1 God defends his justice; 31 and exhorts to repentance. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - mean. * Eze 17:12 Isa 3:15 Ro 9:20 - the land. * Eze 6:2,3; 7:2; 25:3; 36:1-6; 37:11,19,25 - The fathers. * Jer 15:4; 31:29,30 La 5:7 Mt 23:36 VERSE 3 * :19,20,30; 33:11-20; 36:31,32 Ro 3:19 VERSE 4 - all souls. * Nu 16:22; 27:16 Zec 12:1 Heb 12:9 - the soul that. * :20 Ro 6:23 Ga 3:10-13,22 VERSE 5 - if. * Ps 15:2-5; 24:4-6 Mt 7:21-27 Ro 2:7-10 Jas 1:22-25; 2:14-26 * 1Jo 2:3,29; 3:7; 5:2-5 Re 22:14 - that, etc. Heb. judgment and justice. * Eze 33:14 Ge 18:19 Pr 21:3 Jer 22:15 VERSE 6 - not. * :11,15; 6:13; 20:28; 22:9 Ex 34:15 Nu 25:2 1Co 10:20 - neither hath lifted. * :12,15; 20:7,24; 33:25,26 De 4:19 Ps 121:1; 123:1,2 - neither hath defiled. * Eze 22:10,11 Le 18:19,20; 20:10,18 De 22:22-30 Jer 5:8,9 Mt 5:28 * 1Co 6:9-11 Ga 5:19-21 Heb 13:4 VERSE 7 - hath not. * :12,16,18; 22:12,13,27-29 Ex 22:21-24; 23:9 Le 19:15; 25:14 * 1Sa 12:3,4 Job 31:13-22 Pr 3:31; 14:31; 22:22,23 Isa 1:17 * Isa 5:7; 33:15; 58:6 Jer 7:6,7 Am 2:6; 8:4-6 Mic 2:1; 3:2 * Zec 7:9-11 Mal 3:5 Jas 5:1-6 - hath restored. * Eze 33:15 Ex 22:26 De 24:12,13,17 Job 22:6; 24:3,9 Am 2:8 - hath spoiled. * Eze 7:23 Ge 6:11,12 Isa 59:6,7 Jer 22:3,16,17 Am 3:10; 5:11,12; 6:3 * Zep 1:9 - hath given. * :16 De 15:7-11 Job 31:16-20 Ps 41:1; 112:4,9 Pr 11:24,25 * Pr 28:8,27 Isa 58:7-11 Mt 25:34-46 Lu 3:11 2Co 8:7-9; 9:6-14 * Jas 2:13-17 1Jo 3:16-19 VERSE 8 - hath not. * :13,17; 22:12 Ex 22:25 Le 25:35-37 De 23:19,20 Ne 5:1-11 * Ps 15:5 Pr 28:8 Jer 15:10 - hath withdrawn. * 2Sa 22:24 Ne 5:15 Isa 33:15 - hath executed. * Le 19:15,35 De 1:16,17; 16:18-20 Job 29:7-17 Pr 31:8,9 * Isa 1:17 Jer 22:15,16 Zec 7:9,10; 8:16 VERSE 9 - walked. * :17; 20:13; 33:15; 36:27; 37:24 De 4:1; 5:1; 6:1,2; 10:12,13; 11:1 * Ne 9:13,14 Ps 19:7-11; 105:44,45; 119:1-6 Lu 1:6 Joh 14:21 * Ac 24:16 Jas 1:22-25 - is just. * Ps 24:4-6 Hab 2:4 Ro 1:17 Jas 2:18-26 1Jo 2:29; 3:7 - he shall. * Eze 20:11 Am 5:4,14,24 Lu 10:27-29 VERSE 10 - that is. * Le 19:13 Mal 3:8,9 Joh 18:40 - a robber. or, a breaker up of an house. * Ex 22:2 - a shedder. * Ge 9:5,6 Ex 21:12 Nu 35:31 1Jo 3:12 - the like to any one of these things. or, to his brother besides any of these. VERSE 11 - that. * :7 Mt 7:21-27 Lu 11:28 Joh 13:17; 15:14 Php 4:9 Jas 2:17 * 1Jo 3:22 Re 22:14 - eaten. * :6,15 1Ki 13:8,22 VERSE 12 - oppressed. * :7,16 Ho 12:7 Am 4:1 Zec 7:10 Jas 2:6 - hath committed. * :6; 8:6,17 Le 18:22,26-30 2Ki 21:11; 23:13 VERSE 13 - given. * :8,17 - shall he. * :24,28,32 - blood. Heb. bloods. * Eze 3:18; 33:4 Le 20:9,11-13,27 Ac 18:6 VERSE 14 - if he. * :10 Pr 17:21; 23:24 - that seeth. * Eze 20:18 2Ch 29:3-11; 34:21 Jer 9:14; 44:17 Mt 23:32 1Pe 1:18 - considereth. * :28 Ps 119:59,60 Isa 44:19 Jer 8:6 Ho 7:2 Hag 1:5,7; 2:18 * Lu 15:17-19 VERSE 15 * :6,7,11-13 VERSE 16 - withholden the pledge. Heb. pledged the pledge, or taken to pledge. * :7 - but hath. * Job 22:7; 31:19 Pr 22:9; 25:21; 31:20 Ec 11:1,2 Isa 58:7-10 * Lu 11:41; 14:13 VERSE 17 - hath taken. * :8 Job 29:16 Pr 14:31; 29:7,14 Jer 22:16 Da 4:27 Mt 18:27-35 * Lu 19:8 - that