1 Absalom, by fair speeches and courtesies, steals the hearts of Israel. 7 Under pretence of a vow, he obtains leave to go to Hebron. 10 He makes there a great conspiracy. 13 David upon the news flees from Jerusalem. 19 Ittai will not leave him. 24 Zadok and Abiathar are sent back with the ark. 30 David and his company go up mount Olivet weeping. 31 He curses Ahithophel's counsel. 32 Hushai is sent back with instructions. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2980. B.C. 1024. Absalom. * 2Sa 12:11 De 17:16 1Sa 8:11 1Ki 1:5,33; 10:26-29 Ps 20:7 Pr 11:2 * Pr 16:18; 17:19 Jer 22:14-16 VERSE 2 - rose up. * Job 24:14 Pr 4:16 Mt 27:1 - came. Heb. to come. * Ex 18:14,16,26 1Ki 3:16-28 VERSE 3 - thy matters. * Nu 16:3,13,14 Ps 12:2 Da 11:21 2Pe 2:10 - there is, etc. or, none will hear thee from the king downward. * 2Sa 8:15 Ex 20:12; 21:17 Pr 30:11,17 Eze 22:7 Mt 15:4 Ac 23:5 * 1Pe 2:17 VERSE 4 - Oh that I. * Jud 9:1-5,29 Pr 25:6 Lu 14:8-11 - I would do. * Pr 27:2 2Pe 2:19 VERSE 5 - took him. * Ps 10:9,10; 55:21 Pr 26:25 - and kissed. * 2Sa 14:33 VERSE 6 - stole. * Pr 11:9 Ro 16:18 2Pe 2:3 VERSE 7 - A.M. 2983. B.C. 1021. An. Ex. Is. 470. forty years. As David reigned in the whole only forty years, this reading is evidently corrupt, though supported by the commonly printed Vulgate, LXX., and Chaldee. But the Syriac, Arabic, Josephus, Theodoret, the Sixtine edition of the Vulgate, and several MSS. of the same version, read four years; and it is highly probable that {arbâim,} forty, is an error for {arbâ,} four, though not supported by any Hebrew MS. yet discovered. Two of those collated by Dr. Kennicott, however, have {yom,} "day," instead of {shanah,} "year," i.e., forty days instead of forty years; but this is not sufficient to outweigh the other authorities. * 2Sa 13:38 1Sa 16:1,13 - let me go. * 2Sa 13:24-27 - pay. * 1Sa 16:2 Pr 21:27 Isa 58:4 Mt 2:8; 23:14 VERSE 8 - thy servant. * Ge 28:20,21 1Sa 1:11; 16:2 Ps 56:12 Ec 5:4 - Geshur. * 2Sa 13:37,38; 14:23,32 - I will serve. * Jos 24:15 Isa 28:15 Jer 9:3-5; 42:20 VERSE 9 VERSE 10 - spies. * 2Sa 13:28; 14:30 - reigneth. * 2Sa 19:10 Job 20:5-29 Ps 73:18,19 - Hebron. * 2Sa 2:1,11; 3:2,3; 5:5 1Ch 11:3; 12:23,38 VERSE 11 - called. * 1Sa 9:13; 16:3-5 - their simplicity. * Ge 20:5 1Sa 22:15 Pr 14:15; 22:3 Mt 10:16 Ro 16:18,19 VERSE 12 - Ahithophel. * :31; 16:20-23; 17:14,23 - David's. * Ps 41:9; 55:12-14 Mic 7:5,6 Joh 13:18 - Giloh. * Jos 15:51 - while he offered. * Nu 23:1,14,30 1Ki 21:9,12 Ps 50:16-21 Pr 21:27 Isa 1:10-16 * Tit 1:16 - the people. * Ps 3:1,2; 43:1,2 VERSE 13 - The hearts. * :6; 3:36 Jud 9:3 Ps 62:9 Mt 21:9; 27:22 VERSE 14 - Arise. * 2Sa 19:9 Ps 3:1 *title - bring. Heb. thrust. * Eze 46:18 Mt 11:12 *marg: * Lu 10:15 - and smite. * 2Sa 23:16,17 Ps 51:18; 55:3-11; 137:5,6 VERSE 15 - Behold. * Pr 18:24 Lu 22:28,29 Joh 6:66-69; 15:14 - appoint. Heb. choose. VERSE 16 - the king. * Ps 3:1 *title - after him. Heb. at his feet. * Jud 4:10 1Sa 25:27,42 *marg: - ten women. * 2Sa 12:11; 16:21,22; 20:3 Ro 12:2 VERSE 17 - went forth. * Ps 3:1 *title * Ps 3:2; 66:12 Ec 10:7 VERSE 18 - Cherethites. * 2Sa 8:18; 20:7,23 1Sa 30:14 1Ki 1:38 1Ch 18:17 - Gittites. * :19-22; 6:10; 18:2 1Sa 27:3 VERSE 19 - Ittai. * 2Sa 18:2 Ru 1:11-13 VERSE 20 - go up and down. Heb. wander in going. * Ps 56:8; 59:15 Am 8:12 Heb 11:37,38 - seeing. * 1Sa 23:13 - mercy. * 2Sa 2:6 Ps 25:10; 57:3; 61:7; 85:10; 89:14 Pr 14:22 Joh 1:17 * 2Ti 1:16-18 VERSE 21 - As the Lord. * 1Sa 20:3; 25:26 2Ki 2:2,4,6; 4:30 - surely. * Ru 1:16,17 Pr 17:17; 18:24 Mt 8:19,20 Joh 6:66-69 Ac 11:23 * Ac 21:13 2Co 7:3 VERSE 22 - and all the little. Sir John Chardin informs