1 The altar of burnt offering, with the vessels thereof. 9 The court of the tabernacle inclosed with hangings and pillars. 18 The measure of the court, and the furniture of brass. 20 The oil for the lamp. VERSE 1 - altar of shittim wood. * Ex 20:24-26; 24:4; 38:1-7; 40:10,29 2Sa 24:18 2Ch 4:1 Eze 43:13-17 * Heb 13:10 VERSE 2 - horns of it upon the four corners thereof. The horns might have been designed not only for ornament, but to prevent the sacrifices from falling off, and to tie the victim to, previous to its being sacrificed. * Ex 29:12 Le 4:7,18,25; 8:15; 16:18 1Ki 1:50; 2:28 Ps 118:27 * Heb 6:18 - overlay it with brass. * Nu 16:38,39 1Ki 8:64 VERSE 3 - his shovels. * Le 16:12 1Ki 7:40,45 2Ch 4:11 Jer 52:18 - basons. * Ex 24:6 - flesh-hooks. * Ex 38:3 Nu 4:14 1Sa 2:13,14 1Ch 28:17 2Ch 4:16 - firepans. * 1Ki 7:45 2Ki 25:15 Jer 52:19,20 VERSE 4 - a grate of network. * Ex 35:16; 38:4,5 - rings in the four corners thereof. See on ch. * Ex 25:12 VERSE 5 - compass of the altar. * Ex 38:4 VERSE 6 - staves for the altar. See on ch. * Ex 35:13-15; 30:4 Nu 4:44 VERSE 7 - bear it. * Ex 25:28; 30:4 Nu 4:13,14 VERSE 8 - as it was shewed. Heb. he shewed. * Ex 25:9,40; 26:30-37 1Ch 28:11,19 Mt 15:9 Col 2:20-23 Heb 8:5 VERSE 9 - the court. * Ex 38:9-20; 40:8 1Ki 6:36; 8:64 2Ch 33:5 Ps 84:10; 92:13; 100:4 * Ps 116:19 Eze 40:14,20,23,28,32,44; 42:3,19,20; 46:20-24 - hangings for. * Ex 26:31-37; 36:17; 39:40 VERSE 10 - sockets shall be of brass. See on ch. * Ex 26:19-21 - fillets shall be of silver. * Ex 36:38 Jer 52:21 VERSE 11 * :11 VERSE 12 * :12 VERSE 13 VERSE 14 - hangings of one side. * :9; 26:36 VERSE 15 VERSE 16 - of blue. See on ch. * Ex 26:31,36 - needle-work. * Ex 28:39; 36:37; 39:29 Jud 5:30 Ps 45:14 VERSE 17 VERSE 18 - length of the court. * :9-12 - fifty every where. Heb. fifty by fifty. VERSE 19 - all the pins thereof. * :3; 35:18; 38:20,31; 39:40 Nu 3:37; 4:32 Ezr 9:8 Ec 12:11 * Isa 22:23-25; 33:20 Zec 10:4 VERSE 20 - pure oil olive beaten. That is, such oil as could be easily expressed from the olives, after they had been bruised in a mortar; and which is much purer than that obtained after the olives are put under the press. * Ex 39:37 Le 24:2-4 Jud 9:9 Ps 23:5 Zec 4:11-14 Re 11:4 - for the light. See on ch. * Ex 25:31-37 - to cause the lamp. Josephus says, that the whole of the seven lamps burned all night; and that in the morning four were extinguished, and three burned the whole of the day. Such might have been the practice in his time; but it appears sufficiently evident from ch. 30:8, and 1 Sa 3:3, that they were anciently extinguished in the morning. - to burn. Heb. to ascend up. VERSE 21 - the tabernacle of the congregation. * Ex 29:10,44 Le 3:8 Nu 8:9 - without the vail. * Ex 26:31-33; 40:3 - testimony. See on ch. * Ex 16:34; 25:16,21 - Aaron. * Ex 30:8 1Sa 3:3 2Ch 13:11 Mal 2:7 Mt 4:16 Lu 12:35 Joh 5:35 * 2Co 4:6 2Pe 1:19 Re 2:1 - evening. * Ge 1:5,8 Le 24:3 Ps 134:1 - a statute for ever. * Ex 28:43; 29:9,28 Le 3:17; 16:34; 24:9 Nu 18:23; 19:21 1Sa 30:25 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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