1 Daniel is made chief of the presidents. 4 They, conspiring against him, obtain an idolatrous decree. 10 Daniel, accused of the breach thereof, is cast into the lion's den. 18 Daniel is saved; 24 his adversaries devoured; 25 and God magnified by a decree. VERSE 1 - Darius. * Da 5:31 1Pe 2:14 - an. * Ex 18:21,22 Es 1:1 VERSE 2 - of. * Da 2:48,49; 5:16,29 1Sa 2:30 Pr 3:16 - that. * Mt 18:23 Lu 16:2 - and the. * Ezr 4:22 Es 7:4 Pr 26:6 Lu 19:13-27 1Co 4:2 VERSE 3 - was preferred. * Pr 22:29 - an. * Da 5:12,14; 9:23 Ge 41:38-41 Ne 7:2 Pr 3:3,4; 17:27 Ec 2:13 - thought. Intended to make him grand vizier or {emiru'l umra.} Daniel had now been employed full sixty-five years as prime minister under the kings of Babylon; and was justly entitled, from his acknowledged wisdom, to this preference. VERSE 4 - Cir. A.M. 3467. B.C. 537. sought. * Da 3:8 Ge 43:18 Jud 14:4 Ps 37:12,13,32,33 Pr 29:27 Ec 4:4 * Jer 18:18,23; 20:10 Mt 26:4; 27:18 Lu 20:20; 22:2 - but. * 1Sa 18:14; 19:4,5; 22:14 Lu 23:14,15 Joh 19:4 2Co 11:12 * Php 2:15 1Ti 5:14 Tit 2:8 1Pe 2:12; 3:16; 4:14-16 VERSE 5 * 1Sa 24:17 Es 3:8 Joh 19:6,7 Ac 24:13-16,20,21 VERSE 6 - assembled together. or, came tumultuously. * :11 Ps 56:6; 62:3; 64:2-6 Mt 27:23-25 Lu 23:23-25 Ac 22:22,23 - King. * :21; 2:4; 3:9; 5:10 Ne 2:3 Ac 24:2 VERSE 7 - All. * :2,3; 3:2,27 - have consulted. * Ps 2:2; 59:3; 62:4; 83:1-3; 94:20 Mic 6:5 Mt 12:14; 26:4 Mr 15:1 * Joh 12:10 Ac 4:5-7,26-28 - decree. or, interdict. he shall. * Da 3:6,11 Ps 10:9 Na 2:12 VERSE 8 - establish. * Es 3:12; 8:10 Isa 10:1 - according. * :12,15 Es 1:19; 8:3 - altereth not. Chal. passeth not. * Mt 24:35 VERSE 9 - signed. * Ps 62:9,10; 118:9; 146:3 Pr 6:2 Isa 2:22 VERSE 10 - when. * Lu 14:26 Ac 4:17-19 - his windows. * 1Ki 8:30,38,44,48-50 2Ch 6:38 Ps 5:7 Jon 2:4 Heb 4:16 - he kneeled. * 1Ki 8:54 2Ch 6:13 Ezr 9:5 Ps 95:6 Lu 22:41 Ac 7:60; 9:40; 20:36 * Ac 21:5 Eph 3:14 - three. * :13 Ps 55:17; 86:3 *marg: * Ac 2:1,2,15; 3:1; 10:9 - gave. * Ps 34:1 Php 4:6 Col 3:17 1Th 5:17,18 Heb 13:15 - as he. * Ne 6:11 Ps 11:1,2 Mt 10:28-33 Lu 12:4-9 Ac 4:18,19,29 * Ac 5:20,29,40-42; 20:24 Php 1:14,20 Re 2:10,13 VERSE 11 - assembled. See on ver. * :6 Ps 10:9; 37:32,33 VERSE 12 - they. * Da 3:8-12 Ac 16:19,24; 24:2-9 - the den. It is probable that these lions were kept for the purpose of devouring certain criminals, whom the laws might consign to that kind of death. - The thing. * :8 Es 1:19 VERSE 13 - That Daniel. * Da 1:6; 2:25; 5:13 - regardeth. * Da 3:12 Es 3:8 Ac 5:29; 17:7 VERSE 14 - was sore. The king now clearly perceived for what purpose the decree had been solicited; and was exceedingly displeased with himself that he had suffered himself to be so deluded. * Da 3:13 Mt 27:17-24 Mr 6:26 Lu 23:13-21 Joh 19:7-12 - and he. He strove during the whole day, by every means, to evade or annul the edict; but the foolish constitution