1 Paul urges them to continue stedfast in the truth received; 3 shows that there shall be a departure from the faith, 9 and a discovery of Antichrist, before the day of the Lord come; 15 and thereupon repeats his former exhortation, and prays for them. VERSE 1 - we. See on * Ro 12:1 - by the. See on * 1Th 4:14-16 - and by. * Ge 49:10 Mt 24:31; 25:32 Mr 13:27 Eph 1:10 1Th 3:13; 4:17 * 2Ti 4:1 VERSE 2 - shaken. * Isa 7:2; 8:12,13; 26:3 Mt 24:6 Mr 13:7 Lu 21:9,19 Joh 14:1,27 * Ac 20:23,24 Eph 5:6 1Th 3:3 - by spirit. * De 13:1-5 Jer 23:25-27 Mic 2:11 Mt 24:4,5,24 2Pe 2:1-3 * 1Jo 4:1,2 Re 19:20 - nor by letter. * 1Th 4:15 2Pe 3:4-8 VERSE 3 - no man. See on * Mt 24:4-6 1Co 6:9 Eph 5:6 - except. * 1Ti 4:1-3 2Ti 3:1-3; 4:3,4 - man. * :8-10 Da 7:25 1Jo 2:18 Re 13:11 *etc: - the son. * Joh 17:12 Re 17:8,11 VERSE 4 - and exalteth. * Isa 14:13 Eze 28:2,6,9 Da 7:8,25; 8:9-11; 11:36 Re 13:6 - called. * 1Co 8:5 - sitteth. * Da 8:12-14; 11:45 Re 13:6,7 VERSE 5 - Remember. * Mt 16:9 Mr 8:18 Lu 24:6,7 Ac 20:31 - when. * 2Th 3:10 Joh 16:4 Ga 5:21 1Th 2:11 2Pe 1:15 VERSE 6 - withholdeth. or, holdeth. * :7 - revealed. * :3,8 VERSE 7 - the mystery. * 1Ti 3:16 Re 17:5,7 - doth. * Ac 20:29 Col 2:18-23 2Ti 2:17,18 1Jo 2:18; 4:3 - he who. * :6 VERSE 8 - that. * :3 Mt 13:19,38 1Jo 2:13; 3:12; 5:18 - whom. * Da 7:10,11,26 Re 18:8-10; 19:20; 20:10 - the spirit. * Job 4:9 Ps 18:15 Isa 11:4 Ho 6:5 Re 1:16; 2:16; 19:15,20,21 - with the brightness. * 2Th 1:8,9 Heb 10:27 VERSE 9 - is. * Joh 8:41,44 Ac 8:9-11; 13:10 2Co 4:4; 11:3,14 Eph 2:2 Re 9:11 * Re 12:9,17; 13:1-5; 18:23; 19:20; 20:10 - and signs. * Ex 7:22; 8:7,18 De 13:1,2 Mt 24:24 Mr 13:22 2Ti 3:8 Re 13:11-15 * Re 18:23; 19:20 VERSE 10 - deceivableness. * Ro 16:18 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 11:13,15 Eph 4:14 2Pe 2:18 Heb 3:13 - in them. * 1Co 1:18 2Co 2:15; 4:3 2Pe 2:12 - they received. * Pr 1:7; 2:1-6; 4:5,6; 8:17 Mt 13:11 Joh 3:19-21; 8:45-47 * Ro 2:7,8; 6:17 1Co 16:22 Jas 1:16-18 - that they. * Joh 3:17; 5:34 Ro 10:1 1Th 2:16 1Ti 2:4 VERSE 11 - for. * Ps 81:11,12; 109:17 Isa 29:9-14 Joh 12:39-43 Ro 1:21-25,28 - God. * 1Ki 22:18-22 2Ch 18:18-22 - See on * Isa 6:9,10 Eze 14:9 - that. * Isa 44:20; 66:4 Jer 27:10 Eze 21:29 Mt 24:5,11 1Ti 4:1 VERSE 12 - they. * De 32:35 Mr 16:16 Joh 3:36 1Th 5:9 2Pe 2:3 Jude 1:4,5 - but. * Ps 11:5; 50:16-21; 52:3,4 Ho 7:3 Mic 3:2 Mr 14:11 Joh 3:19-21 * Ro 1:32; 2:8; 8:7,8; 12:9 2Pe 2:13-15 3Jo 1:11 VERSE 13 - we. * 2Th 1:3 - See on * Ro 1:8; 6:17 - beloved. * :16 De 33:12 2Sa 12:25 *marg: * Jer 31:3 Eze 16:8 Da 9:23; 10:11,19 Ro 1:7 Col 3:12 1Jo 4:10,19 - from. * Ge 1:1 Pr 8:23 Isa 46:10 Joh 1:1; 8:44 Heb 1:10 - chosen. * Ro 8:33; 9:11 Eph 1:4,5 1Th 1:4 2Ti 1:9 1Pe 1:2 - through. * :10,12 Lu 1:75 1Pe 1:2-5 - belief. * Joh 8:45,46; 14:6 Ac 13:48; 15:9 Ga 3:1 Eph 2:8 Col 1:5 2Ti 2:15 * 2Ti 3:15 Jas 1:18 VERSE 14 - he called. See on * Ro 8:28-30 1Th 2:12 1Pe 5:10 - our gospel. * Ro 2:16; 16:25 1Th 1:5 - to. * Ps 16:11 Mt 25:21 Joh 14:2,3; 17:22,24 Ro 8:17 Eph 1:18 * 1Th 2:12 2Ti 2:12 1Pe 1:4,5; 5:10 Re 3:21; 21:23; 22:3-5 VERSE 15 - stand. See on * 1Co 15:58; 16:13 Php 4:1 - hold. * 2Th 3:6 1Co 11:2 - the traditions. * Ro 16:17 Jude 1:3 *Gr: - whether. * :2; 3:14 VERSE 16 - our Lord. * 2Th 1:1,2 Ro 1:7 1Th 3:11 - which. See on ver. * :13 Joh 3:16; 13:1; 15:9,13 Ro 5:8 Eph 2:4,5; 5:2,25 Tit 3:4-7 * 1Jo 3:16; 4:9,10 Re 1:5; 3:9 - everlasting. * Ps 103:17 Isa 35:10; 51:11; 60:19,20; 61:7 Lu 16:25 Joh 4:14 * Joh 14:16-18; 16:22 2Co 4:17,18 Heb 6:18 1Pe 1:5-8 Re 7:16,17 * Re 22:5 - good. * Ro 5:2-5; 8:24,25 Col 1:5,23 1Th 1:3 Tit 1:2; 2:13 Heb 6:11 * Heb 6:12,19; 7:19 1Pe 1:3-5 1Jo 3:2,3 - through. * Ac 15:11; 18:27 Ro 4:4,16; 5:2; 11:5,6 VERSE 17 - Comfort. * :16 Isa 51:3,12; 57:15; 61:1,2; 66:13 Ro 15:13 2Co 1:3-6 - stablish. * 2Th 3:3 Isa 62:7 Ro 1:11; 16:25 1Co 1:8 2Co 1:21 Col 2:7 * 1Th 3:2,13 * Heb 13:9 1Pe 5:10 Jude 1:24 - in. * Jas 1:21,22 1Jo 3:18 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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