1 Esther, entertaining the king and Haman, makes suit for her own life, and her people's. 5 She accuses Haman. 7 The king in his anger, understanding of the gallows which Haman had made for Mordecai, causes him to be hanged thereon. VERSE 1 - banquet. Heb. drink. * Es 3:15; 5:8 VERSE 2 - the king said. See on ch. * Es 5:6 Joh 16:24 VERSE 3 - let my life. * :7 1Ki 20:31 2Ki 1:13 Job 2:4 Jer 38:26 - my people. * Es 4:8 Ps 122:6-9 VERSE 4 - we are sold. * Es 3:9; 4:7,8 De 28:68 1Sa 22:23 - to be destroyed, etc. Heb. that they should destroy, and kill, and cause to perish. * Es 3:13; 8:11 Ps 44:22,23 - But if we. * Ge 37:26-28 De 28:68 Jos 9:23 Ne 5:5 Joe 3:6 Am 2:6 - the enemy. * :6; 3:9 VERSE 5 - Who is he. * Ge 27:33 Job 9:24 - that dare, etc. Heb. whose heart hath filled him. * Ac 5:3 VERSE 6 - The adversary. Heb. The man adversary. this wicked. * 1Sa 24:13 Ps 27:2; 139:19-22 Pr 24:24,25 Ec 5:8 1Co 5:13 * 2Th 2:8 - was afraid. * Ne 6:16 Job 15:21,22; 18:5-12 Ps 73:5-9,17-20 Pr 16:14 * Isa 21:4 Da 5:5,6 - before. or, at the presence of. VERSE 7 - in his wrath. * Es 1:12 - Haman. * Pr 14:19 Isa 60:14 Re 3:9 - for he saw. * 1Sa 20:7,9; 25:17 Ps 112:10 Pr 19:12 Da 3:19 VERSE 8 - the bed. * Es 1:6 Isa 49:23 - before me. Heb. with me. they covered Haman's. When a criminal was condemned by a Roman judge, he was delivered to the serjeant with these words: {I, lictor, caput obnubito arbori infelici suspendito,} "Go, sergeant, cover his head, and hang him on the accursed tree." * Es 6:12 Job 9:24 Isa 22:17 VERSE 9 - Harbonah. * Es 1:10 - Harbona. one of the chamberlains. * Es 6:14 2Ki 9:32 - Behold. * Es 5:14 Job 27:20-23 Ps 7:15,16; 35:8; 141:10 Pr 11:5,6 - gallows. Heb. tree. who had spoken. * Es 2:21-23; 6:2 - Hang him thereon. * Es 9:25 1Sa 17:51 Ps 7:15,16; 9:15,16; 35:8; 37:35,36; 73:19 * Pr 11:5,6 Da 6:7,24 VERSE 10 - Then was the king's. * Jud 15:7 Eze 5:13 Zec 6:8 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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