1 Ahithophel's counsel is overthrown by Hushai's, according to God's appointment. 15 Secret intelligence is sent unto David. 23 Ahithophel hangs himself. 25 Amasa is made captain. 27 David at Mahanaim is furnished with provisions. VERSE 1 - I will arise. * Pr 1:16; 4:16 Isa 59:7,8 - this night. * Ps 3:3-5; 4:8; 109:2-4 VERSE 2 - weary. * 2Sa 16:14 De 25:18 - I will smite. * 1Ki 22:31 Zec 13:7 Mt 21:38; 26:31 Joh 11:50; 18:4-8 VERSE 3 - I will bring. * 2Sa 3:21 - shall be. * Isa 48:22; 57:21 1Th 5:3 VERSE 4 - the saying. * 1Sa 18:20,21; 23:21 Es 5:14 Ro 1:32 - pleased Absalom well. Heb. was right in the eyes of Absalom. * 2Ch 30:4 Es 1:21 VERSE 5 - Hushai. * 2Sa 15:32-37; 16:16-19 - he saith. Heb. is in his mouth. VERSE 6 - saying. Heb. word. * :6 VERSE 7 - given. Heb. counselled. not good. * Pr 31:8 VERSE 8 - mighty men. * 2Sa 15:18; 21:18-22; 23:8,9,16,18,20-22 1Sa 16:18; 17:34-36,50 * 1Ch 11:25-47 Heb 11:32-34 - chafed in their minds. Heb. bitter of soul. * Jud 18:25 - as a bear. * 2Ki 2:24 Pr 17:12; 28:15 Da 7:5 Ho 13:8 - thy father is. * 1Sa 23:23 VERSE 9 - he is hid. * Jud 20:33 1Sa 22:1; 24:3 - some. * Jos 7:5; 8:6 Jud 20:32 1Sa 14:14,15 - over thrown. Heb. fallen. VERSE 10 - heart. * 2Sa 1:23; 23:20 Ge 49:9 Nu 24:8,9 Pr 28:1 - utterly melt. * Ex 15:15 De 1:28 Jos 2:9-11 Isa 13:7; 19:1 - thy father. * 1Sa 18:17 Heb 11:34 - and they which. * So 3:7 VERSE 11 - all Israel. * 2Sa 24:2 Jud 20:1 - as the sand. * Ge 13:16; 22:17 Jos 11:4 1Ki 4:20; 20:10 - thou go. Heb. they face, or presence, go, etc. in thine. * 2Sa 12:28 Ps 7:15,16; 9:16 VERSE 12 - in some place. * 1Sa 23:23 - we will light. This is a very beautiful and expressive figure. The dew in Palestine, and other warm climates, falls fast, sudden, and heavy; and it falls upon every spot of earth, so that not a blade of grass escapes it. It is therefore no inapt emblem of a numerous and active army; and it was, perhaps, for this reason that the Romans called their light armed forces {rorarii.} * 1Ki 20:10 2Ki 18:23; 19:24 Isa 10:13,14 Ob 1:3 VERSE 13 - bring ropes. In the same manner the king of Maturan, in Java, proposed pulling down a tower which the Dutch had built, by making his people and elephants pull at a number of chains, and ropes of cocoa-nut bark, thrown around it. - one small. * Mt 24:2 VERSE 14 - the Lord. * 2Sa 15:31 Ge 32:28 Ex 9:16 De 2:30 2Ch 25:16,20 - appointed. Heb. commanded. * Ps 33:9,10 La 3:37 Am 9:3 - to defeat. * 2Sa 15:34; 16:23 Job 5:12-14 Pr 19:21; 21:30 Isa 8:10 1Co 1:19,20 * 1Co 3:19 - good counsel. * Lu 16:8 VERSE 15 - Zadok. * 2Sa 15:35 VERSE 16 - Lodge. * 2Sa 15:28 - but speedily. * :21,22; 15:14,28 1Sa 20:38 Ps 55:8 Pr 6:4,5 Mt 24:16-18 - be swallowed. * 2Sa 20:19,20 Ps 35:25; 56:2; 57:3 1Co 15:54 2Co 5:4 VERSE 17 - Jonathan. * 2Sa 15:27,36 - stayed. * Jos 2:4-24 - En-rogel. * Jos 15:7; 18:16 1Ki 1:9 VERSE 18 - Bahurim. * 2Sa 3:16; 16:5; 19:16 VERSE 19 - spread a covering. * Jos 2:4-6,5-24 - the thing. * Ex 1:19 VERSE 20 - They be gone. * 2Sa 15:34 Ex 1:19 Jos 2:4,5 1Sa 19:14-17; 21:2; 27:11,12 - when they had sought. * Jos 2:22,23 VERSE 21 - Arise. See on ver. * :15,16 - thus hath Ahithophel. * :1-3 VERSE 22 - and they passed. * :24 Pr 27:12 Mt 10:16 - there lacked. * Nu 31:49 Joh 18:9 VERSE 23 - saw. * Pr 16:18; 19:3 - followed. Heb. done. his city. * 2Sa 15:12 - put his household in order. Heb. gave charge concerning his house. * 2Ki 20:1 - and hanged. * 2Sa 15:31 1Sa 31:4,5 1Ki 16:18 Job 31:3 Ps 5:10; 55:23 Mt 27:5 VERSE 24 - Mahanaim. * 2Sa 2:8 Ge 32:2 Jos 13:26 VERSE 25 - Amasa. * 2Sa 19:13; 20:4,9-12 - Ithra. * 1Ch 2:16,17 - Jether the Ishmaelite. Abigail. Heb. Abigal. Nahash. or, Jesse. * 1Ch 2:13,16 VERSE 26 - land of the Gilead. * Nu 32:1-42 De 3:15 Jos 17:1 VERSE 27 - the son of Nahash. * 2Sa 10:1,2; 12:29,30 1Sa 11:1 - Machir. * 2Sa 9:4 - Barzillai. * 2Sa 19:31,32 1Ki 2:7 Ezr 2:61 VERSE 28 - beds. These no doubt consisted of skins of beasts, mats, carpets, and such like. * 2Sa 16:1,2 1Sa 25:18 Isa 32:8 - basons. or, cups. {Sappoth,} probably wooden bowls, such as the Arabs still eat out of, and knead their bread in. - earthen vessels. {Keley yotzair}, literally, "vessels of the potter." So when Dr. Perry visited the temple of Luxor in Egypt, he says, "We were entertained by the Caliph here with great civility and favor; he sent us, in return of our presents, several sheep, a good quantity of eggs, {bardacks,}" etc. The {bardacks,} he informs us, were earthen vessels, used "to cool and refresh their water in, by means of which it drinks very cool and pleasant in the hottest seasons of the year." See Harmer, ch. vi. * Ob 1:3 - wheat. Mr. Jones says, "Travellers use {zumeet, tumeet,} and {limereece.} {Zumeet} is flour mixed with honey, butter, and spice; {tumeet} is flour done up with organ oil: and {limereece} is flour mixed with water, for drink. This quenches thirst much better than water alone, satisfies a hungry appetite; cools and refreshes tired and weary spirits," etc. VERSE 29 - cheese of kine. * 1Sa 17:18 - for David. * Lu 8:3 Php 4:15-19 - to eat. * :2 Ps 34:8-10; 84:11 - The people. * Jud 8:4-6 Ec 11:1,2 Isa 21:14; 58:7 - in the wilderness. * 2Sa 16:2,14 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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