1 Vanities in divine service; 8 in murmuring against oppression; 9 and in riches. 18 Joy in riches is the gift of God. VERSE 1 - thy foot. * Ge 28:16,17 Ex 3:5 Le 10:3 Jos 5:15 2Ch 26:16 Ps 89:7 * Isa 1:12-20 1Co 11:22 Heb 12:28,29 - ready. * Ac 10:33; 17:11 Jas 1:19 1Pe 2:1,2 - give. * Ge 4:3-5 1Sa 13:12,13; 15:21,22 Ps 50:8-18 Pr 15:8; 21:27 * Isa 1:12-15; 66:3 Jer 7:21-23 Ho 6:6,7 Mal 1:10,11 Heb 10:26 VERSE 2 - not rash. * Ge 18:27,30,32; 28:20,22 Nu 30:2-5 Jud 11:30 1Sa 14:24-45 * Mr 6:23 - thing. or, word. for. * Ps 115:3 Isa 55:9 Mt 6:9 - let thy . * :3,7 Pr 10:19 Mt 6:7 Jas 3:2 VERSE 3 - a fool's. * Ec 10:12-14 Pr 10:19; 15:2 VERSE 4 - vowest. * Ge 28:20; 35:1,3 Nu 30:2 De 23:21-23 Ps 50:14; 76:11; 119:106 * Isa 19:21 Mt 5:33 - for. * Ps 147:10,11 Mal 1:10 Heb 10:6 - pay. * Ps 66:13,14; 116:14,16-18 Jon 2:9 VERSE 5 * De 23:22 Pr 20:25 Ac 5:4 VERSE 6 - thy mouth. * :1,2 Jas 1:26; 3:2 - before. Or, "before the messenger," {hammalach,} the priest whose business it was to take cognizance of vows and offerings. - See * Le 5:4,5 Ge 48:16 Ho 12:4,5 Mal 2:7; 3:1 Ac 7:30-35 1Co 11:10 * 1Ti 5:21 Heb 1:14 - it was. * Le 5:4-6; 27:9,10 - destroy. * Hag 1:9-11; 2:14-17 1Co 3:13-15 2Jo 1:8 VERSE 7 - in the. * :3 Mt 12:36 - but. * Ec 7:18; 8:12; 12:13 Pr 23:17 Isa 50:10,11 VERSE 8 - thou seest. * Ec 3:16; 4:1 Ps 12:5; 55:9; 58:11 Pr 8:17 Hab 1:2,3,13 - marvel. * Zec 8:6 1Jo 3:13 Re 17:6,7 - matter. Heb. will, or purpose. * Isa 10:5-7,12; 46:10,11 Hab 1:12 Ac 4:27,28 Ro 11:33 - for. * Isa 57:15 Lu 1:32,35,76 - regardeth. * 1Ki 21:19,20 Job 20:19-29; 27:8-23 Ps 10:17,18; 12:5; 58:10,11 * Ps 82:1; 83:18; 140:11,12 Isa 3:15; 5:7; 59:13-16 Jer 22:17-19 * Eze 22:6-14 Am 5:12; 6:2-6,12; 8:4-7 Mic 2:1-3,9; 3:1-4,9-12 * Mic 6:10-13 Zec 7:9-13 Mal 3:5 Jas 2:13; 5:2-7 - higher than they. * 1Ch 21:15,16 Ps 95:3 Isa 37:36 Mt 13:41,42 Ac 12:7-10,23 VERSE 9 - the profit. * Ge 1:29,30; 3:17-19 Ps 104:14,15; 115:16 Pr 13:23; 27:23-27 * Pr 28:19 Jer 40:10-12 - the king. * 1Sa 8:12-17 1Ki 4:7-23 1Ch 27:26-31 VERSE 10 - He that. The more he gets, the more he would get; for {Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit,} "The love of money increases, in proportion as money itself increases." * Ec 4:8; 6:7 Ps 52:1,7; 62:10 Pr 30:15,16 Hab 2:5-7 Mt 6:19,24 * Lu 12:15 1Ti 6:10 - this. * Ec 1:17; 2:11,17,18,26; 3:19; 4:4,8,16 VERSE 11 - they. * Ge 12:16; 13:2,5-7 1Ki 4:22,23; 5:13-16 Ne 5:17,18 Ps 119:36,37 - what. * Ec 6:9; 11:9 Jos 7:21-25 Pr 23:5 Jer 17:11 Hab 2:13 1Jo 2:16 VERSE 12 * Ps 4:8; 127:2 Pr 3:24 Jer 31:26 VERSE 13 - a sore. * Ec 4:8; 6:1,2 - riches. * Ec 8:9 Ge 13:5-11; 14:16; 19:14,26,31-38 Pr 1:11-13,19,32 * Pr 11:4,24,25 Isa 2:20; 32:6-8 Zep 1:18 Lu 12:16-21 * Lu 16:1-13,19,22,23; 18:22,23; 19:8 1Ti 6:9,10 Jas 2:5-7; 5:1-4 VERSE 14 - those. * Ec 2:26 Job 5:5; 20:15-29; 27:16,17 Ps 39:6 Pr 23:5 Hag 1:9 * Hag 2:16,17 Mt 6:19,20 - and he. * 1Sa 2:6-8,36 1Ki 14:26 Ps 109:9-12 VERSE 15 * Job 1:21 Ps 49:17 Lu 12:20 1Ti 6:7 VERSE 16 - a sore. * :13; 2:22,23 - what. * 1Sa 12:21 Jer 2:8 Mr 8:36 - for. * Ec 1:3 Pr 11:29 Isa 26:18 Ho 8:7 Joh 6:27 VERSE 17 - he eateth. * Ge 3:17 1Ki 17:12 Job 21:25 Ps 78:33; 102:9; 127:2 Eze 4:16,17 - much. * 2Ki 1:2,6; 5:27 2Ch 16:10-12; 24:24,25 Ps 90:7-11 Pr 1:27-29 * Ac 12:23 1Co 11:30-32 VERSE 18 - it is good and comely. Heb. there is a good which is comely, etc. * Ec 2:24; 3:12,13,22; 8:15; 9:7; 11:9 1Ti 6:17 - the days. Heb. the number of the days. it is his. * Ec 2:10; 3:22 Jer 52:34 VERSE 19 - to whom. * Ec 2:24; 3:13; 6:2 De 8:18 1Ki 3:13 - this is. * Ec 2:24-26 VERSE 20 - For he shall not much remember. or, Though he give not much, yet he rembemereth, etc. * Ps 37:16 - because. * De 28:8-12,47 Ps 4:6,7 Isa 64:5; 65:13,14,21-24 Ro 5:1,5-11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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