1 Paul declares at large how he was converted to the faith, 17 and called to his apostleship. 22 At the very mentioning of the Gentiles the people exclaim on him. 24 He would have been scourged; 25 but claiming the privilege of a Roman, he escapes. VERSE 1 - brethren. * Ac 7:2; 13:26; 23:1,6; 28:17 - my. Greek all. * Ac 19:33; 24:10; 25:8,16; 26:1,2,24 Lu 12:11; 21:14 Ro 2:15 1Co 9:3 * 2Co 7:11; 12:19 Php 1:7,17 2Ti 4:16 1Pe 3:15 VERSE 2 - in. See on * Ac 21:40 VERSE 3 - Jew. * Ac 21:39 Ro 11:1 2Co 11:22 Php 3:5 - in Tarsus. * Ac 9:11,30; 11:25 - a city. * Ac 6:9; 15:23,41; 23:34 Ga 1:21 - at. * De 33:3 2Ki 4:38 Lu 2:46; 8:35; 10:39 - Gamaliel. * Ac 5:34 - taught. * Ac 23:6; 26:5 Ga 1:14 Php 3:5 - was. * Ac 21:20 2Sa 21:2 Ro 10:2,3 Ga 4:17,18 Php 3:6 VERSE 4 - I persecuted. * :19,20; 7:58; 8:1-4; 9:1,2,13,14,21; 26:9-11 1Co 15:9 Php 3:6 1Ti 1:13-15 - this. * Ac 16:17; 18:26; 19:9,23; 24:14 VERSE 5 - also. * Ac 9:1,2,14; 26:10,12 - and all. * Ac 4:5; 5:21 Lu 22:66 - the brethren. * :1 Ro 9:3,4 VERSE 6 - that. It is evident that the apostle considered his extraordinary conversion as a most complete demonstration of the truth of Christianity; and when all the particulars of his education, his previous religious principles, his zeal, his enmity against Christians, and his prospects of secular honors and preferments by persecuting them, are compared with the subsequent part of his life, and the sudden transition from a furious persecutor to a zealous preacher of the gospel, in which he labored and suffered to the end of his life, and for which he died a martyr, it must convince every candid and impartial person that no rational account can be given of this change, except what he himself assigns; and consequently, if that be true, that Christianity is Divine. - that. * Ac 9:3-5; 26:12 - Damascus. * Ge 14:15; 15:2 2Sa 8:6 - about. * Ac 26:13 Isa 24:23 Mt 17:2 Re 1:16 VERSE 7 - Saul. * Ge 3:9; 16:8; 22:1,11 Ex 3:4 1Sa 3:10 - why. * Isa 43:22-26 Jer 2:5,9 Mt 25:45; 27:23 1Ti 1:13 VERSE 8 - I am. * Ac 3:6; 4:10; 6:14 Mt 2:23 - whom. * Ac 26:14,15 Ex 16:7,8 1Sa 8:7 Zec 2:8 Mt 10:40-42; 25:40,45 * 1Co 12:12,26,27 VERSE 9 - saw. * Ac 9:7 Da 10:7 - but. * Joh 12:29,30 VERSE 10 - What. * Ac 2:37; 9:6; 10:33; 16:30 Ps 25:8,9; 143:8-10 - there. * :12-16; 26:16-18 VERSE 11 - when. * Ac 9:8,9 - being. * Ac 13:11 Isa 42:16 VERSE 12 - one. See on ch. * Ac 9:10-18 - a devout. * Ac 8:2; 17:4 Lu 2:25 - having. * Ac 6:3; 10:22 2Co 6:8 1Ti 3:7 Heb 11:2 3Jo 1:12 VERSE 13 - Brother. * Ac 9:17 Phm 1:16 VERSE 14 - The God. * Ac 3:13; 5:30; 13:17; 24:14 Ex 3:13-16; 15:2 2Ki 21:22 1Ch 12:17 * 1Ch 29:18 2Ch 28:25; 30:19 Ezr 7:27 Da 2:23 - hath. * Ac 9:15 Jer 1:5 Joh 15:16 Ro 1:1 Ga 1:15 2Ti 1:1 Tit 1:1 - and see. * :18; 9:17; 26:16 1Co 9:1; 15:8 - that. * Ac 