSE 29 - deal. * :25,26,45-47; 16:39 De 28:47-51 2Sa 13:15 - the nakedness. * :18; 16:36,37 VERSE 30 - thou hast. * :12-21; 6:9 Ps 106:35-38 Jer 2:18-20; 16:11,12; 22:8,9 - because thou art. * :7,17 VERSE 31 - walked. * :13; 16:47-51 Jer 3:8-11 - her. * 2Ki 21:13 Jer 7:14,15 Da 9:12 VERSE 32 - drink. * Ps 60:3 Isa 51:17 Jer 25:15-28; 48:26 Mt 20:22,23 Re 16:19 * Re 18:6 - thou shalt be. * Eze 22:4,5; 25:6; 26:2; 35:15; 36:3 De 28:37 1Ki 9:7 Ps 79:3 * Jer 25:9 La 2:15,16 Mic 7:8 VERSE 33 - filled. * Jer 25:27 Hab 2:16 - with the cup of astonishment. * Isa 51:17,22 VERSE 34 - drink. * Ps 75:8 Isa 51:17 - and pluck. * :3,8 Re 18:7 VERSE 35 - Because. * Eze 22:12 Isa 17:10 Jer 2:32; 3:21; 13:25; 23:27; 32:33 Ho 8:14; 13:6 * Ro 1:28 - and cast. * 1Ki 14:9 Ne 9:26 - therefore. * :45-49; 7:4; 44:10 Le 24:15 Nu 14:34; 18:22 VERSE 36 - wilt. * Eze 20:4; 22:2 Jer 1:10 1Co 6:2,3 - judge. or, plead for. * Jer 11:14; 14:11 - Aholah. * :4 - declare. * Eze 16:2 Isa 58:1 Ho 2:2 Mic 3:8-11 Mt 23:13-35 Lu 11:39-52 * Ac 7:51-53 VERSE 37 - they have. * :5; 16:32 Ho 1:2; 3:1 - and blood. * :39,45; 16:36,38; 22:2-4; 24:6-9 2Ki 24:4 Ps 106:37,38 * Isa 1:15 Jer 7:6,9 Ho 4:2 Mic 3:10 Lu 13:34 - have also. * :4; 16:20,21,36,45; 20:26,31 Le 18:21; 20:2-5 De 12:31 * 2Ki 17:17; 21:6 Jer 7:31; 32:35 VERSE 38 - they have. * Eze 7:20; 8:5-16 2Ki 21:4,7; 23:11,12 - and have. * Eze 20:13,24; 22:8 Ne 13:17,18 Jer 17:27 VERSE 39 - they came. * Isa 3:9 Jer 7:8-11; 11:15 Mic 3:11 Joh 18:28 - thus. * :38; 44:7 2Ki 21:4 2Ch 33:4-7 Jer 23:11 VERSE 40 - ye have. * :13 Isa 57:9 - to come. Heb. coming. * 2Ki 20:13-15 - thou didst. * Ru 3:3 Es 2:12 - paintedst. {Kachalt aineych,} rendered by the LXX. [ ] "thou didst paint thine eyes with stibium," and Vulgate {circumlinisti stibio oculos tuos,} "thou didst paint round thine eyes with stibium," or lead ore; whence it is called in Arabic {kochl,} and in Syriac {kecholo,} and {koochlo.} * 2Ki 9:30 Jer 4:30 - and deckedst. * Eze 16:13-16 Pr 7:10 Isa 3:18-23 VERSE 41 - stately. Heb. honorable. * Es 1:6 Pr 7:16,17 Isa 57:7 Am 2:8; 6:4 - a table. * Eze 44:16 Isa 65:11 Mal 1:7 - whereupon. * Eze 16:18,19 Pr 7:17 Jer 44:17 Ho 2:8,9 VERSE 42 - a voice. This seems to be an account of an idolatrous festival, perhaps that of Bacchus; in which a riotous and drunken multitude assembled, adorned with bracelets and chaplets, accompanied with music, songs, and dances. * Ex 32:6,18,19 Ho 13:6 Am 6:1-6 - common sort. Heb. multitude of men. were brought. * Job 1:15 Joe 3:8 - Sabeans. or, drunkards. bracelets. * Eze 16:11,12 Re 12:3 VERSE 43 - old. * Ezr 9:7 Ps 106:6 Jer 13:23 Da 9:16 - whoredoms with her. Heb. her whoredoms. VERSE 44 - so went. * :3,9-13 VERSE 45 - the righteous. The Chaldeans, so called, because appointed by God to execute his judgment on these criminals. * :36 Jer 5:14 Ho 6:5 Zec 1:6 Joh 8:3-7 - after the manner of adulteresses. * :37-39; 16:38-43 Le 20:10; 21:9 De 22:21-24 Joh 8:7 - because. * :37 VERSE 46 - I will. * :22-26; 16:40 Jer 25:9 - to be removed and spoiled. Heb. for a removing and spoil. * Jer 15:4; 24:9; 34:17 VERSE 47 - the company. * :25,29; 9:6; 16:41 Jer 33:4,5 - dispatch them. or, single them out. * Eze 24:6 - shall slay. * Eze 24:21 2Ch 36:17-19 - and burn. * De 13:16 Jer 39:8; 52:13 VERSE 48 - I cause. * :27; 6:6; 22:15; 36:25 Mic 5:11-14 Zep 1:3 - that. * Eze 5:15; 16:41 De 13:11 Isa 26:9 1Co 10:6-11 2Pe 2:6 VERSE 49 - they shall. * Eze 7:4,9; 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 22:31 Isa 59:18 - ye shall bear. * :35 - and ye shall know. * Eze 6:7; 20:38,42,44; 25:5 Ps 9:16 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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