1 David, in his last words, professes his faith in God's promises to be beyond sense or experience. 6 The different state of the wicked. 8 A catalogue of David's mighty men. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2989. B.C. 1015. An. Ex. Is. 476. the last. * Ge 49:1 De 33:1 Jos 23:1-24:32 Ps 72:20 2Pe 1:13-15 - raised. * 2Sa 7:8,9 Ps 78:70 - the anointed. * 1Sa 2:10; 16:12,13 Ps 2:6; 89:20 - sweet psalmist. * 1Ch 16:4,5,7,9 Am 6:5 Lu 20:42; 24:44 Eph 5:19,20 Col 3:16 * Jas 5:13 VERSE 2 * Mt 22:43 Mr 12:36 Ac 2:25-31 Heb 3:7,8 2Pe 1:21 VERSE 3 - God. * Ge 33:20 Ex 3:15; 19:5,6; 20:2 - the Rock. * 2Sa 22:2,32 De 32:4,30,31 Ps 42:9 - He that ruleth. or, Be thou ruler, etc. * Ps 110:2 - must be just. * Ex 23:6-8 De 16:18-20 Ps 82:3,4 Pr 31:9 Isa 11:4,5; 32:1 * Jer 23:5 Zec 9:9 Heb 1:8 - ruling. * Ex 18:21 2Ch 19:7-9 Ne 5:14 VERSE 4 - as the light. * Jud 5:31 Ps 89:36; 110:3 Pr 4:18 Isa 60:1,3,18-20 Ho 6:5 * Mal 4:2 Lu 1:78,79 Joh 1:7 - mourning. * Ho 6:3 - tender. * De 32:2 Ps 72:6 Isa 4:2 Mic 5:7 VERSE 5 - Although. * 2Sa 7:18; 12:10; 13:14,28; 18:14 1Ki 1:5; 2:24,25; 11:6-8; 12:14 - he hath made. * 2Sa 7:14-16 1Ch 17:11-14 Ps 89:3,28 Isa 9:6,7; 55:3; 61:8 Jer 32:40 * Jer 33:25,26 Eze 37:26 Heb 13:20 - and sure. * 1Sa 2:35; 25:28 1Ki 11:38 Ac 13:34 Heb 6:19 - all my salvation. * Ps 62:2; 119:81 - desire. * Ps 27:4; 63:1-3; 73:25,26 - to grow. * Isa 4:2; 7:14; 9:6,7; 11:1; 27:6 Am 9:11 1Co 3:6,7 VERSE 6 - the sons. * 2Sa 20:1 De 13:13 1Sa 2:12 - thorns. * Ge 3:18 So 2:2 Isa 33:12 Eze 2:6 VERSE 7 - fenced. Heb. filled. and they shall. * 2Sa 22:8-10 Isa 27:4 Mt 3:10-12; 13:42 Lu 19:14,27 Joh 15:6 * 2Th 1:8; 2:8 Heb 6:8 VERSE 8 - A.M. 2949-2989. B.C. 1055-1015. An. Ex. Is. 436-476. The Tachmonite. or, Josheb-bassebet, the Tachmonite, head of the three. * 1Ch 11:11,12; 27:2,32 It is highly probable that in this version instead of {yoshaiv bashshaiveth tachkemoni,} we should read {yoshavam ben chachmoni,} "Joshebeam, son of Hachmoni;' and instead of {hoo adino haƫtzni, hoo "rair eth chanitho,} "he lift up his spear," which are the readings in the parallel place in Chronicles, where it is also, "three hundred," instead of "eight hundred." - whom he slew. Heb. slain. VERSE 9 - Eleazar. * 1Ch 11:12-14; 27:4 - Dodai. defied. * Nu 23:7,8 1Sa 17:10,26,36,45,46 - the men. * Isa 63:3,5 Mr 14:50 VERSE 10 - the Lord. * Jos 10:10,42; 11:8 Jud 15:14,18 1Sa 11:13; 14:6,23; 19:5 2Ki 5:1 * Ps 108:13; 144:10 Ro 15:18 2Co 4:5 Eph 6:10-18 - and the people. * Ps 68:12 Isa 53:12 VERSE 11 - Shammah. * 1Ch 11:27 - Shammoth the Harorite. the Philistines. * 1Ch 11:13,14 - into a troop. or, for foraging. VERSE 12 - the Lord. See on ver. * :10 Ps 3:8; 44:2 Pr 21:31 VERSE 13 - three, etc. or, the three captains over the thirty. * 1Ch 11:15-19 {Shalishim,} "captains," should most probably be read, instead of {shaloshim:} thirty {shalishim,} as it is in ver. 8, and Ex 14:7: where LXX. render [ ,] which Jerome (on Eze 33) says "among the Greeks is the name of the second rank after the royal dignity." - the cave. * Jos 12:15; 15:35 1Sa 22:1 Mic 1:15 - the valley. * 2Sa 5:18,22 1Ch 11:15; 