1 The preacher shews that all human courses are vain; 4 because the creatures are restless in their courses, 9 they bring forth nothing new, and all old things are forgotten; 12 and because he has found it so in the studies of wisdom. VERSE 1 - the Preacher. * :12; 7:27; 12:8-10 Ne 6:7 Ps 40:9 Isa 61:1 Jon 3:2 2Pe 2:5 - king. * :12 1Ki 11:42,43 2Ch 9:30; 10:17-19 VERSE 2 * Ec 2:11,15,17,19,21,23,26; 3:19; 4:4,8,16; 5:10; 6:11; 11:8,10; 12:8 * Ps 39:5,6; 62:9,10; 144:4 Ro 8:20 VERSE 3 - profit. * Ec 2:22; 3:9; 5:16 Pr 23:4,5 Isa 55:2 Hab 2:13,18 Mt 16:26 * Mr 8:36,37 Joh 6:27 - under. * Ec 2:11,19; 4:3,7; 5:18; 6:12; 7:11; 8:15-17; 9:3,6,13 VERSE 4 - One generation. * Ec 6:12 Ge 5:3-31; 11:20-32; 36:9-19; 47:9 Ex 1:6,7; 6:16-27 * Ps 89:47,48; 90:9,10 Zec 1:5 - but. * Ps 102:24-28; 104:5; 119:90,91 Mt 24:35 2Pe 3:10-13 VERSE 5 - sun. * Ge 8:22 Ps 19:4-6; 89:36,37; 104:19-23 Jer 33:20 - hasteth. Heb. panteth. * Jos 10:13,14 Ps 42:1 Hab 3:11 VERSE 6 - The wind. This verse should be connected with the preceding, and rendered, "The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose; going toward the south, and turning about unto the north. The wind whirleth about continually," etc. Alluding, in the former part, to the apparent daily motion of the sun from east to west, and to his annual course through the signs of the zodiac. * Job 37:9,17 Ps 107:25,29 Jon 1:4 Mt 7:24,27 Joh 3:8 * Ac 27:13-15 VERSE 7 - the rivers run. * Job 38:10,11 Ps 104:6-9 - return again. Heb. return to go. VERSE 8 - full. * Ec 2:11,26 Mt 11:28 Ro 8:22,23 - man. * Ec 4:1-4; 7:24-26 - the eye. * Ec 4:8; 5:10,11 Ps 63:5 Pr 27:20; 30:15,16 Mt 5:6 Re 7:16,17 VERSE 9 - that hath. * Ec 3:15; 7:10 2Pe 2:1 - and there. * Isa 43:19 Jer 31:22 Re 21:1,5 VERSE 10 - it hath. * Mt 5:12; 23:30-32 Lu 17:26-30 Ac 7:51 1Th 2:14-16 2Ti 3:8 VERSE 11 - There is. * Ec 2:16 Ps 9:6 Isa 41:22-26; 42:9 VERSE 12 - See on ver. * :1 1Ki 4:1-19 VERSE 13 - I gave. * :17; 7:25; 8:9,16,17 Ps 111:2 Pr 2:2-4; 4:7; 18:1,15; 23:26 * 1Ti 4:15 - this sore. * Ec 3:10; 4:4; 12:12 Ge 3:19 - to be exercised. or, to afflict them. VERSE 14 * :17,18; 2:11,17,26 1Ki 4:30-32 Ps 39:5,6 VERSE 15 - crooked. * Ec 3:14; 7:12,13 Job 11:6; 34:29 Isa 40:4 La 3:37 Da 4:35 Mt 6:27 - wanting. Heb. defect. VERSE 16 - communed. * 2Ki 5:20 Ps 4:4; 77:6 Isa 10:7-14 Jer 22:14 Eze 38:10,11 * Da 4:30 - Lo. * Ec 2:9 1Ki 3:12,13; 4:30; 10:7,23,24 2Ch 1:10-12; 2:12; 9:22,23 - great experience of. Heb. seen much. * Heb 5:14 VERSE 17 - I gave. See on ver. * :13; 2:3,12; 7:23-25 1Th 5:21 - I perceived. * Ec 2:10,11 VERSE 18 - For in. * Ec 2:15; 7:16; 12:12,13 Job 28:28 1Co 3:18-20 Jas 3:13-17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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