1 The tables are renewed. 5 The name of the LORD proclaimed. 8 Moses entreats God to go with them. 10 God makes a covenant with them, repeating certain duties of the first table. 28 Moses, after forty days in the mount, comes down with the tables. 29 His face shines, and he covers it with a vail. VERSE 1 - Hew. See on ch. * Ex 31:18; 32:16,19 De 10:1 - I will. * :28 De 10:1-4 - the words. * Ps 119:89 - which. * Ex 32:19 De 9:15-17 VERSE 2 - in the top. * Ex 19:20,24; 24:12 De 9:25 VERSE 3 * Ex 19:12,13,21 Le 16:17 1Ti 2:5 Heb 12:20 VERSE 4 VERSE 5 - descended. * Ex 19:18; 33:9 Nu 11:17,25 1Ki 8:10-12 Lu 9:34,35 - the name. * Ex 33:19 Nu 14:17 De 32:3 Ps 102:21 Pr 18:10 Isa 1:10 VERSE 6 - passed. * Ex 33:20-23 1Ki 19:11 - proclaimed. * Nu 14:17-19 Isa 12:4 - The Lord. * Ex 3:13-16 - merciful. * De 5:10 2Ch 30:9 Ne 9:17 Ps 86:5,15; 103:8-13; 111:4; 112:4 * Ps 116:5; 145:8 Joe 2:13 Jon 4:2 Ro 2:4 - abundant. * Ps 31:19 Mic 7:18 Ro 2:4; 5:20,21 Eph 1:7,8 - truth. * Ps 57:10; 91:4; 108:4; 111:8; 138:2; 146:6 La 3:23 Mic 7:20 * Joh 1:17 VERSE 7 - Keeping. * Ex 20:6 De 5:10 Ne 1:5; 9:32 Ps 86:15 Jer 32:18 Da 9:4 - forgiving. * Ps 103:3; 130:4 Da 9:9 Mic 7:18 Mt 6:14,15; 12:31; 18:32-35 * Lu 7:42,48 Ac 5:31; 13:38 Ro 4:7,8 Eph 1:7; 4:32 1Jo 1:9 - that will by no means clear the guilty. The Hebrew {nakkeh lo yenakkeh,} has been rendered "Acquitting him who is not innocent." Nothing can more strongly express the goodness of God to frail mortals than this declaration, "which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all our translators." * Ex 23:7,21 Nu 14:18-23 De 32:35 Jos 24:19 Job 10:14 Ps 9:16,17 * Ps 11:5,6; 58:10,11; 136:10,15 Isa 45:21 Mic 6:11 Na 1:2,3,6 * Ro 2:4-9; 3:19-26; 9:22,23 Heb 12:29 Re 20:15; 21:8 - visiting. See on ch. * Ex 20:5,6 VERSE 8 * Ex 4:31 Ge 17:3 2Ch 20:18 VERSE 9 - If now. * Ex 33:13,17 - let my Lord. See on ch. * Ex 33:14-16 Mt 28:20 - stiff-necked. See on ch. * Ex 32:9; 33:3-5 Isa 48:4 - pardon. * Nu 14:19 Ps 25:11 - take us. * Ex 19:5 De 32:9 Ps 28:9; 33:12; 78:62; 94:14; 135:4 Jer 10:16 * Zec 2:12 VERSE 10 - I make. * Ex 24:7,8 De 4:13; 5:2,3; 29:12-14 - I will do marvels. * De 4:32-37; 32:30 Jos 6:20; 10:12,13 2Sa 7:23 Ps 77:14; 78:12 * Ps 147:20 - a terrible. * De 10:21 Ps 65:5; 66:3,5; 68:35; 76:12; 106:22; 145:6 Isa 64:3 * Jer 32:21 VERSE 11 - Observe. * De 4:1,2,40; 5:32; 6:3,25; 12:28,32; 28:1 Mt 28:20 Joh 14:21 - I drive. See on ch. * Ex 3:8,17; 33:2 Ge 15:18-21 De 7:1,19; 9:4,5 VERSE 12 - Take heed. * Ex 23:32,33 De 7:2 Jud 2:2 - lest. * De 7:16 Jos 23:12,13 Jud 2:3; 8:27 Ps 106:36 VERSE 13 - ye shall. * Ex 23:24 De 7:5,25,26; 12:2,3 Jud 2:2; 6:25 2Ki 18:4; 23:14 * 2Ch 31:1; 34:3,4 - images. Heb. statutes. VERSE 14 - worship. * Ex 20:3-5 De 5:7 Mt 4:10 - whose. * :5-7; 33:19 Isa 9:6; 57:15 - jealous God. * Ex 20:5 De 5:24; 6:15; 29:20; 32:16,21 Jos 24:19 Na 1:2 1Co 10:22 VERSE 15 - make. * :10,12; 23:32 