14:9 Isa 17:5 VERSE 14 - an hold. * 1Sa 22:1,4,5; 24:22 1Ch 12:16 - garrison. * 1Sa 10:5; 13:4,23; 14:1,6 VERSE 15 - longed. * Nu 11:4,5 Ps 42:1,2; 63:1; 119:81 Isa 41:17; 44:3 Joh 4:10,14 * Joh 7:37 - Bethlehem. Bethlehem signifies the "house of bread," and the place was likewise noted for excellent water. There Christ was born, who is the "bread of life," and who also gives us the "water of life." "The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." * Joh 4:14 VERSE 16 - the three. * :9 1Sa 19:5 Ac 20:24 Ro 5:7 2Co 5:14 - poured it. * Nu 28:7 1Sa 7:6 La 2:19 Php 2:17 VERSE 17 - Be it far. * 2Sa 20:20 Ge 44:17 1Sa 2:30; 26:11 1Ki 21:3 1Ch 11:19 - the blood. * Ge 9:4 Le 17:10 Ps 72:14 Mt 26:28 Mr 14:24 Joh 6:52-54 - jeopardy. * Jud 5:18 1Co 15:30 VERSE 18 - Abishai. * 2Sa 2:18; 3:30; 10:10,14; 18:2; 20:10 1Sa 26:6-8 1Ch 2:16; 11:20,21 - and slew them. Heb. slain. VERSE 19 - he attained. * :9,13,16 1Ch 11:25 Mt 13:8,23 1Co 15:41 VERSE 20 - Benaiah. * 2Sa 8:18; 20:23 1Ki 1:8,26,38; 2:29-35,46 1Ch 18:17; 27:5,6 - Kabzeel. * Jos 15:21 - who had done many acts. Heb. great of acts. he slew. * Ex 15:15 - lion-like men. Heb. lions of God. * 2Sa 1:23 1Ch 11:22-24; 12:8 - slew a lion. * Jud 14:5,6 1Sa 17:34-37 VERSE 21 - a goodly man. Heb. a man of countenance, or sight. called. * 1Ch 11:23 - a man of great stature. slew him. * 1Sa 17:51 Col 2:15 VERSE 22 VERSE 23 - more honorable. or, honorable among the thirty. * 1Ch 27:6 - over his guard. or, over his council. Heb. at his command. * 2Sa 8:8; 20:23 1Sa 22:14 VERSE 24 - Asahel. * 2Sa 2:18 1Ch 11:26; 27:7 VERSE 25 - Shammah. * 1Ch 11:27,28 - Shammoth the Harorite. VERSE 26 - Paltite. * 1Ch 11:27; 27:10 - Pelonite. Ira. * 1Ch 11:28; 27:9 - Tekoite. See on ver. * 2Sa 14:2 VERSE 27 - Abiezer. * 1Ch 11:28 - Antothite. * 1Ch 27:12 - Anetothite. Mebunnai. * 1Ch 11:19 - Sibbecai. VERSE 28 - Maharai. * 1Ch 11:30; 27:13 VERSE 29 - Heleb. * 1Ch 11:30 - Heled. * 1Ch 27:15 - Heldai. Ittai. * 1Ch 11:31 - Ithai. VERSE 30 - Benaiah. * 1Ch 11:31; 27:14 - Pirathonite. * Jud 12:15 - Hiddai. * 1Ch 11:32 - Hurai. brooks. or, valleys. * De 1:24 Jud 2:9 VERSE 31 - Abi-albon. * 1Ch 11:32 - Abiel. Barhumite. * 1Ch 11:33 - Baharumite. VERSE 32 - Jashen. * 1Ch 11:34 - Hashem, the Gizonite. VERSE 33 - Shammah. * 1Ch 11:27 - Sharar. * 1Ch 11:35 - Sacar. VERSE 34 - Eliam. * 2Sa 11:3; 15:31; 17:23 1Ch 27:33,34 VERSE 35 - Hezrai. * 1Ch 11:37 - Hezro. VERSE 36 - Igal. * 1Ch 11:38 - Joel. VERSE 37 - Zelek. * 1Ch 11:39 - Nahari. * 1Ch 11:37 VERSE 38 - Ira. * 2Sa 20:26 1Ch 2:53; 11:40 VERSE 39 - Uriah. * 2Sa 11:3,6-27; 12:9 1Ki 15:5 1Ch 11:41 Mt 1:6 - thirty and seven in all. From the number of these officers being thirty-seven, it is almost self-evident that {shalishim} cannot denote the thirty, as rendered in ver. 13, etc., but some particular description of men, or officers; for it can scarcely be said, with propriety, that we have thirty-seven out of thirty; and besides, in the parallel place in 1 Chronicles, there are sixteen added! GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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