1 The things sacrificed must be sound. 2 Idolaters must be slain. 8 Hard controversies are to be determined by the priests and judges. 12 The contemner of that determination must die. 14 The election; 16 and duty of a king. VERSE 1 - Thou shalt. * De 15:21 - See on * Ex 12:5 Le 22:20-25 Mal 1:8,13,14 Heb 9:14 1Pe 1:19 - sheep. or, goat. any evil favoredness. * Ge 41:3,4,19 - for that. * De 23:18; 24:4; 25:16 Pr 6:16; 11:1; 15:8; 20:10 VERSE 2 - within any of thy gates. The expression, "within any of thy gates," denoted all residing in the cities, and all who went in and came out at the gates of them; so that it included the inhabitants of the whole land. - man. * :5; 13:6-18; 29:18 - in transgressing. * De 4:23; 29:25; 31:20 Le 26:15,25 Jos 7:11,15; 23:16 Jud 2:20 * 2Ki 18:12 Jer 31:32 Eze 16:38 Ho 6:7; 8:1 Heb 8:9,10 VERSE 3 - the sun. See on ch. * De 4:19 2Ki 21:3 Job 31:26,27 Jer 8:2 Eze 8:16 - which. * Jer 7:22,23,31; 19:5; 32:35 VERSE 4 - enquired. * De 13:12-14; 19:18 Pr 25:2 Joh 7:51 VERSE 5 - stone them. * De 13:10,11; 21:21; 22:21,24 Le 24:14,16 Jos 7:25 VERSE 6 * De 19:15 Nu 35:30 Mt 18:16 Joh 8:17,18 2Co 13:1 1Ti 5:19 * Heb 10:28 VERSE 7 - of the witnesses. * De 13:9 Ac 7:58,59 - So thou. * :12; 13:5; 19:19; 24:7 Jud 20:13 1Co 5:13 VERSE 8 - arise. * De 1:17 Ex 18:26 1Ki 3:16-28 2Ch 19:8-10 Hag 2:11 Mal 2:7 - between blood. * De 19:4,10,11 Ex 21:12-14,20,22,28; 22:2 Nu 35:11,16,19-34 - get thee up. See on ch. * De 12:5; 19:17 Ps 122:4,5 VERSE 9 - the priests. * Jer 18:18 Hag 2:11 Mal 2:7 - they shall. * De 19:17-21 Eze 44:24 VERSE 10 * Mt 22:2,3 VERSE 11 - According to. * Jos 1:7 Mal 2:8,9 Ro 13:1-6 Tit 3:1 1Pe 2:13-15 2Pe 2:10 * Jude 1:8 - to the right. * :20; 5:32; 28:14 Jos 1:7; 23:6 2Sa 14:19 Pr 4:27 VERSE 12 - will do. * De 13:5,11 Nu 15:30 Ezr 10:8 Ps 19:13 Ho 4:4 Mt 10:14 * Heb 10:26-29 - and will not hearken. Heb. not to hearken. * Jer 25:3-14 - the priest. * De 10:8; 18:5,7 Lu 10:16 Joh 12:48; 20:23 1Th 4:2,8 - that man. * Heb 10:28 - thou shalt. See on ver. * :7; 13:5 Pr 21:11 1Ti 5:20 VERSE 13 - shall hear. See on ch. * De 13:11; 19:20 - presumptuously. See on * Nu 15:30,31 VERSE 14 - When thou. * De 7:1; 12:9,10; 18:9; 26:1,9 Le 14:34 Jos 1:13 - I will set. * 1Sa 8:5-7,19,20; 12:19 VERSE 15 - whom. * 1Sa 9:15-17; 10:24; 16:12,13 2Sa 5:2 1Ch 12:23; 22:10; 28:5 * Ps 2:2,6 - from among. * Jer 30:21 Mt 22:17 - not set. * Jer 2:25 VERSE 16 - multiply horses. Multiplying horses for chariots of war and cavalry, or for luxury, would increase the splendor of a monarch, and form a ground of confidence distinct from a proper confidence in God, and inconsistent with it, and with considering him as the glory of Israel. Egypt abounded in horses; and the desire of multiplying these would induce the prince to encourage a trade with that kingdom; and this might make way for the Israelites being again subjugated by the Egyptians, or at least corrupted by their idolatries and vices. Whereas, it was the command of God that they should no more return thither, but be totally detached from them. Besides, they might be tempted to extend their dominion by means of cavalry, and so get scattered among the surrounding idolatrous nations, and thus cease to be that distinct, separate people, which God intended they should be. * 1Sa 8:11 2Sa 8:4 1Ki 1:5; 4:26; 10:26-28 2Ch 9:25 Ps 20:7 * Isa 36:8,9 Ho 14:3 - cause. * Isa 31:1-3 Jer 42:14 Eze 17:15 - Ye shall henceforth. * De 28:68 Ex 13:17; 14:13 Nu 14:3,4 Jer 42:15,16 Ho 11:5 VERSE 17 - multiply wives. * Ge 2:24 2Sa 3:2-5 1Ki 11:1-4 Ne 13:26 Mal 2:15 Mt 19:5 - neither shall he. * 1Ki 10:21 Ps 62:10 Pr 30:8,9 Mt 6:19,20; 13:22; 19:23,24 * Lu 12:15 1Ti 6:9,17 VERSE 18 - that he shall. * 2Ki 11:12 - a copy. {Mishneh hattorah hazzoth,} "a duplicate of this law." translated by the Septuagint, [ ,] this Deuteronomy. From this version, both the Vulgate and all the modern versions have taken the name of this book; and from it the original word, the Jews call it {Mishneh.} - out of that which. * De 31:9,25,26 2Ki 22:8 2Ch 34:15 VERSE 19 * De 6:6-9; 11:18 Jos 1:8 Ps 1:2; 119:97-100 Joh 5:39 2Ti 3:15-17 VERSE 20 - his heart. * De 8:2,13,14 2Ki 14:10 2Ch 25:19; 26:16; 32:25,26; 33:12,19,23; 34:27 * Ps 131:1,2 Isa 2:12 Da 5:20-23 Hab 2:4 2Co 12:7 1Pe 5:5 - he turn. See on ch. * De 4:2; 5:32; 12:25,28,32 1Ki 15:5 - right hand. See on ver. * :11 1Sa 13:13,14; 15:23 1Ki 11:12,13,34,36 2Ki 10:30 Ps 19:11 * Ps 132:12 Pr 27:24 Ec 8:13 - that he. * Pr 10:27 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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