1 Moses' speech in the end of the fortieth year; 6 briefly rehearsing the history of God's sending them from Horeb; 14 of giving them officers; 19 of sending the spies to search the land; 34 of his anger for their incredulity; 41 and disobedience. VERSE 1 - on this. * Nu 32:5,19,32; 34:15; 35:14 Jos 9:1,10; 22:4,7 - Red sea. or, Zuph. Or rather, Suph. This could not have been the Red Sea, not only because the word {yam,} "sea," is not joined with it as usual, but because they were now east of Jordan, and farther from the Red Sea than ever. It seems to be the same which is called {Suphah} in Nu 21:14; which must necessarily signify some place in or adjoining to the plains of Moab, and not far from the Jordan and Arnon. Ptolemy mentions a people called Sophonites that dwelt in Arabia Petr'a, who may have taken their name from this place. - Paran. Paran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Dizahab, seem to have been either places or cities not far from the plains of Moab; for it is evident that Paran and Hazeroth could not have been those near the Red sea, and not far from Horeb. * De 33:2 Ge 21:21 Nu 10:12; 12:16; 13:3,26 1Sa 25:1 Hab 3:3 - Hazeroth. * Nu 11:35; 33:17,18 VERSE 2 - by the way. * :44; 2:4,8 Nu 20:17-21 - unto. * Le 2:14; 9:23 Nu 13:26; 32:8 Jos 14:6 VERSE 3 * Nu 20:1; 33:38 VERSE 4 * De 2:26-37; 3:1-11 Nu 21:21-35 Jos 12:2-6; 13:10-12 Ne 9:22 * Ps 135:11; 136:19,20 VERSE 5 - to declare. * De 4:8; 17:18,19; 31:9; 32:46 VERSE 6 - in Horeb. * De 5:2 Ex 3:1; 17:6 - Ye have. * Ex 19:1,2 Nu 10:11-13 VERSE 7 - the mount. * Ge 15:16-21 Ex 23:31 Nu 34:3-12 Jos 24:15 Am 2:9 - all the places. Heb. all his neighbors. in the plain. * De 11:11 Jos 10:40; 11:16,17 - the great. * De 11:24 Jos 1:4 2Sa 8:3 1Ch 5:9; 18:3 VERSE 8 - set. Heb. given. which. * Ge 12:7; 13:14,15; 15:16,18; 17:7,8; 22:16-18; 26:3,4; 28:13,14 VERSE 9 - I am not. * Ex 18:18 Nu 11:11-14,17 VERSE 10 - your God. * De 10:22; 28:62 Ge 15:5; 22:17; 28:14 Ex 12:37; 32:13 Nu 1:46 * 1Ch 27:23 Ne 9:23 - ye are this day. This was the promise made by God to Abraham, (Ge 15:5, 6,) which Moses considers now as amply fulfilled. Many suppose the expression to be hyperbolical; and others, no friends to revelation, think it a vain, empty boast, because the stars, in their apprehension, amount to innumerable millions. But, as this refers to the number of stars that appear to the naked eye, which only amount to about 3,010 in both hemispheres, the number of the Israelites far exceeded this; for independently of women and children, at the last census, they amounted to more than 600,000. VERSE 11 - make you. * 2Sa 24:3 1Ch 21:3 Ps 115:14 - and bless you. * Ge 15:5; 22:17; 26:4; 49:25 Ex 32:13 Nu 6:27; 22:12 VERSE 12 * :9 Ex 18:13-16 Nu 11:11-15 1Ki 3:7-9 Ps 89:19 2Co 2:16; 3:5 VERSE 13 - Take. Heb. Give. * Ex 18:21 Nu 11:16,17 Ac 1:21-23; 6:2-6 VERSE 14 VERSE 15 - I took. * De 16:18 Ex 18:25,26 - made. Heb. gave. * Eph 4:11 - captains over thousands. * Nu 31:14 1Sa 8:12; 17:18; 22:7 VERSE 16 - charged. * De 27:11; 31:14 Nu 27:19 1Th 2:11 1Ti 5:21; 6:17 - Hear. * De 16:18,19 Ex 23:2,3,7,8 Le 19:15 2Sa 23:3 2Ch 19:6-10 Ps 58:1 * Joh 7:24 - the stranger. * De 10:18,19; 24:14 Ex 22:21; 23:9 Le 24:22 VERSE 17 - shall not. * De 10:17; 16:19 Le 19:15 1Sa 16:7 2Sa 14:14 Pr 24:23 Lu 20:21 * Ac 10:34,35 Ro 2:11 Eph 6:9 Col 3:25 Jas 2:1,3,9 1Pe 1:17 - respect persons. Heb. acknowledge faces. That is, let not the bold, daring countenances of the rich or mighty induce you to give an unrighteous decision; and let not the abject look of the poor man induce you either to favor him in an unrighteous cause, or to give judgment against him at the demand of the oppressor. - ye shall hear. * Ex 23:3,6,7 1Sa 12:3,4 Job 22:6-9; 29:11-17; 31:13-16 Ps 82:3,4 * Pr 22:22,23 Jer 5:28,29 Am 5:11,12 Mic 2:1-3; 3:1-4; 7:3,4 * Jas 2:2-4,5 - ye shall not. * 1Ki 21:8-14 Job 31:34 Pr 29:25 Jer 1:17 Mt 22:16 Mr 12:14 * 1Th 2:4 - the judgment. * 2Ch 19:6 - the cause. * De 17:8-10 Ex 18:18,22,26 VERSE 18 * De 4:5,40; 12:28,32 Mt 28:20 Ac 20:20,27 VERSE 19 - through. * De 8:15; 32:10 Nu 10:12 Jer 2:6 - we came. See on ver. * :2 Nu 13:26 VERSE 20 - the