1 The covenant in Horeb. 6 The ten commandments. 23 At the people's request Moses receives the law from God. VERSE 1 - all Israel. * De 1:1; 29:2,10 - Hear. See on ch. * De 4:1 - keep, and. Heb. keep to. * Mt 23:3 VERSE 2 * De 4:23 Ex 19:5-8; 24:8 Heb 8:6-13; 9:19-23 VERSE 3 * De 29:10-15 Ge 17:7,21 Ps 105:8-10 Jer 32:38-40 Mt 13:17 * Ga 3:17-21 Heb 8:8,9 VERSE 4 * :24-26; 4:33,36; 34:10 Ex 19:9,18,19; 20:18-22; 33:11 Nu 12:8 VERSE 5 * :27 Ge 18:22 Ex 19:16; 20:18-21; 24:2,3 Nu 16:48 Ps 106:23 * Jer 30:21 Zec 3:1-5 Ga 3:19 Heb 9:24; 12:18-24 VERSE 6 - I am the. * De 4:4 - See on * Ex 20:2-17 Le 26:1,2 - brought. * Ps 81:5-10 - bondage. Heb. servants. VERSE 7 * Ex 20:3 Mt 4:10 Joh 5:23 1Jo 5:21 VERSE 8 - graven image. See on ch. * De 4:15-19 Ex 20:4 VERSE 9 - shalt not. See on * Ex 20:4-6 - the Lord. On the import of the word {yehowah,} which we translate Lord, see Note on Ex. 3:15. The word {elohim,} which is rendered God, in the singular, {eloah,} and in Arabic {allah,} is derived from the Arabic {alaha,} he worshipped, adored, was struck with astonishment, fear, or terror: and hence, he adored with sacred honor and veneration: it also signifies, he succored, liberated, kept in safety, or defended. Here we learn that {elohim} denotes the sole object of adoration; the perfections of whose nature must astonish all who contemplate them, and fill with horror all who rebel against him; that consequently he must be worshipped with reverence and religious fear; and that every sincere worshipper may expect help in all his weaknesses, etc., freedom from the power, guilt, and consequences of sin, and support and defence to the uttermost. - a jealous God. See on * Ex 34:14 - visiting. * Ex 34:7 Jer 32:18 Da 9:4-9 Mt 23:35,36 Ro 11:28,29 VERSE 10 - shewing. * Isa 1:16-19 Jer 32:18 Da 9:4 Mt 7:21-27 Ga 5:6 1Jo 1:7 - love me. * De 6:5,6; 10:12,13 Joh 14:15,21-23; 15:14 Ro 8:28 Jas 1:25 * 1Jo 5:2,3 VERSE 11 * De 6:13 - See on * Ex 20:7 Le 19:12 Ps 139:20 Jer 4:2 Mt 5:33,34 Jas 5:12 VERSE 12 - See on * Ex 20:8-11 Isa 56:6; 58:13 VERSE 13 * Ex 23:12; 35:2,3 Eze 20:12 Lu 13:14-16; 23:56 VERSE 14 - the sabbath. * Ge 2:2 Ex 16:29,30 Heb 4:4 - thy stranger. * Ne 13:15,21 - thy man-servant. * Ex 23:12 Le 25:44-46 Ne 5:5 VERSE 15 - remember. * De 15:15; 16:12; 24:18-22 Isa 51:1,2 Eph 2:11,12 - the Lord. See on ver. * :6 Ps 116:16 Isa 63:9 Lu 1:74,75 Tit 2:14 - through. See on ch. * De 4:34-37 VERSE 16 - Honor. See on * Ex 20:12 Le 19:3 Mt 15:4-6 Col 3:20 - that thy days. * De 4:40; 27:16 Eph 6:1-3 VERSE 17 - See on * Ex 20:13 Mt 5:21,22 VERSE 18 - See on * Ex 20:14 Pr 6:32,33 Mt 5:27,28 Lu 18:20 Jas 2:10,11 VERSE 19 - See on * Ex 20:15 Ro 13:9 Eph 4:28 VERSE 20 * De 19:16-21 - See on * Ex 20:16; 23:1 1Ki 21:13 Pr 6:19; 19:5,9 Mal 3:5 VERSE 21 - See on * Ex 20:17 1Ki 21:1-4 Mic 2:2 Hab 2:9 Lu 12:15 Ro 7:7,8; 13:9 * 1Ti 6:9,10 Heb 13:5 VERSE 22 - These words. See on ver. * :4; 4:12-15,36 Ex 19:18,19 - he wrote. See on ch. * De 4:13 Ex 24:12; 31:18 VERSE 23 * Ex 20:18,19 Heb 12:18-21 VERSE 24 - we have heard. * :4,5 Ex 19:19 - he liveth. * De 4:33 Ge 32:30 Ex 33:20 Jud 13:22 VERSE 25 - this great. * De 18:16; 33:2 2Co 3:7-9 Ga 3:10,21,22 Heb 12:29 - hear. Heb. add to hear. VERSE 26 - who is. It seems to have been a general opinion, that if God appeared to men, it was for the purpose of destroying them. And indeed most of the extraordinary manifestations of God were in the way of judgment; but here it was widely different. God did appear in a sovereign and extraordinary manner; but it was for the instruction, direction, deliverance, and support of his people. 1. They heard this voice speaking with them in a distinct, articulate manner. 2. They saw the fire, the symbol of his presence, the appearances of which demonstrated it to be supernatural. 3. Nevertheless God appeared so terrible, yet no person was destroyed; for he came not to destroy but to save. - See on ch. * De 4:33 - all flesh. * Ge 6:12 Isa 40:6 Ro 3:20 - living. * Jos 3:10 Ps 42:2; 84:2 Jer 10:10 Da 6:26 Mt 26:63 Ac 14:15 * 2Co 6:16 1Th 1:9 VERSE 27 * Ex 20:19 Heb 12:19 VERSE 28 - they have well said all. * De 18:17 Nu 27:7; 36:5 VERSE 29 The language of the original is emphatic: {Mee yittain wehayah levavom zeh lahem,} literally, "Who will give that there may be such a heart in them?" They refuse to receive such a heart from me, who then can supply it? - O that there. * De 32:29,30 Ps 81:13-15 Isa 48:18 Jer 44:4 Eze 33:31,32 Mt 23:37 * Lu 19:42 2Co 5:20; 6:1 Heb 12:25 - keep all: * De 11:1 Ps 106:3; 119:1-5 Lu 11:28 Joh 15:14 Re 22:14 - that it might: * :16; 4:40; 6:3,18; 12:25,28; 19:13; 22:7 Ru 3:1 Ps 19:11 Isa 3:10 * Jer 22:14,15 Eph 6:3 Jas 1:25 VERSE 30 VERSE 31 - See on ver. * :1; 4:1,5,45; 6:1; 11:1; 12:1 Eze 20:11 Mal 4:4 Ga 3:19 VERSE 32 - observe. * De 6:3,25; 8:1; 11:32; 24:8 2Ki 21:8 Eze 37:24 - ye shall not. * De 4:1,2; 12:32; 17:20; 28:14 Jos 1:7; 23:6 Ps 125:5 Pr 4:27 * 2Pe 2:21 VERSE 33 - walk. * De 10:12 Ps 119:6 Jer 7:23 Lu 1:6 Ro 2:7 - well. * :29; 4:40 Jer 7:23 1Ti 4:8 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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