3:14; 7:52 2Co 5:21 1Pe 2:22 1Jo 2:1 - hear. * 1Co 11:23; 15:3 Ga 1:12 VERSE 15 - thou shalt. * Ac 1:8,22; 10:39-41; 23:11; 26:16 *etc: * Ac 27:24 Lu 24:47,48 Joh 15:27 - of. * Ac 4:20; 26:20 VERSE 16 - why. * Ps 119:60 Jer 8:14 - arise. * Ac 2:38 Ro 6:3,4 1Co 6:11; 12:13 Ga 3:27 Tit 3:5 Heb 10:22 * 1Pe 3:21 - calling. * Ac 2:21; 9:14 Ro 10:12-14 1Co 1:2 VERSE 17 - when. * Ac 9:26-28 Ga 1:18 - while. * Ac 10:9,10 2Co 12:1-4 Re 1:10 VERSE 18 - saw. * :14 - Make. * Mt 10:14,23 Lu 21:21 - for. * Ac 3:19 Eze 3:6,7 VERSE 19 - know. * :4; 8:3; 9:1; 26:9-12 - beat. * Mt 10:17 VERSE 20 - martyr. * Re 2:13; 17:6 - Stephen. * Ac 7:58; 8:1 - consenting. * Lu 11:48 Ro 1:32 VERSE 21 - Depart. * Ac 9:15 - for. * Ac 9:15; 13:2,46,47; 18:6; 26:17,18 Ro 1:5; 11:13; 15:16; 16:26 * Ga 1:15,16; 2:7,8 Eph 3:6-8 1Ti 2:7 2Ti 1:11 VERSE 22 - Away. * Ac 7:54-57; 21:36; 25:24 Lu 23:18 Joh 19:15 - for. * Ac 25:24 VERSE 23 - cast. * Ac 7:53; 26:11 Ec 10:3 VERSE 24 - The chief. As the chief captain did not understand Hebrew, he was ignorant of the charge against Paul, and also of the defence which the apostle had made; but as he saw that they grew more and more outrageous, he supposed that Paul must have given them the highest provocation, and therefore, according to the barbarous and irrational practice which has existed in all countries, he determined to put him to the torture, in order to make him confess his crime. * Ac 21:31,32; 23:10,27 - that he should. * :25-29; 16:22,23,37 Joh 19:1 Heb 11:35 VERSE 25 - the centurion. * Ac 10:1; 23:17; 27:1,3,43 Mt 8:8; 27:54 - Is it. By the Roman law, no civil officer was allowed to punish a Roman citizen capitally, or by inflicting stripes, or even binding him; and the single expression, I am a Roman citizen, arrested their severest decrees, and obtained, if not an escape, at least a delay of his punishment. * :27,28; 16:37; 25:16 VERSE 26 - Take. * :29; 23:27 VERSE 27 VERSE 28 - But. It is extremely probable that the inhabitants of Tarsus, born in that city, had the same rights and privileges as Roman citizens, in consequence of a grant or charter from Julius Caesar, from whom it was called Juliopolis. But if this were not the case, Paul's father, or some of his ancestors, might have been rewarded with the freedom of the city of Rome, for his fidelity and bravery in some military service, as Josephus says several of the Jews were; or his father might have obtained it by purchase, as in the instance of the chief captain. * :28 VERSE 29 - examined him. or, tortured him. * :24 Heb 11:35 - the chief. * :25,26; 16:38,39 VERSE 30 - because. * Ac 21:11,33; 23:28; 26:29 Mt 27:2 - commanded. * :5; 5:21; 23:15 Mt 10:17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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