1 He foretells them of false teachers, shewing the impiety and punishment both of them and their followers; 7 from which the godly shall be delivered, as Lot was out of Sodom; 10 and more fully describes the manners of those profane and blasphemous seducers, whereby they may be the better known, and avoided. VERSE 1 - there were. * De 13:1-3 1Ki 18:19-22; 22:6 Ne 6:12-14 Isa 9:15; 56:10,11 * Jer 14:13-15; 23:16,17,25-32; 27:14,15; 28:15-17; 29:8,9,31,32 * Jer 37:19 La 2:14 Eze 13:3-18 Ho 9:8 Mic 2:11; 3:5,11 * Zec 13:3,4 Mt 7:15 Lu 6:26 Ro 16:18 - even. * Mt 24:5,11,24 Mr 13:22 Lu 21:8 Ac 20:29,30 1Co 11:19 * 2Co 11:13-15 Ga 4:17 Eph 4:14 Col 2:8,18 2Th 2:3-12 1Ti 4:1-3 * 2Ti 3:1-9; 4:3 Tit 1:11 1Jo 2:18,19,26; 4:1 Jude 1:18 Re 2:9; 13:14 - privily. * :3 Ga 2:4 - damnable. * :3 Ga 5:20 Tit 3:10 - denying. * Mt 10:33 Lu 12:9 Ac 3:13,14 2Ti 2:12,13 Jude 1:4 Re 2:13; 3:8 - bought. * De 32:6 Ac 20:28 1Co 6:20; 7:23 Ga 3:13 Eph 1:7 Heb 10:29 * 1Pe 1:8 Re 5:9 - and bring. * :3 Mal 3:5 Php 3:19 VERSE 2 - many. * Mt 24:10-13,24 Mr 13:22 1Jo 2:18,19 Re 12:9; 13:8,14 - destructive ways. or, lascivious ways, as some copies read. by reason. * Ro 2:24 1Ti 5:14 Tit 2:5,8 - way. * :15,21 Ps 18:21 Isa 35:8 Jer 6:16 Mt 7:14; 22:16 Mr 12:14 * Joh 14:6 Ac 13:10; 16:17; 18:26; 19:9; 24:14 - evil. * :12 Ac 14:2 1Pe 2:12 Jude 1:10,15 VERSE 3 - through. * :14,15 Isa 56:11 Jer 6:13; 8:10 Eze 13:19 Mic 3:11 Mal 1:10 * Ro 16:18 2Co 12:17,18 1Ti 3:3,8; 6:5 Tit 1:7,11 1Pe 5:2 * Jude 1:11 - with. * 2Pe 1:16 Ps 18:44; 66:3; 81:15 *marg: * Lu 20:20; 22:47 1Th 2:5 - make. * De 24:17 Joh 2:16 2Co 2:17 Re 18:11-13 - whose. * :1,9 De 32:35 Isa 5:19; 30:13,14; 60:22 Hab 3:3 Lu 18:8 1Th 5:3 * 1Pe 2:8 Jude 1:4,7,15 VERSE 4 - spared. * :5 De 29:20 Ps 78:50 Eze 5:11; 7:4,9 Ro 8:32; 11:21 - the angels. * Job 4:18 Lu 10:18 Joh 8:44 1Jo 3:8 Jude 1:6 - but. * Isa 14:12 Mt 8:29; 25:41 Mr 5:7 Lu 8:31 Re 12:7-9; 20:2,3,10 - into. * :11 Jude 1:6 - to be. * :9 Job 21:30 Jude 1:13 VERSE 5 - spared. * Ge 6:1-8:22 Job 22:15,16 Mt 24:37-39 Lu 17:26,27 Heb 11:7 - the eighth. * Ge 7:1 *etc: * 1Pe 3:20 - a preacher. * 1Pe 3:19 Jude 1:14,15 - bringing. * 2Pe 3:6 VERSE 6 - turning. * Ge 19:24,25,28 De 29:23 Isa 13:19 Jer 50:40 Eze 16:49-56 * Ho 11:8 Am 4:11 Zep 2:9 Lu 17:28-30 Jude 1:7 - making. * Nu 26:10 De 29:23 1Co 10:11 VERSE 7 - delivered. * Ge 19:16,22,29 1Co 10:13 - vexed. * Ge 13:13; 19:7,8 Ps 120:5 Jer 9:1-6; 23:9 VERSE 8 - that. * Pr 25:26; 28:12 1Ti 1:9 Jas 5:16 - in seeing. * Ps 119:136,139,158 Eze 9:4,6 Mal 3:15-17 VERSE 9 - knoweth. * Job 5:19 Ps 34:15-19 1Co 10:13 - the godly. * Ps 4:3; 12:1; 32:6 2Ti 3:12 Tit 2:14 - and. * :4 Job 21:30 Pr 16:4 Jude 1:14,15 - unto. * 