1 Monuments of idolatry are to be destroyed. 4 The place of God's service to be kept. 15 Blood is forbidden. 16 Blood is forbidden. 17 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place. 18 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place. 19 The Levite is not to be forsaken. 20 Blood is forbidden. 26 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place. 29 Idolatry is not to be enquired after. VERSE 1 - the statues. See on ch. * De 4:1,2,5,45; 6:1,2 - all the days. * :19; 4:19 1Ki 8:40 Job 7:1 Ps 104:33; 146:2 VERSE 2 - utterly. See on ch. * De 7:5,25,26 Ex 23:24; 34:12-17 Nu 33:51,52 Jud 2:2 - posses. or, inherit. * Nu 22:41 2Ki 16:4; 17:10,11; 23:13 Jer 3:6 Eze 20:28,29 Ho 4:13 VERSE 3 - ye shall. * Nu 33:52 Jud 2:2 2Ch 31:1 - overthrow. Heb. break down. and burn. * 1Ki 15:13 2Ki 18:4; 23:14 2Ch 14:3; 19:3; 34:3 Jer 17:2 Mic 5:14 - and destroy. * Ex 23:13 Ps 16:4 Ho 2:17 Zec 13:2 Re 13:1 VERSE 4 * :30,31; 16:21,22; 20:18 Le 20:23 VERSE 5 - But unto. * :11; 16:2; 26:2 Jos 9:27; 18:1 1Ki 8:16,20,29; 14:21 1Ch 22:1 * 2Ch 7:12 Ps 78:68; 87:2,3 Joh 4:20-22 Heb 12:22 Re 14:1 - habitation. * Ex 15:2; 25:22 Nu 7:89 1Ki 8:27 Ps 132:13,14 Isa 66:1,2 * Ac 7:48-50 Eph 2:20-22 Col 2:9 VERSE 6 - your burnt. * Le 17:3-9 Eze 20:40 - tithes. * :17; 14:22-26; 15:19,20; 26:2 Le 27:32,33 Nu 18:15-17 Mal 3:8,10 * Lu 11:42; 18:12 VERSE 7 - And there. * :18; 14:23,26; 15:20 Isa 23:18 - ye shall. * :12,18; 16:11-15; 26:11; 27:7 Le 23:40 Ps 128:1,2 Mal 2:13 * Ac 2:46 Php 4:4 VERSE 8 - every man. * Nu 15:39 Jud 17:6; 21:25 Pr 21:2 Am 5:25 Ac 7:42 VERSE 9 * De 25:19 1Ki 8:56 1Ch 23:25 Mic 2:10 Heb 4:8,9 1Pe 1:3,4 VERSE 10 - But when. * De 3:27; 4:22; 9:1; 11:31 Jos 3:17; 4:1,12 - ye dwell. * De 33:12,28 Le 25:18,19 1Sa 7:12 1Ki 4:25 Ps 4:8 Pr 1:33 * Jer 23:6; 32:37; 33:11 Eze 28:26; 34:25,28; 38:8 VERSE 11 - a place. See on ver. * :5,14,18,21,26; 14:23; 15:20; 16:2-8; 17:8; 18:6; 23:16; 26:2; 31:11 * Jos 18:1 1Ki 8:13,29 Ps 78:68 Jer 7:12 Joh 4:20-23 - your choice. Heb. the choice of your. VERSE 12 - And ye. See on ver. * :7; 14:26,27 1Ki 8:66 2Ch 29:36; 30:21-26 Ne 8:10-12 Ps 100:1,2 * Ps 147:1 1Jo 1:3,4 - the Levite. * :19; 14:27,29; 16:11,14; 18:6; 26:12 - forasmuch. * De 10:9; 18:1,2 - See on * Nu 18:20,23,24,26 Jos 13:14,33; 14:4 VERSE 13 This was directly opposed to the customs of the heathen idolaters, in offering their sacrifices on the tops of hills and mountains. * :6 Le 17:2-5 1Ki 12:28-32; 15:34 2Ch 15:17 VERSE 14 * :5,11 Ps 5:7; 9:11 2Co 5:19 Heb 10:19-22; 13:15 VERSE 15 - whatever. * De 14:26 - the unclean. * :21,22; 14:5; 15:22,23 Le 17:3-5 Of the propriety of eating clean animals there could be no question, but the blood must be poured out: yet there were cases when they might kill and eat in all their gates such as the roebuck and the hart, or all clean wild beasts; for these being taken in hunting, and frequently shot by arrows, their blood could not be poured out at the altar VERSE 16 * :23,24; 15:23 Ge 9:4 - See on * Le 7:26,27; 17:10-13 