1 Under the type of Ezekiels's removing, 8 is shewn the captivity of Zedekiah. 17 Ezekiel's trembling shews the Jews' desolation. 21 The Jews' presumptuous proverb is reproved. 26 The speediness of the vision. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - thou. * Eze 2:3,6-8; 3:9,26,27; 17:12; 24:3; 44:6 De 9:7,24; 31:27 Ps 78:40 * Isa 1:23; 30:1,9; 65:2 Jer 4:17; 5:23; 9:1-6 Da 9:5-9 Ac 7:51,52 - which. * De 29:4 Isa 6:9,10; 29:9-12; 42:19,20 Jer 5:21 Mt 13:13,14 * Mr 4:12; 8:17,18 Lu 8:10 Joh 9:39-41; 12:40 Ac 28:26,27 * Ro 11:7,8 2Co 3:14; 4:3,4 Eph 4:18 2Th 2:10,11 - for. * Eze 2:5 VERSE 3 - prepare. * :10-12; 4:1-17 Jer 13:1-11; 18:2-12; 19:1-15; 27:2 - stuff. or, instruments. By stuff our translators meant furniture or goods, as the word frequently denotes in our early writers; but the original, {keley,} has not only this sense (as in ver. 4,) but is also used for any kind of utensils or instruments whatever; and here probably denotes carriages, or other means for removing goods. This was intended to signify that the captivity was at hand. - it may. * Eze 33:11 De 5:29; 32:29 Ps 81:13 Jer 18:11; 25:4-7; 26:3; 36:3,7 * Lu 13:8,9,34; 20:13 2Ti 2:25 VERSE 4 - at even. * :12 2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:4; 52:7 - they that go forth into. Heb. the goings forth of. VERSE 5 - Dig thou. Heb. Dig for thee. This was to shew that Zedekiah should escape from the city through a breach in the wall. - See * 2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:2-4 VERSE 6 - thou shalt. This intimated that Zedekiah should steal out of the city in the twilight, carrying on his shoulders some of his property, with his head covered, not only as in distress but to escape detection. These prophecies, which were accurately fulfilled, are supposed to have been delivered in the sixth year of Zedekiah, five years before the taking of Jerusalem. - cover. * 1Sa 28:8 2Sa 15:30 Job 24:17 - for I. * :11; 4:3; 24:24 Isa 8:18; 20:2-4 VERSE 7 - I did so. * Eze 2:8; 24:18; 37:7,10 Jer 32:8-12 Mt 21:6,7 Mr 14:16 Joh 2:5-8 * Joh 15:14 Ac 26:19 - I brought. * :3-6 - digged. Heb. digged for me. VERSE 8 VERSE 9 - the rebellious. * :1-3; 2:5-8 - What. * Eze 17:12; 20:49; 24:19 VERSE 10 - This. * 2Ki 9:25 Isa 13:1; 14:28 Mal 1:1 - prince. That is, Zedekiah king of Judah. * Eze 7:27; 17:13-21; 21:25-27 Jer 21:7; 24:8; 38:18 VERSE 11 - I am. * :6 - remove and go. Heb. by removing go. * Jer 15:2; 52:15,28-30 VERSE 12 * :6 2Ki 25:4 Jer 39:4; 42:7 VERSE 13 - My net. This was to intimate, that though he escaped out of the city, the Chaldeans should overtake him, and carry him to Babylon. Jeremiah had predicted that his "eyes should see the eyes of the king of Babylon," and here Ezekiel foretold that he should not see Babylon, though he should die there; and Josephus says that he thought the two prophecies so inconsistent with each other, that he believed neither; yet both were exactly fulfilled, and the enigma of Ezekiel explained, when Zedekiah was brought to Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, where he had his eyes put out, and was then carried to Babylon, and there died. * Eze 17:16,20; 19:8,9; 32:3 Job 19:6 Ps 11:6 Isa 24:17,18 Jer 50:24 * La 1:13; 3:47; 4:19,20 Ho 7:12 Lu 21:35 - and I. * 2Ki 25:5-7 Jer 34:3; 39:7; 52:8-11 VERSE 14 - I will scatter. * Eze 5:10-12; 17:21 2Ki 25:4,5 - I will draw. * Eze 5:2,12; 14:17,21 Le 26:33 Jer 42:16,22 VERSE 15 * :16,20; 5:13; 6:7,14; 7:4; 11:10; 24:27; 25:11; 26:6; 28:26; 33:33 * Eze 39:28 Eze 14:18 Ps 9:16 VERSE 16 - I will. * Eze 6:8-10; 14:22,23 Isa 1:9; 6:13; 10:22; 24:13 Jer 4:27; 30:11 * Am 9:8,9 Mt 7:14; 24:22 Ro 11:4,5 - a few men. Heb. men of number. * Ge 13:16 Isa 10:19 Ro 9:27 - that they. * Eze 14:22,23; 36:31 Le 26:40,41 Jer 3:24,25 Da 9:5-12 - and they. * De 29:24-28 1Ki 9:6-9 Jer 22:8,9 VERSE 17 * :17 VERSE 18 * Eze 4:16,17; 23:33 Le 26:26,36 De 28:48,65 Job 3:24 Ps 60:2,3 * Ps 80:5; 102:4-9 VERSE 19 - with carefulness. * 1Ki 17:10-12 - that her. * Eze 6:6,7,14; 36:3 Isa 6:11 Jer 4:27; 9:10,11; 10:22; 18:16; 32:28 * Jer 33:10,12 Mic 7:13 Zec 7:14 - all that is therein. Heb. the fulness thereof. * Ps 24:1 1Co 10:26,28 - because. * Eze 7:23 Ge 6:11-13 Ps 107:34 Jer 6:7 Mic 3:10-12 VERSE 20 * Eze 15:6,8 Isa 3:26; 7:23,24; 24:3,12; 64:10,11 Jer 4:7,23-29 * Jer 12:10-12; 16:9; 19:11; 24:8-10; 25:9; 34:22 La 5:18 Da 9:17 VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - what. * Eze 18:2,3 Jer 23:33-40 - The days. * :27; 11:3 Isa 5:19 Jer 5:12,13 Am 6:3 2Pe 3:3,4 VERSE 23 - I will. * Eze 18:3 Isa 28:22 - The days. * :25; 7:2,5-7,10-12 Joe 2:1 Zep 1:14 Mal 4:1 Mt 24:34 * Jas 5:8,9 VERSE 24 * Eze 13:23 1Ki 22:11-13,17 Pr 26:28 Jer 14:13-16; 23:14-29 La 2:14 * Zec 13:2-4 Ro 16:18 1Th 2:5 2Pe 2:2,3 VERSE 25 - I will. * :28; 6:10 Nu 14:28-34 Isa 14:24; 55:11 La 2:17 Da 9:12 Zec 1:6 * Mt 24:35 Lu 21:13,33 - in your. * Jer 16:9 Hab 1:5 Mr 13:30,31 - O rebellious. * :1,2 VERSE 26 VERSE 27 - for. * :22 Isa 28:14,15 Da 10:14 2Pe 3:4 VERSE 28 - There shall. * :23-25 Jer 4:7; 44:28 Mt 24:48-51 Mr 13:32-37 Lu 21:34-36 * 1Th 5:2,3 Re 3:3 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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