1 Paul being accused by Tertullus the orator, 10 answers for his life and doctrine. 24 He preaches Christ to the governor and his wife. 26 The governor hopes for a bribe, but in vain. 27 At last, going out of his office, he leaves Paul in prison. VERSE 1 - five. * :11; 21:27 - Ananias. * Ac 23:2,30,35; 25:2 - orator. * Ac 12:21 Isa 3:3 1Co 2:1,4 - informed. * Ac 25:2,15 Ps 11:2 VERSE 2 - Seeing. Felix, bad as he was, had certainly rendered some services to Judaea. He had entirely subdued a very formidable banditti which had infested the country, and sent their captain, Eliezar, to Rome; had suppressed the sedition raised by the Egyptian impostor (ch. 21:38); and had quelled a very afflictive disturbance which took place between the Syrians and Jews of Caesarea. But, though Tertullus might truly say, 'by thee we enjoy great quietness,' yet it is evident that he was guilty of the grossest flattery, as we have seen both from his own historians and Josephus, that he was both a bad man and a bad governor. * :26,27 Ps 10:3; 12:2,3 Pr 26:28; 29:5 Jude 1:16 VERSE 3 - most. * Ac 23:26 *Gr: * Ac 26:25 Lu 1:3 *Gr: VERSE 4 - that. * Heb 11:32 VERSE 5 - we have. * Ac 6:13; 16:20,21; 17:6,7; 21:28; 22:22; 28:22 1Ki 18:17,18 Jer 38:4 * Am 7:10 Mt 5:11,12; 10:25 1Co 4:13 - and a mover. * 1Sa 22:7-9 Ezr 4:12-19 Ne 6:5-8 Es 3:8 Lu 23:2,5,19,25 * 1Pe 2:12-15,19 - the sect. * :14 *Gr: * Ac 5:17; 15:5; 26:5; 28:22 1Co 11:19 *Gr: - Nazarenes. * Mt 2:23 VERSE 6 - gone. * :12; 19:37; 21:27-29 - whom. * Ac 21:30-32; 22:23; 23:10-15 - and. * Joh 18:31; 19:7,8 VERSE 7 - the chief. * Ac 21:31-33; 23:23-32 Pr 4:16 - great. * Ac 21:35; 23:10 VERSE 8 - Commanding. * Ac 23:30,35; 25:5,15,16 - by. * :19-21 VERSE 9 * Ac 6:11-13 Ps 4:2; 62:3,4; 64:2-8 Isa 59:4-7 Jer 9:3-6 Eze 22:27-29 * Mic 6:12,13; 7:2,3 Mt 26:59,60 Joh 8:44 VERSE 10 - had. * Ac 12:17; 13:16; 19:33; 21:40; 26:1 - many. 'Felix, made procurator over Judea, A.D. 53.' - a judge. * Ac 18:15 1Sa 2:25 Lu 12:14; 18:2 - I do. * 1Pe 3:15 VERSE 11 - but. * :1; 21:18,27; 22:30; 23:11,23,32,33 - to worship. * :17; 21:26 VERSE 12 * :5; 25:8; 28:17 VERSE 13 * Ac 25:7 1Pe 3:16 VERSE 14 - I confess. * Ps 119:46 Mt 10:32 - after. * Ac 9:2; 19:9,23 Am 8:14 2Pe 2:2 - heresy. See on ver. * :5 1Co 11:19 Ga 5:20 Tit 3:10 2Pe 2:1 - so. * Mic 4:2 - the God. * Ac 3:13; 5:30; 7:32; 22:14 Ex 3:15 1Ch 29:18 2Ti 1:3 - believing. * Ac 3:22-24; 10:43; 26:22,27; 28:23 Lu 1:70 - See on * Lu 24:27,44 Joh 5:39-47 1Pe 1:11 Re 19:10 - in the law. * Ac 13:15 Mt 7:12; 22:40 Lu 16:16,29 Joh 1:45 Ro 3:21 VERSE 15 - have. * :21; 26:6,7; 28:20 *etc: - that. * Ac 23:6-8 Job 19:25,26 Da 12:2 Mt 22:31,32 Joh 5:28,29 * 1Co 15:12-27 Php 3:21 1Th 4:14-16 Re 20:6,12,13 VERSE 16 * Ac 23:1 Ro 2:15; 9:1 1Co 4:4 2Co 1:12; 4:2 1Th 2:10 1Ti 1:5,19; 3:9 * 2Ti 1:3 Tit 1:15; 2:11-13 Heb 9:14; 10:22; 13:18 1Pe 2:19; 3:16,21 VERSE 17 - to bring. * Ac 11:29,30; 20:16 Ro 15:25,26 1Co 16:1,2 2Co 8:9 Ga 2:10 - offerings. * Ac 21:26 VERSE 18 * Ac 21:26-30; 26:21 VERSE 19 * Ac 23:30; 25:16 VERSE 20 VERSE 21 - Touching. * Ac 4:2; 23:6; 26:6-8; 28:20 VERSE 22 - having. * :10,24; 26:3 - When. * :7; 18:20; 25:26 De 19:18 VERSE 23 - and to. * :26; 27:3; 28:16,31 Pr 16:7 - his. * Ac 21:8-14 VERSE 24 - he sent. * Ac 26:22 Mr 6:20 Lu 19:3; 23:8 - the faith. * Ac 16:31; 20:21 Ga 2:16,20; 3:2 1Jo 5:1 Jude 1:3 Re 14:12 VERSE 25 - he. * Ac 17:2 1Sa 12:7 Isa 1:18; 41:21 Ro 12:1 1Pe 3:15 - righteousness. * :15,26 2Sa 23:3 Job 29:14 Ps 11:7; 45:7; 58:1,2; 72:2; 82:1-4 * Pr 16:12 Ec 3:16 Isa 1:21; 16:5; 61:8 Jer 22:3,15-17 Eze 45:9 * Da 4:27 Ho 10:4,12 Am 5:24; 6:12 Joh 16:8 1Jo 3:7,10 - temperance. * Pr 31:3-5 Ec 10:16,17 Isa 28:6,7 Da 5:1-4,30 Ho 7:5 Mr 6:18-24 * Ga 5:23 Tit 2:11,12 1Pe 4:4 2Pe 1:6 - judgment. * Ac 10:42; 17:13 Ps 50:3,4 Ec 3:17; 5:8; 11:9; 12:14 Da 12:2 * Mt 25:31-46 Ro 2:16; 14:12 1Co 4:5 2Co 5:10 2Th 1:7-10 2Ti 4:1 * Heb 6:2; 9:27 1Pe 4:5 Re 20:11-15 - Felix. * Ac 2:37; 9:6; 16:29 1Ki 21:27 2Ki 22:19 Ezr 10:3,9 Ps 99:1; 119:120 * Isa 32:11; 66:2 Jer 23:29 Hab 3:16 Ro 3:19,20 1Co 14:24,25 * Ga 3:22 Heb 4:1,12; 12:21 Jas 2:19 - Go. * Ac 16:30-34; 26:28 1Ki 22:26,27 Pr 1:24-32 Jer 37:17-21; 38:14-28 * Mt 14:5-10; 22:5; 25:1-10 - when. * Ac 17:32 Pr 6:4,5 Isa 55:6 Hag 1:2 Lu 13:24,25; 17:26-29 2Co 6:2 * Heb 3:7,8,13; 4:11 Jas 4:13,14 VERSE 26 - hoped. * :2,3 Ex 23:8 De 16:19 1Sa 8:3; 12:3 2Ch 19:7 Job 15:34 * Ps 26:9,10 Pr 17:8,23; 19:6; 29:4 Isa 1:23; 33:15; 56:11 Eze 22:27 * Eze 33:31 Ho 4:18; 12:7,8 Am 2:6,7 Mic 3:11; 7:3 1Co 6:9 * Eph 5:5,6 1Ti 6:9,10 2Pe 2:3,14,15 - wherefore. * :24 VERSE 27 - two. * Ac 28:30 - Porcius Festus. Porcius Festus was put into the government of Judea in the sixth or seventh year of Nero. He died about two years afterwards, and was succeeded by Albinus. * Ac 25:1; 26:24,25,32 - willing. * Ac 12:3; 25:9,14 Ex 23:2 Pr 29:25 Mr 15:15 Lu 23:24,25 Ga 1:10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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