us,in a MS. note on this place, that it is usual with the greatest part of the eastern people, especially the Arabs, to carry their whole family with them when they go to war. * :22 VERSE 23 - all the country. * Ro 12:15 - the brook. The brook Kidron, which is but a few paces broad, runs along the valley of Jehoshaphat, east of Jerusalem, to the south-west corner of the city, and then, turning to the south-east, empties itself into the Dead Sea. Like the Ilissus, it is dry at least nine months in the year, being only furnished with water in the winter, and after heavy rains: its bed is narrow and deep, which indicates that it must formerly have been the channel for waters which have found some other, and probably subterraneous course. - Kidron. * 1Ki 2:37 Joh 18:1 - Cedron. the wilderness. * 2Sa 16:2 Mt 3:1,3 Lu 1:80 VERSE 24 - Zadok. * :27,35; 8:17; 20:25 1Ki 1:8; 2:35; 4:2-4 1Ch 6:8-12 Eze 48:11 - bearing. * 2Sa 6:13 Nu 4:15; 7:9 Jos 3:3,6,15-17; 4:16-18; 6:4,6 1Sa 4:3-5,11 * 1Ch 15:2 VERSE 25 - Carry back. * 2Sa 12:10,11 1Sa 4:3-11 Jer 7:4 - he will bring. * Ps 26:8; 27:4,5; 42:1,2; 43:3,4; 63:1,2; 84:1-3,10; 122:1,9 * Isa 38:22 - habitation. * 2Sa 6:17; 7:2 VERSE 26 - I have not. * 2Sa 22:20 Nu 14:8 1Ki 10:9 2Ch 9:8 Isa 42:1; 62:4 Jer 22:28; 32:41 * Mt 1:10 - let. * Jud 10:15 1Sa 3:18 Job 1:20,21 Ps 39:9 VERSE 27 - a seer. * 2Sa 24:11 1Sa 9:9 1Ch 25:5 - return. * :34,36; 17:17 VERSE 28 * :23; 16:2; 17:1,16 VERSE 29 VERSE 30 - the ascent. * Zec 14:4 Lu 19:29,37; 21:37; 22:39 Ac 1:12 - mount Olivet. Mount Olivet, so called from its abounding with olive trees, is situated east of Jerusalem, being separated from it only by the valley of Jehoshaphat and the brook Kidron. Josephus says it is five stadia, i.e., 625 geometrical paces from Jerusalem; and St. Luke (Ac 1:12) says it is a Sabbath day's journey, or about eight stadia distant, i.e., to the summit. It forms part of a ridge of limestone hills, extending from north to south for about a mile; and it is described as having three, or, according to others, four summits; the central and highest of which overlooks the whole of the city, over whose streets and walls the eye roves as if in the survey of a model. - and wept as he went up. Heb. going up and weeping. * Ps 42:3-11; 43:1,2,5 Lu 19:41 - his head covered. This custom was only practised by persons in great distress, or when convicted of great crimes. Thus Darius, when informed by Tyriotes, the eunuch, that his queen was dead, and that she had suffered no violence from Alexander, covered his head, and wept a long time; then throwing off the garment that covered him, he thanked the gods for Alexander's moderation and justice. * 2Sa 19:4 Es 6:12 Jer 14:3,4 - barefoot. * Isa 20:2,4 Eze 24:17,23 - weeping. * Ps 126:5,6 Mt 5:4 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 VERSE 31 - Ahithophel. * :12 Ps 3:1; 41:9; 55:12,14 Mt 26:14,15 Joh 13:18 - O Lord. * Ps 55:15; 109:3 - turn the counsel. * 2Sa 16:23; 17:14,23 Job 5:12; 12:16-20 Isa 19:3,11-25 Jer 8:8,9 * 1Co 1:20; 3:18-20 Jas 3:15 VERSE 32 - the top. * :30 1Ki 11:7 Lu 19:29 - he worshipped. * 1Ki 8:44,45 Job 1:20,21 Ps 3:3-5,7; 4:1-3; 50:15; 91:15 - Hushai. * 2Sa 16:16-19 - Archite. * Jos 16:2 - coat rent. * 2Sa 1:2; 13:19 VERSE 33 - then thou. * 2Sa 19:35 VERSE 34 - return. * :20 Jos 8:2 Mt 10:16 - as I have been. * 2Sa 16:16-19 - then mayest. * 2Sa 17:5-14 VERSE 35 - thou shalt tell. * 2Sa 17:15,16 VERSE 36 - their two sons. * :27; 17:17; 18:19-33 VERSE 37 - friend. * 2Sa 16:16 1Ch 27:33 - Absalom. * 2Sa 16:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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