hath not. * :8,9,13 Le 18:4,26,30 - he shall not. * :19,20; 20:18,30 Jer 16:11-13,19 Mal 3:7 Mt 23:29-33 - he shall surely. * :9,19,21,28; 3:21; 33:13,15,16 VERSE 18 - even. * :4,20,24,26; 3:18 Isa 3:11 Joh 8:21,24 VERSE 19 - Why. * Ex 20:5 De 5:9 2Ki 23:26; 24:3,4 Jer 15:4 La 5:7 - When. * Eze 20:18-20,24,30 Zec 1:3-6 VERSE 20 - soul that. * :4,13 De 24:16 1Ki 14:13 2Ki 14:6; 22:18-20 2Ch 25:4 * Jer 31:29,30 - bear. * Eze 4:4 Le 5:1,17; 10:17; 16:22; 19:8 Nu 18:1 Isa 53:11 Heb 9:28 * 1Pe 2:24 - righteousness. * :30; 33:10 1Ki 8:32 2Ch 6:23,30 Isa 3:10,11 Mt 16:27 Ro 2:6-9 * Re 2:23; 20:12; 22:12-15 VERSE 21 - if the. * :27,28,30; 33:11-16,19 2Ch 33:12,13 Pr 28:13 Isa 1:16-20; 55:6,7 * Lu 24:47 Ac 3:19; 26:18-20 1Ti 1:13-16 Jas 4:8-10 - and keep. * :9; 36:27 Ge 26:5 Ps 119:80,112 Lu 1:6 Jas 2:14,26 - and do. * :5,19,27 Ps 119:1 Ga 5:22-24 Tit 2:11-14 - he shall surely. * :17,28; 3:21 Ro 8:13 VERSE 22 - his transgressions. * :24; 33:16 1Ki 17:18 Ps 25:7; 32:1,2; 51:1; 103:12 Isa 43:25 * Jer 31:34; 50:20 Mic 7:19 Ro 8:1 Heb 8:12; 10:3,4 - in his. * 2Ch 6:23 Ps 18:20-24; 19:11 Ro 2:6,7 Ga 6:7,8 Jas 2:21-26 * 2Pe 1:5-11 1Jo 3:7 VERSE 23 - I any. * :32; 33:11 La 3:33 Ho 11:8 1Ti 2:4 2Pe 3:9 - not that. * Ex 34:6,7 Job 33:27,28 Ps 147:11 Jer 31:20 Mic 7:18 * Lu 15:4-7,10,22-24,32 Jas 2:13 VERSE 24 - when. * :26; 3:20,21; 33:12,13,18 1Sa 15:11 2Ch 24:2,17-22 Ps 36:3,4 * Ps 125:5 Zep 1:6 Mt 13:20,21 Joh 6:66-70 Ga 5:7 Heb 10:38,39 * 2Pe 2:18-22 1Jo 2:19; 5:16-18 Jude 1:12 - and doeth. * :10-13 Mt 12:43-45 Ro 1:28-31 2Co 12:20,21 2Ti 3:1-5 - All his. * :22 Mr 13:13 Ga 3:4 Heb 6:4-6; 10:26-31 2Jo 1:8 Re 2:10; 3:11 - in his. * :18 Pr 14:32; 21:16 Mt 7:22,23 Joh 8:21,24 VERSE 25 - way. * :29; 33:17,20 Job 32:2; 34:5-10; 35:2; 40:8; 42:4-6 Mal 2:17 * Mal 3:13-15 Mt 20:11-15 Ro 3:5,20; 9:20; 10:3 - my. * Ge 18:25 De 32:4 Ps 50:6; 145:17 Jer 12:1 Zep 3:5 Ro 2:5,6 - are. * Ps 50:21 Jer 2:17-23,29-37; 16:10-13 VERSE 26 - When. * :24 - turneth away. * Ho 6:3 1Co 11:28-32 1Jo 5:17 VERSE 27 - when. * :21 Isa 1:18; 55:7 Mt 9:13; 21:28-32 Ac 3:19; 20:21; 26:20 - he shall. * Eze 33:5 Ac 2:40 1Ti 4:16 VERSE 28 - he considereth. * :14; 12:3 De 32:29 Ps 119:1,6,59 Jer 31:18-20 Lu 15:17,18 - turneth. * :21,31; 33:12 1Sa 7:3,4 Col 3:5-9 Tit 2:14 Jas 2:10-12 VERSE 29 * :2,25 Pr 19:3 VERSE 30 - I will. * Eze 7:3,8,9,27; 33:20; 34:20 Ec 3:17; 12:14 1Pe 1:17 Re 20:12 - every. * Mal 3:18 Mt 16:27; 25:32 2Co 5:10,11 Ga 6:4,5 Re 22:12 - Repent. * :21; 14:6; 33:9,11 Da 9:13 Ho 12:6 Joe 2:12,13 Mt 3:2,8 * Ac 26:20 Re 2:5,16 - yourselves. or, others. * :32 - so. * :21 Lu 13:3,5 Ro 2:5 Jas 1:15 Re 2:21-23 VERSE 31 - Cast. * Eze 20:7 Ps 34:14 Isa 1:16,17; 30:22; 55:7 Ro 8:13 Eph 4:22-32 * Col 3:5-9 Jas 1:21 1Pe 1:14; 2:1; 4:2-4 - make. * Eze 11:19; 36:26 Ps 51:10 Jer 32:39 Mt 12:33; 23:26 Ac 3:19 Ro 8:13 * Ro 12:2 Jas 4:8 1Pe 1:22 - for why. * Eze 33:11 De 30:15,19 Pr 8:36 Jer 21:8; 27:15 Ac 13:46 VERSE 32 - I have. * :23 La 3:33 2Pe 3:9 - yourselves. or, others. * :30 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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