1 An exhortation to obedience in regard of God's mercy and goodness in his dealings with Israel. VERSE 1 - See on ch. * De 4:1; 5:32,33; 6:1-3 Ps 119:4-6 1Th 4:1,2 VERSE 2 - remember. See on ch. * De 7:18 Ps 77:11; 106:7 Eph 2:11,12 2Pe 1:12,13; 3:1,2 - led thee. * De 1:3,33; 2:7; 29:5 Ps 136:16 Am 2:10 - to humble. * 2Ch 32:25,26; 33:12,19 Job 33:17; 42:5,6 Isa 2:17 Lu 18:14 * Jas 4:6,10 1Pe 5:5,6 - prove thee. * :16; 13:3 Ge 22:1 Ex 15:25; 16:4 2Ch 32:31 Ps 81:7 Pr 17:3 * Mal 3:2,3 Jas 1:3 1Pe 1:7 - to know. * Jer 17:9,10 Joh 2:25 Re 2:23 VERSE 3 - fed thee. * Ex 16:2,3,12-35 Ps 78:23-25; 105:40 1Co 10:3 - doth. * Ps 37:3; 104:27-29 Mt 4:4 Lu 4:4; 12:29,30 Heb 13:5,6 Many have attempted to give the following meaning to this text:--"God so amply provided for them all the necessaries of life, that they never were obliged to wear tattered garments, nor were their feet injured for lack of shoes or sandals." Now, though the Israelites doubtless brought out of Egypt more raiment than what they had upon them; and they might manufacture the fleeces of their flocks in the wilderness; and also might be favored by Providence with other supplies from the neighboring nations or travelling hordes of Arabs; yet, when we consider their immense numbers, their situation and long continuance in the wilderness, and the very strong expressions made use of in the text, why should we question the extraordinary and miraculous interposition of God in this respect, as well as in others, not less stupendous in their nature, or constant in their supply? VERSE 4 * De 29:5 Ne 9:21 Mt 26:25-30 VERSE 5 - consider. * De 4:9,23 Isa 1:3 Eze 12:3; 18:28 - as a man. * 2Sa 7:14 Job 5:17,18 Ps 89:32; 94:12 Pr 3:12 1Co 11:32 * Heb 12:5-11 Re 3:19 VERSE 6 - walk. * De 5:33 Ex 18:20 1Sa 12:24 2Ch 6:31 Ps 128:1 Lu 1:6 VERSE 7 * De 6:10,11; 11:10-12 Ex 3:8 Ne 9:24,25 Ps 65:9-13 Eze 20:6 VERSE 8 - wheat. * De 32:14 2Sa 4:6 1Ki 5:11 Ps 81:16; 147:14 Eze 27:17 - barley. * 2Ch 2:10-15 Joh 6:9,13 - vines. * Isa 7:23 Jer 5:17 Ho 2:8,22 Mic 4:4 Hab 3:17 - oil olive. Heb. olive tree of oil. VERSE 9 - whose stones. * De 33:25 Jos 22:8 1Ch 22:14 Job 28:2 VERSE 10 - thou hast. * De 6:11,12 Ps 103:2 Mt 14:19 Joh 6:23 Ro 14:6 1Co 10:31 1Th 5:18 * 1Ti 4:4,5 - then thou. * 1Ch 29:14 Ps 103:2 Pr 3:9 VERSE 11 * Ps 106:21 Pr 1:32; 30:9 Eze 16:10-15 Ho 2:8,9 VERSE 12 - Lest when. * De 28:47; 31:20; 32:15 Pr 30:9 Ho 13:5,6 - and hast built. * Ec 2:4 Jer 22:14,15 Eze 11:3 Am 5:11 Hag 1:4 Lu 17:28 VERSE 13 * Ge 13:1-5 Job 1:3 Ps 39:6 Lu 12:13-21 VERSE 14 - thine heart. * De 17:20 2Ch 26:16; 32:25 Jer 2:31 1Co 4:7,8 - thou forget. See on ver. * :11 Ps 106:21 Jer 2:6 VERSE 15 - led thee. * De 1:19 Ps 136:16 Isa 63:12-14 Jer 2:6 - fiery serpents. * Nu 21:6 Ho 13:5 - who brought. * Ex 17:5 Nu 20:11 Ps 78:15,16; 105:41; 114:8 Isa 35:7 1Co 10:4 VERSE 16 - fed thee. * :3 Ex 16:15 - he might. See on ver. * :2 - to do thee. * La 3:26-33 Jer 24:5,6 Ro 8:28 2Co 4:17 Heb 12:10,11 Jas 1:12 * 1Pe 1:7 VERSE 17 - thou say. See on ch. * De 7:17 - My power. * De 9:4 Isa 10:8-14 Da 4:30 Ho 12:8 Hab 1:16 1Co 4:7 VERSE 18 - he that. * Ps 127:1,2; 144:1 Pr 10:22 Ho 2:8 - that he may. * De 7:8,12 VERSE 19 - I testify against. * De 4:26; 28:58-68; 29:25-28; 30:18,19 Jos 23:13 1Sa 12:25 Da 9:2 * Am 3:2 Zep 1:18; 3:6 Lu 12:47,48; 13:3,5 VERSE 20 - so shall ye perish. * 2Ch 36:16,17 Da 9:11,12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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