1 He reproves Israel for oppression, 4 for idolatry, 6 and for their incorrigibleness. VERSE 1 - ye kine. By the "kine of Bashan," some understand the proud, luxurious matrons of Israel; but it is probable the prophet speaks catachrestically, and means the wealthy, effeminate, and profligate rulers and nobles of Samaria. * De 32:14,15 Ps 22:12 Jer 50:11,27 Eze 39:18 - the mountains. * Am 6:1 1Ki 16:24 - which oppress. * Am 2:6,7; 3:9,10; 5:11; 8:4-6 Ex 22:21-25 De 15:9-11 Ps 12:5; 140:12 * Pr 22:22,23; 23:10,11 Ec 4:1; 5:8 Isa 1:17-24; 5:8; 58:6 * Jer 5:26-29; 6:6; 7:6 Eze 22:7,12,27,29 Mic 2:1-3; 3:1-3 * Zec 7:10,11 Mal 3:5 Jas 5:1-6 - crush. * De 28:33 Job 20:19 *marg: * Jer 51:34 - Bring. * Am 2:8 Joe 3:3 VERSE 2 - hath sworn. * Am 6:8 - See on * Ps 89:35 - he will. * Isa 37:29 Jer 16:16 Eze 39:4,5 Hab 1:15,16 VERSE 3 - ye shall go. * 2Ki 25:4 Eze 12:5,12 - them into the palace. or, away the things of the palace. * 2Ki 7:7,8,15 Isa 2:20; 31:7 Zep 1:18 Mt 16:26 VERSE 4 - Come. A bitter irony and sarcasm, addressed to the idolatrous Israelites. * Am 3:14 Ec 11:9 Eze 20:39 Joe 3:9-12 Mt 23:32; 26:45 Mr 14:41 - at Gilgal * Am 5:5 Ho 4:15; 9:15; 12:11 - and bring. * Nu 28:3,4 - and your. * De 14:28,29; 26:12 - three years. Heb. three years of days. VERSE 5 - offer a sacrifice. Heb. offer by burning. * Le 7:12,13; 23:17 - proclaim. * Le 22:18-21 De 12:6,7 Mt 6:2 - for. * Ps 81:12 Mt 15:9,13,14; 23:23 Ro 1:28 2Th 2:10-12 - this liketh you. Heb. so ye love. * Ho 9:1,10 VERSE 6 - cleanness. From want of food, occasioned by severe famine. - and want. * Le 26:26 De 28:38 1Ki 17:1; 18:2 2Ki 4:38; 6:25-29; 8:1 Eze 16:27 - yet. See on ver. * :8,9 2Ch 28:22 Isa 9:13; 26:11 Jer 5:3; 8:5-7 Ho 5:15; 6:1 * Ho 7:14-16 Joe 2:12-14 Hag 2:17 Zec 1:3-6 Re 2:21; 9:20,21 * Re 16:10,11 VERSE 7 - I have. * Le 26:18-21,23,24,27,28 De 28:23,24 1Ki 8:35,36 2Ch 7:13,14 * Isa 5:6 Jer 3:3; 5:24,25; 14:4,22 Hag 1:10,11 Zec 14:17 Jas 5:17 * Re 11:6 - when. * Joe 2:23 Joh 4:35 - and I. * Ex 8:22; 9:4,26; 10:23 Jud 6:37-40 1Co 4:7 - and the. See on * Joe 1:10-18 VERSE 8 - two. * 1Ki 18:5 Isa 41:17,18 Jer 14:3 - but. * Eze 4:16 Mic 6:14 Hag 1:6 - yet. See on ver. * :6,9-11 Jer 23:14 Ho 7:10 VERSE 9 - with. * De 28:22 1Ki 8:37 2Ch 6:28 Hag 2:17 - when, etc. or, the multitude of your gardens, etc., did the palmer worm, etc. the palmer-worm. * Am 7:1,2 De 28:42 Joe 1:4; 2:25 - yet. * :6,8 Job 36:8-13 Isa 1:5; 42:24,25 Jer 5:3 VERSE 10 - pestilence. * Ex 9:3-6; 12:29,30; 15:26 Le 26:16,25 De 7:15; 28:22,27,60 * Ps 78:49,50 - after the manner. or, in the way. your young. * Le 26:25 2Ki 8:12; 10:32 Jer 6:11; 11:22; 18:21; 48:15 - and have taken away your horses. Heb. with the captivity of your horses. * 2Ki 13:3,7 - the stink. * Am 8:3 De 28:26 Jer 8:1,2; 9:22; 15:3; 16:4 Joe 2:20 - yet. * :6 Ex 8:19; 9:12,17,34,35; 10:3,27; 14:4 VERSE 11 - as God. * Ge 19:24,25 Isa 13:19 Jer 49:18 Ho 11:8 2Pe 2:6 Jude 1:7 - as a. * Zec 3:2 1Co 3:15 Jude 1:23 - yet. See on ver. * :6 Jer 6:28-30 Eze 22:17-22; 24:13 Re 9:20 VERSE 12 - thus. * :2,3; 2:14; 9:1-4 - prepare. * Am 5:4-15 Isa 47:3 Eze 13:5; 22:30 Ho 13:8 Mt 5:25; 24:44-51 * Mt 25:1-13 Mr 13:32-37 Lu 14:31,32; 21:3-36 1Th 5:2-4 * Jas 4:1-10 Re 3:3 VERSE 13 - he that. This is a most powerful description of the majesty of Jehovah, the God of hosts. * Job 38:4-11 Ps 65:6 Isa 40:12 Zec 12:1 - and createth. * Ps 135:7; 147:18 Jer 10:13; 51:16 - wind. or, spirit. * Joh 3:8 - and declareth. * Ps 139:2 Da 2:28 Mt 9:4 Lu 7:39,40 Joh 2:25 - that maketh. * Am 5:8; 8:9 Ex 10:22; 14:20 Isa 5:30 Jer 13:16 - and treadeth. * De 32:13; 33:29 Mic 1:3 Hab 3:19 - The Lord. * Am 3:13; 5:8; 6:8; 9:6 Isa 47:4; 48:2 Jer 10:16; 51:19 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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