1 King Herod persecutes the Christians, kills James, and imprisons Peter; whom an angel delivers upon the prayers of the church. 20 Herod in his pride taking to himself the honor due to God, is stricken by an angel, and dies miserably. 24 After his death, the word of God prospers. 25 Saul and Barnabas return to Antioch. VERSE 1 - Cir. A.M. 4048. A.D. 44. - stretched forth his hands. or, began. * Ac 4:30; 9:31 Lu 22:53 - to vex. * Mt 10:17,18; 24:9 Joh 15:20; 16:2 VERSE 2 - James. * Mt 4:21,22; 20:23 Mr 10:35,38 - with. * 1Ki 19:1,10 Jer 26:23 Heb 11:37 VERSE 3 - he saw. * Ac 24:27; 25:9 Joh 12:43 Ga 1:10 1Th 2:4 - he proceeded. * Ac 2:14; 4:13 Ps 76:10 Joh 19:11; 21:18 - Then. * Ex 12:14-20; 13:3-7; 23:15 Le 23:6-14 Mt 26:17 1Co 5:7,8 VERSE 4 - he put. * Ac 4:3; 5:18; 8:3 Mt 24:9 Lu 21:12; 22:33 Joh 13:36-38; 21:18 - delivered. * Ac 16:23,24 Mt 27:64-66 - intending. * Ac 4:28 Es 3:6,7,13 Pr 19:21; 27:1 La 3:37 Mt 26:5 - Easter. Rather, the Passover, [to <3588> pascha <3957>.] VERSE 5 - prayer was made without ceasing, or, instant and earnest prayer was made. * :12 Isa 62:6,7 Mt 18:19 Lu 18:1 1Co 12:26 2Co 1:11 * Eph 6:18-20 1Th 5:17 Heb 13:3 Jas 5:16 VERSE 6 - the same. * Ge 22:14 De 32:26 1Sa 23:26,27 Ps 3:5,6; 4:8 Isa 26:3,4 * Php 4:6,7 Heb 13:6 - bound. * Ac 21:33; 28:20 Jer 40:4 Eph 6:20 *marg: * 2Ti 1:16 - and the. * Ac 5:23 Mt 28:4 VERSE 7 - the angel. * :23; 5:19; 10:30; 27:23,24 1Ki 19:5,7 Ps 34:7; 37:32,33 Isa 37:30 * Da 6:22 Heb 1:14 - and a. * Ac 9:3 2Sa 22:29 Eze 43:2 Mic 7:9 Hab 3:4,11 Re 18:1 - Arise. * Ge 19:15,16 Isa 60:1 Eph 5:14 - And his. The two chains with which his hands were fastened to those of the two soldiers between whom he slept. This, it appears, was the Roman method of securing a prisoner, and seems to be what is intimated in ver. 6. * :6; 2:24; 16:26 Ps 105:18-20; 107:14; 116:16; 142:6,7; 146:7 Da 3:24,25 VERSE 8 VERSE 9 - he went. * Ac 26:19 Ge 6:22 Joh 2:5 Heb 11:8 - wist not. That is, he knew not; wist being the past tense of the obsolete verb to wis, from the Saxon wissan, in German wissen, and Dutch wysen, to think, imagine, know. * Ac 10:3,17; 11:5 Ge 45:26 Ps 126:1 2Co 12:1-3 VERSE 10 - the first. * :4 Ge 40:3; 42:17 Nu 15:34 Isa 21:8 - which. * Ac 5:19; 16:26 Isa 45:1,2 Joh 20:19,26 Re 3:7 VERSE 11 - was come. He was in an ecstasy; and it was only when the angel left him, that he was fully convinced that all was real. * Lu 15:17 - I know. * Ge 15:13; 18:13; 26:9 - that the. * :7; 5:19 2Ch 16:9 Ps 34:7 Da 3:25,28; 6:22 Heb 1:14 - and hath. * 2Sa 22:1 Job 5:19 Ps 33:18; 34:22; 41:2; 97:10; 109:31 2Co 1:8-10 * 2Pe 2:9 - all. * Ac 23:12-30; 24:27; 25:3-5,9 Job 31:31 VERSE 12 - he came. * Ac 4:23; 16:40 - John. * :25; 13:5,13; 15:37-39 Col 4:10 2Ti 4:11 Phm 1:24 - where. * :5 Isa 65:24 Mt 18:19,20 1Jo 5:14,15 VERSE 13 - knocked. * :16 Lu 13:25 - hearken. or, ask who was there. VERSE 14 - she opened. * Mt 28:8 Lu 24:41 VERSE 15 - Thou. * Ac 26:24 Job 9:16 Mr 16:11,14 Lu 24:11 - It is. * Ge 48:16 Mt 18:10 Lu 24:37,38 VERSE 16 VERSE 17 - beckoning. * Ac 13:16; 19:33; 21:40 Lu 1:22 Joh 13:24 - declared. * Ps 66:16; 102:20,21; 107:21,22; 116:14,15; 146:7 - James. * Ac 15:13; 21:18 1Co 15:7 Ga 1:19; 2:9,12 Jas 1:1 - And he. * Ac 16:40 Mt 10:23 Joh 7:1; 8:59; 10:40; 11:54 VERSE 18 - there. * Ac 5:22-25; 16:27; 19:23 VERSE 19 - sought for him. * 1Sa 23:14 Ps 37:32,33 Jer 36:26 Mt 2:13 - he examined. * :4,6 Mt 28:11-15 - commanded. * Da 2:11-13 Mt 2:16 Joh 12:10,11 - he went. * Ac 21:8; 25:13 1Ki 20:43 Es 6:12 VERSE 20 - was highly displeased. or, bare an hostile mind intending war. Tyre. * Ge 10:15,19 Jos 19:29 Isa 23:1-4 Mt 11:21,22 - but. * Pr 17:14; 20:18; 25:8 Ec 10:4 Isa 27:4,5 Lu 14:31,32 - the king's chamberlain. Gr. that was over the king's bed-chamber. because. * 1Ki 5:9-11 2Ch 2:10,15 Ezr 3:7 Eze 27:17 Ho 2:8,9 Am 4:6-9 * Hag 1:8-11; 2:16,17 Lu 16:8 VERSE 21 * :21 VERSE 22 * Ac 14:10-13 Ps 12:2 Da 6:7 Jude 1:16 Re 13:4 VERSE 23 - the angel. * Ex 12:12,23,29 1Sa 25:38 2Sa 24:17 1Ch 21:14-18 2Ch 32:21 - because. * Ac 10:25,26; 14:14,15 Ex 9:17; 10:3 Ps 115:1 Isa 37:23 Eze 28:2,9 * Da 4:30-37; 5:18-24 Lu 12:47,48 2Th 2:4 - and he. * 2Ch 21:18,19 Job 7:5; 19:26 Isa 14:11; 51:8; 66:24 Mr 9:44-48 VERSE 24 * Ac 5:39; 6:7; 11:21; 19:20 Pr 28:28 Isa 41:10-13; 54:14-17; 55:10 * Da 2:24,44 Mt 16:18 Col 1:6 2Th 3:1 VERSE 25 - Barnabas. * Ac 11:29,30; 13:1-3 - ministry. or, charge. took. * Ac 13:5,13; 15:37 - John. * :12 1Pe 5:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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