TSK - 3 JOHN 1


1 He commends Gaius for his piety, 5 and hospitality, 7 to true preachers; 9 complaining of the unkind dealing of ambitious Diotrephes on the contrary side; 11 whose evil example is not to be followed; 12 and gives special testimony to the good report of Demetrius. VERSE 1 - A. D. 90. A. M. 4094. - elder. See on * 2Jo 1:1 - the well-beloved. * Ac 19:29; 20:4 Ro 16:23 1Co 1:14 - whom. * 1Jo 3:18 - See on * 2Jo 1:1 - in the truth. or, truly. VERSE 2 - wish. or, pray. above. * Jas 5:12 1Pe 4:8 - that. * Ps 20:1-5 Php 2:4,27 - even. * :3-6 Col 1:4-6 1Th 1:3-10; 2:13,14,19,20; 3:6-9 2Th 1:3; 2:13 * Phm 1:5-7 2Pe 1:3-9; 3:18 Re 2:9 VERSE 3 - I. * :4 - See on * 2Jo 1:4 Php 1:4 1Th 2:19,20 - when. * Ro 1:8,9 2Co 7:6,7 Eph 1:15,16 Col 1:7,8 1Th 3:6-9 - the truth. - See on * 2Jo 1:2,4 Ps 119:11 VERSE 4 - have. * Pr 23:24 - that. * Isa 8:18 1Co 4:15 Ga 4:19 Phm 1:10 - walk. * 1Ki 2:4; 3:6 2Ki 20:3 Ps 26:1-3 Isa 38:3 Joh 12:35,36 Ga 2:14 VERSE 5 * Mt 24:45 Lu 12:42; 16:10-12 2Co 4:1-3 Col 3:17 1Pe 4:10,11 VERSE 6 - have borne witness of thy charity. * :12 Phm 1:5-7 - whom. * Ac 15:3; 21:5 Ro 15:24 2Co 1:16 Tit 3:13 - after a godly sort. or, worthy of God. This is a literal and proper rendering of the original [axios <516> tou <5120> theos <2316>;] by which the antecedent to the possessive pronoun his, in the next verse, becomes immediately apparent. 'In a manner worthy of God, and of your relations and obligations to Him, and such as He can approve.' * 1Th 2:12 - do well. * Ge 4:7 Jon 4:4 Mt 25:21-23 Ac 15:29 Php 4:14 1Pe 2:20 VERSE 7 - that. * Ac 8:4; 9:16 2Co 4:5 Col 1:24 Re 2:3 - taking. * 2Ki 5:15,16,20-27 1Co 9:12-15,18 2Co 11:7-9; 12:13 VERSE 8 - to receive. * :10 Mt 10:14,40 Lu 11:7 2Co 7:2,3 - fellow-helpers. * 1Co 3:5-9; 16:10,11 2Co 6:1; 8:23 Php 4:3 Col 4:11 1Th 3:2 * Phm 1:2,24 VERSE 9 - who loveth. [Ho Philoproteuon] 'who loveth the presidency,' or chief place, doubtless in the church, of which Diotrephes was most probably an officer; and being one, magnified himself in his office: he loved such pre-eminence, and behaved haughtily in it. * Mt 20:20-28; 23:4-8 Mr 9:34; 10:35-45 Lu 22:24-27 Ro 12:10 * Php 2:3-5 Tit 1:7-16 - receiveth. See on ver. * :8 Mt 10:40-42 Mr 9:37 Lu 9:48 VERSE 10 - I will. * 1Co 5:1-5 2Co 10:1-11; 13:2 - prating. * Pr 10:8,10 - and casteth. * Isa 66:5 Lu 6:22 Joh 9:22,34,35 VERSE 11 - Beloved. Beloved, [agapetos <27>,] is in the vocative singular, and therefore refers to Gaius. - follow. Rather, imitate [mimou.] * Ex 23:2 Ps 37:27 Pr 12:11 Isa 1:16,17 Joh 10:27; 12:26 * 1Co 4:16; 11:1 Eph 5:1 Php 3:17 1Th 1:6; 2:14 2Ti 3:10 *marg: * Heb 6:12 1Pe 3:13 - He that doeth good. * 1Pe 3:11 - See on * 1Jo 2:29; 3:6-9 - he that doeth evil. * Joh 3:20 VERSE 12 - good. * Ac 10:22; 22:12 1Th 4:12 1Ti 3:7 - and we. * Joh 19:35; 21:24 VERSE 13 - see on * 2Jo 1:12 VERSE 14 - face to face. Gr. mouth to mouth. Peace. * Ge 43:23 Da 4:1 Ga 5:16 Eph 6:23 1Pe 5:14 - Our. * Ro 16:10,11 *marg: - friends. Instead of [philoi] and [philous,] friends, an appellation used no where else as a mutual address among Christians, several MSS. read [adelphos <80> and [adelphotes <81>,] brethren. - Greet. See on * Ro 16:1-16 GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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