De 7:2 - whoring. * Le 17:7; 20:5,6 Nu 15:39 De 31:16 Jud 2:17 Ps 73:27 Jer 3:9 * Ezr 6:9 Ho 4:12; 9:1 Re 17:1-5 - call thee. * Nu 25:2 1Co 10:27 - eat. * Ps 106:28 1Co 8:4,7,10; 10:20,21 Re 2:20 VERSE 16 * Nu 25:1,2 De 7:3,4 1Ki 11:2-4 Ezr 9:2 Ne 13:23,25 2Co 6:14-17 VERSE 17 * Ex 32:8 Le 19:4 Isa 46:6,7 Jer 10:14 Ac 17:29; 19:26 VERSE 18 * Ex 12:15-20; 13:4,6,7; 23:15 Le 23:6 De 16:1-4 Mr 14:1 Lu 22:1 * Ac 12:3 VERSE 19 - openeth. * Ex 13:2,12; 22:29 Nu 18:15-17 Eze 44:30 Lu 2:23 VERSE 20 - firstling. * Ex 13:10 Nu 18:15 - lamb. or, kid. All the. * Ex 13:15 Nu 3:45-51 - none. * Ex 23:15 De 16:16 1Sa 9:7,8 2Sa 24:24 VERSE 21 - Six. * Ex 20:9-11; 23:12; 35:2 De 5:12-15 Lu 13:14; 23:56 - earing. * Ge 45:6 De 21:4 1Sa 8:12 Isa 30:24 VERSE 22 - feast of weeks. * Ex 23:16 Nu 28:16-31; 29:12-39 De 16:10-15 Joh 7:2 Ac 2:1 - year's end. Heb. revolution of the year. VERSE 23 - Thrice. * Ex 23:14,17 De 16:16 Ps 84:7 - the God. * Ge 32:28; 33:20 VERSE 24 - I will. * :11; 23:27-30; 33:2 Le 18:24 De 7:1 Ps 78:55; 80:8 - enlarge. * Ex 23:31 De 12:20; 19:8 1Ch 4:10 - desire. * Ge 35:5 2Ch 17:10 Job 1:10 Pr 16:7 Ac 18:10 VERSE 25 - leaven. * Ex 12:20; 23:18 De 16:3 1Co 5:7,8 - be left. * Ex 12:10; 23:18; 29:34 Le 7:15 Nu 9:12 VERSE 26 - first. * Ex 23:19 De 26:2,10 Pr 3:9,10 Mt 6:33 1Co 15:20 Jas 1:18 - seethe. * Ex 23:19 De 14:21 VERSE 27 - Write. * Ex 17:14; 24:4,7 De 31:9 - I have. See on ver. * :10 De 4:13; 31:9 VERSE 28 - forty days. See on ch. * Ex 24:18 De 9:9,18,25 - he wrote. * :1; 31:18; 32:16 De 4:13; 10:2-4 2Co 3:7 - commandments. Heb. words. VERSE 29 - A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491. An. Ex. Is. 1. Elul. Two tables. See on ch. * Ex 32:15 - wist. * Ex 16:15 Jos 2:4; 8:14 Jud 16:20 Mr 9:6; 14:40 Lu 2:49 Joh 5:13 * Ac 12:9; 23:5 - the skin. * Mt 17:2 Lu 9:29 Ac 6:15 2Co 3:7-9,13 Re 1:16; 10:1 - face shone. As the original word {karan,} signifies to shine out, or dart forth, as horns on the head of an animal, or rays of light reflected from a polished surface, we may suppose that the heavenly glory which filled the soul of this holy man, darted out from his face in coruscations, in the manner in which light is generally represented. The Vulgate renders it, {et ignorabat quod cornuta esset facies sua,} "and he did not know that his face was horned;" which version, misunderstood, has induced painters to represent Moses with two very large horns, one proceeding from each temple! VERSE 30 - afraid. * Nu 12:8 Mr 9:3,15 Lu 5:8 VERSE 31 - called. * Ex 3:15; 24:1-3 - and Moses talked. * Ge 45:3,15 VERSE 32 - he gave. * Ex 21:1 Nu 15:40 1Ki 22:14 Mt 28:20 1Co 11:23; 15:3 VERSE 33 - a vail. * Ro 10:4 2Co 3:13-18; 4:4-6 VERSE 34 - he took. * 2Co 3:16 Heb 4:16; 10:19-22 VERSE 35 * :29,30 Ec 8:1 Da 12:3 Mt 5:16; 13:43 Joh 5:35 Php 2:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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