of his government (exactly the reverse of the happy rule for the conduct of our gracious monarch) did not allow them to pardon any person who had broken one of their decrees, however arbitrary and unreasonable. * 2Sa 3:28,29 VERSE 15 - Know. * :8,12 Es 8:8 Ps 94:20,21 VERSE 16 - the king. * 2Sa 3:39 Pr 29:25 Jer 26:14; 38:5 Mt 14:8-10; 27:23-26 * Mr 6:25-28; 15:14,15 Joh 19:12-16 Ac 24:27; 25:9,11 Ro 13:3 - Thy God. * :20; 3:15,17,28 Job 5:19 Ps 37:39,40; 91:14-16; 118:8,9 Isa 43:2 * Ac 27:23,24 VERSE 17 - a stone. * La 3:53 Mt 27:60-66 Ac 12:4; 16:23,24 VERSE 18 - and passed. * 2Sa 12:16,17; 19:24 1Ki 21:27 Job 21:12 Ps 137:2 Ec 2:8 * Isa 24:8,9 Am 6:4-6 Jon 3:3-9 Re 18:22 - instruments. or, table. and. * Da 2:1 Es 6:1 Ps 77:4 VERSE 19 * Mt 28:1 Mr 16:2 2Co 2:13 1Th 3:5 VERSE 20 - is. See on ver. * :16,27; 3:15,17,28,29 - servest. * 1Ch 16:11 Ps 71:14-18; 73:23; 119:112; 146:2 Pr 23:17,18 Ho 12:6 * Lu 18:1 Ac 6:4 Ro 2:7 Col 4:2 1Th 5:17,18 Jas 1:25 - able. * Da 3:17 Ge 18:14 Nu 11:23; 14:15,16 Jer 32:17 Lu 1:37 2Co 1:10 * 2Ti 1:12; 4:16-18 Heb 7:25 Jude 1:24 VERSE 21 - O king. * :6; 2:4 Ne 2:3 VERSE 22 - My God. * :20 2Sa 22:7 Ps 31:14; 38:21; 118:28 Mic 7:7 Mt 27:46 Joh 20:17 * Joh 20:18 - hath sent. * Da 3:28 Nu 20:16 2Ch 32:21 Ps 34:7 Isa 63:9 Ac 12:11; 27:23 - hath shut. * 1Sa 17:37 Ps 91:11-13 2Ti 4:17 Heb 11:33 - forasmuch. * :23 Ps 18:19-24; 26:6; 84:11 Isa 3:10 Ac 24:16 2Co 1:12 * 1Jo 3:19-21 - and also. * Ge 40:15 1Sa 24:9-11; 26:18 Ps 7:1-4 Ac 25:8-11 VERSE 23 - was. * :14,18 Ex 18:9 1Ki 5:7 2Ch 2:11,12 - because. * Da 3:25,27,28 1Ch 5:20 2Ch 20:20 Ps 37:40; 118:8,9; 146:3-6 * Pr 18:10 Isa 26:3 Mr 9:23 Heb 11:33 VERSE 24 - and they brought. * De 19:18-20 Es 7:10; 9:25 Pr 11:8 - them. This savage act accorded with the customs of those times; contrary to the Divine law which enacted that "the fathers should not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers." - their children. * De 24:16 Jos 7:24,25 2Ki 14:6 Es 9:10 - the lions. * Da 3:22 Ps 54:5 Isa 38:13 VERSE 25 - king. * Da 4:1 Ezr 1:1,2 Es 3:12; 8:9 - Peace. * Ezr 4:17 1Pe 1:2 2Pe 1:2 Jude 1:2 VERSE 26 - make. * Da 3:29 Ezr 6:8-12; 7:12,13 - tremble. * Ps 2:11; 99:1-3; 119:120 Isa 66:2 Jer 10:10 Lu 12:5 Heb 12:29 - for. * Da 4:34 De 5:26 1Sa 17:26,36 Ho 1:10 Ac 17:25 Ro 9:26 1Th 1:9 * Re 4:10; 5:14 - and stedfast. * Ps 93:1,2; 146:10 Mal 3:6 Heb 6:17,18 Jas 1:17 - and his kingdom. See on ch. * Da 2:44; 4:3,34; 7:14,27 Ps 29:10; 145:12,13 Isa 9:7 Mt 6:13 * Lu 1:33 Re 11:15 VERSE 27 - delivereth. * Job 36:15 Ps 18:48,50; 32:7; 35:17; 97:10 Lu 1:74,75 2Co 1:8-10 * 2Ti 4:17,18 - and he. * Da 4:2,3,34 Jer 32:19,20 Mr 16:17,18 Ac 4:30 Heb 2:4 - power. Chal. hand. VERSE 28 - and in. * Da 1:21 2Ch 36:22,23 Ezr 1:1,2 Isa 44:28; 45:1 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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