mountain. See on ver. * :7,8 VERSE 21 - fear not. * De 20:1 Nu 13:30; 14:8,9 Jos 1:9 Ps 27:1-3; 46:1,7,11 Isa 41:10 * Isa 43:1,2 Lu 12:32 Heb 13:6 VERSE 22 - We will send. The people proposed this measure through unbelief; Moses, mistaking their motive, approved of it; and God, being justly displeased, permitted them to follow their own counsel, which proved injurious to them only through their sin and folly. - See on * Nu 13:1-20 VERSE 23 * Nu 13:3-33 VERSE 24 - See on * Nu 13:21-27 Jos 2:1,2 VERSE 25 * :25 VERSE 26 * Nu 14:1-4 Ps 106:24,25 Isa 63:10 Ac 7:51 VERSE 27 - The Lord hated us. * De 9:28 Ex 16:3,8 Nu 14:3; 21:5 Mt 25:24 Lu 19:21 VERSE 28 - discouraged. Heb. melted. * De 20:8 *marg: * Ex 15:15 Jos 2:9,11,24 *marg: * Jos 14:8 Isa 13:7 Eze 21:7 - The people. * De 9:1,2 Nu 13:28-33 - walled. That is, with very high walls, which could not be easily scaled. Harmer says, high walls are still to be seen in Arabia, and are deemed a sufficient defence against the Arabs, who scarcely ever attempt to plunder except on horseback. The monastery on Mount Sinai, and the convent of St. Anthony in Egypt, are surrounded with a very high wall, without gates; the persons and things being taken up and let down through an opening in the upper part, by means of a pulley and a basket. This kind of walling is a sufficient defence. - we have seen. * De 9:2 Jos 11:22; 15:14 Jud 1:10,20 2Sa 21:16-22 VERSE 29 - See on ver. * :21 VERSE 30 - he shall. * De 20:1-4 Ex 14:14,25 Jos 10:42 1Sa 17:45,46 2Ch 14:11,12; 32:8 * Ne 4:20 Ps 46:11 Isa 8:9,10 Ro 8:31,37 - according. * Ex 7:1-25; 15:1-27 Ps 78:11-13,43-51; 105:27-36 VERSE 31 - in the wilderness. * Ex 16:1-17:16 Ne 9:12-23 Ps 78:14-28; 105:39-41 - bare thee. * De 32:11,12 Ex 19:4 Nu 11:11,12,14 Isa 40:11; 46:3,4; 63:9 * Ho 11:3,4 Ac 13:18 *marg: VERSE 32 * 2Ch 20:20 Ps 78:22; 106:24 Isa 7:9 Heb 3:12,18,19 Jude 1:5 VERSE 33 - Who went. * Ex 13:21 Nu 10:33 Ps 77:20 Eze 20:6 - in fire. * Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20,24; 40:34-38 Nu 9:15-22; 10:11,12; 14:14 * Ne 9:12 Ps 78:14; 105:39 Isa 4:5,6 Zec 2:5 VERSE 34 - and sware. * De 2:14,15 Nu 14:22-30; 32:8-13 Ps 95:11 Eze 20:15 Heb 3:8-11 VERSE 35 VERSE 36 - Caleb. * Nu 13:6,30; 26:65; 32:12; 34:19 Jos 14:6-14 Jud 1:12-15 - wholly followed. Heb. fulfilled to go after. * Nu 14:24 VERSE 37 * De 3:23-26; 4:21; 34:4 Nu 20:12; 27:13,14 Ps 106:32,33 VERSE 38 - Joshua. See on * Nu 13:8,16; 14:30,38; 26:65 - which standeth. * Ex 17:9-14; 24:13; 33:11 1Sa 16:22 Pr 22:29 - encourage him. * De 3:28; 31:7,8,14,23 Nu 27:18-23 Jos 1:1,6-9 VERSE 39 - your little. * Nu 14:3,31 - which in. * Isa 7:15,16 Jon 4:11 Ro 9:11 Eph 2:3 VERSE 40 - See on * Nu 14:25 VERSE 41 - We have sinned. See on * Nu 14:39,40-45; 22:34 Pr 19:3 VERSE 42 - Go not up. * Nu 14:41,42 - for I am not. * Le 26:17 Jos 7:8-13 1Sa 4:2,10 Isa 30:17; 59:1,2 Ho 9:12 VERSE 43 - but rebelled. * Isa 63:10 Ac 7:51 Ro 8:7,8 - went presumptuously up. Heb. ye were presumptuous and went up. * Nu 14:44 VERSE 44 - chased you. When bees are provoked or disturbed, the whole swarm attack and pursue whatever annoys them, with great courage and fury, and sometimes are a most formidable enemy. They were so troublesome in some districts of Crete, that, according to Pliny, the inhabitants were actually compelled to forsake their homes. 'lian reports, that some places in Scythia were formerly inaccessible on account of the numerous swarms of bees with which they were infested. Mr. Park relates, that some of his associates imprudently attempted to rob a numerous hive which they found in their way. The exasperated little animals rushed out to defend their property, and attacked them with so much fury, that they quickly compelled the whole company of men, horses, and asses, to scamper off in all directions, The horses were never recovered, and a number of the asses were so severely stung, that they died the next day. * De 28:25; 32:30 Ps 118:12 Isa 7:18 - unto Hormah. * Nu 14:45; 21:3 VERSE 45 * Ps 78:34 Heb 12:17 VERSE 46 * Nu 14:25,34; 20:1,22 Jud 11:16,17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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