2Pe 3:7 Ro 2:5 2Co 5:10,11 VERSE 10 - that. * Ro 8:1,4,5,12,13 2Co 10:3 Heb 13:4 - in the. * Ro 1:24-27 1Co 6:9 Eph 4:19; 5:5 Col 3:5 1Th 4:7 * Jude 1:4,6-8,10,16 - despise. * Nu 16:12-15 De 17:12,13; 21:20,21 1Sa 10:27 2Sa 20:1 1Ki 12:16 * Ps 2:1-5; 12:4 Jer 2:31 Lu 19:14 Ro 13:1-5 1Pe 2:13,14 - government. or, dominion. Presumptuous. * Nu 15:30 Jude 1:8 - selfwilled. * Ge 49:6 Tit 1:7 - to speak. * Ex 22:28 Ec 10:6,7,20 Ac 23:5 Jude 1:8,10 VERSE 11 - angels. * Ps 103:20; 104:4 Da 6:22 2Th 1:7 Jude 1:9 - against them. Some read 'against themselves.' VERSE 12 - as natural. * Ps 49:10; 92:6; 94:8 Jer 4:22; 5:4; 10:8,21; 12:3 Eze 21:31 Jude 1:10 - perish. * :19; 1:4 Pr 14:32 Joh 8:21 Ga 6:8 VERSE 13 - the reward. * Isa 3:11 Ro 2:8,9 Php 3:19 2Ti 4:14 Heb 2:2,3 Jude 1:12 *etc: * Re 18:6 - to riot. * Ro 13:13 1Th 5:7,8 1Pe 4:4 - Spots. * So 4:7 Eph 5:27 Jude 1:12 - while. * 1Co 11:20-22 VERSE 14 - eyes. * 2Sa 11:2-4 Job 31:7,9 Pr 6:25 Mt 5:28 1Jo 2:16 - adultery. Gr. an adulteress. that cannot. * Isa 1:16 Jer 13:23 Mt 12:34 Joh 5:44 - beguiling. * :18; 3:16 Mr 13:22 Ro 16:18 1Co 11:19 Eph 4:14 Col 2:18 Jas 1:8 * Re 12:9 - an heart. See on ver. * :3 Jude 1:11 - cursed. * Isa 34:5; 65:20 Mt 25:41 Eph 2:3 VERSE 15 - forsaken. * 1Sa 12:23 1Ki 18:18; 19:10 Eze 9:10 Pr 28:4 Ho 14:8 Ac 13:10 - Balaam. * Nu 22:5-7 - son of Beor. who. * Nu 22:18-21,23,28; 31:16 De 23:4,5 Mic 6:5 Jude 1:11 Re 2:14 - wages. * Ac 1:18 VERSE 16 - the dumb. * Nu 22:22-33 - the madness. * Ec 7:25; 9:3 Ho 9:7 Lu 16:11 Ac 26:11,24,25 VERSE 17 - are wells. * Job 6:14-17 Jer 14:3 Ho 6:4 Jude 1:12,13 - clouds. * Eph 4:14 - mist. 'The blackness, [zophos <2217>,] of darkness itself, says Leigh. - darkness. * :4 Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30 Jude 1:6,13 VERSE 18 - they speak. * Ps 52:1-3; 73:8,9 Da 4:30; 11:36 Ac 8:9 2Th 2:4 Jude 1:13,15,16 * Re 13:5,6,11 - great swelling. [Huperogkos <5246>,] things puffed up with the wind. - wantonness. * Ro 13:13 Jas 5:5 - that were. * :20; 1:4 Ac 2:40 - clean. or, for a little, or, a while, as some read. VERSE 19 - they promise. * Ga 5:1,13 1Pe 2:16 - they themselves. * Joh 8:34 Ro 6:12-14,16-22 Tit 3:3 - overcome. * :20 Isa 28:1 Jer 23:9 2Ti 2:26 VERSE 20 - after. * Mt 12:43-45 Lu 11:24-26 Heb 6:4-8; 10:26,27 - escaped. * :18; 1:4 - through. * 2Pe 1:2 - the latter. * Nu 24:20 De 32:29 Php 3:19 VERSE 21 - it had. * Mt 11:23,24 Lu 12:47 Joh 9:41; 15:22 - the way. * Pr 12:28; 16:31 Mt 21:32 - to turn. * Ps 36:3,4; 125:5 Eze 3:20; 18:24; 23:13 Zep 1:6 - holy. * Ro 7:12 1Th 4:2 VERSE 22 - The dog. * Pr 26:11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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