Ac 15:29 1Ti 4:4 VERSE 17 - the tithe. See on ver. * :6,11; 14:22-29; 26:12,14 Le 27:30-32 Nu 18:21-24 VERSE 18 - thou must. See on ver. * :11,12,19; 14:23; 15:20 - rejoice. See on ver. * :7 Ps 32:11; 68:3 Pr 3:17 Isa 12:3 Ac 2:46; 16:34 1Co 10:31 * Ga 5:22 Php 3:1-3 VERSE 19 - Take. * De 14:27-29 2Ch 11:13,14; 31:4-21 Ne 10:34-39 1Co 9:10-14 - as long, etc. Heb. all thy days. See on ver. * :1 VERSE 20 - shall. * 1Ch 4:10 - as he hath. See on ch. * De 11:24; 19:8 Ge 15:18-21; 28:14 Ex 23:31; 34:24 - I will. See on ver. * :15 Ge 31:30 Nu 11:4,20,34 2Sa 13:39; 23:15 Ps 63:1; 84:2; 107:9 * Ps 119:20,40,174 2Co 9:14 Php 1:8; 2:26 VERSE 21 - to put. * :5,11; 14:23,24; 16:6,11; 26:2 Ex 20:24 1Ki 14:21 2Ch 12:13 * Ezr 6:12 VERSE 22 - See on ver. * :15,16 VERSE 23 - sure. Heb. strong. the blood is. * Ge 9:4 Le 3:16,17; 17:11,14 Mt 20:28 Re 5:9 VERSE 24 * :16; 15:23 VERSE 25 - that it. * :28 - See on ch. * De 4:40; 5:16 Ps 112:2 Isa 3:10; 48:18,19 Eze 33:25 - when. See on ch. * De 6:18; 13:18 Ex 15:26 1Ki 11:38 Ec 2:26 VERSE 26 - holy. * :6,11,18 Nu 5:9,10; 18:19 - thy vows. See on * Ge 28:20 Le 22:18-33 1Sa 1:21-24 Ps 66:13-15 VERSE 27 - thy burnt. See on * Le 1:5,9,13; 17:11 - and the blood. * Le 4:30; 17:11 VERSE 28 - Observe. * De 24:8 - See on * Ex 34:11 Le 19:37 2Ch 7:17 Ne 1:5 Ps 105:45 Eze 37:24 * Joh 15:3,10,14 - that it may. See on ver. * :25 VERSE 29 - cut off. * De 9:3; 19:1 Ex 23:23 Jos 23:4 Ps 78:55 - succeedest. Heb. inheritest. or, possessest. VERSE 30 - that thou. * De 7:16 Ex 23:31-33 Le 18:3 Nu 33:52 Jud 2:2,3 2Ki 17:15 * Ps 106:34-38 Eze 20:28 - by following. Heb. after. How did. * Jer 10:2 Eze 20:32 Ro 12:2 Eph 4:17 1Pe 4:3,4 VERSE 31 - Thou. * :4; 18:9 Ex 23:2 Le 18:3,26-30 2Ki 17:15-17; 21:2 2Ch 33:2 * 2Ch 36:14 - abomination to the. Heb. abomination of the. even their sons. The unnatural and horrid practice of offering human sacrifices not only existed, but universally prevailed among ancient nations. We have already (Note on Lev 20:2) referred to the custom among the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, descendants from the Canaanitish nations, of sacrificing their children to Moloch, or Saturn; and we will now cite a passage from Diodorus Siculus, (lib. xx.) which immediately precedes that already produced relative to this barbarous custom. He states that the Carthaginians imputed their being besieged by Agathocles to the anger of Saturn, because, instead of sacrificing the best of their own children, as formerly, they had sacrificed children bought for that purpose. "In haste, therefore, to rectify their errors, they chose 200 of the noblest children, and publicly sacrificed them! Others, accused of irreligion, voluntarily gave themselves up, to the number of no less than 300!" * De 18:10 Le 18:21; 20:2 Jer 7:31; 32:35 Eze 20:31; 23:27 Mic 6:7 VERSE 32 - thou shalt not. * De 4:2; 13:18 Jos 1:7 Pr 30:6 Mt 28:20 Re 22:18,19 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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